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  • Contest Holder
    Tenshi no Yami
    Tenshi no Yami
    Well, there's not much other than I really enjoy telling stories and am working on my degree in English with a concentration in Writing. I enjoy several genres but I think Supernatural, Science Fiction, and Manga may be my faves. I also like writing yaoi/slash so don't be surprised if you see that in my showcase either.

    I'm originally on Fiction press but I suppose I could transfer some of those stories to here to get a new outlook... If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will reply as soon as I am able (/^_^)/

    I look forward to reading everyone's stories!

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  • Challengers
    Challengers Ernest_ScribblerChallengers _Challengers BlankmarksChallengers DaddysKitten
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed

You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy's life, not knowing that he is the crime lord's son. In doing so, you have joined the no-harm list.

What are you going to do?

Write a story no more than 10000 words telling me what happens. This could be in first person or third person. Be creative, go nuts, and have fun!

You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy's life, not knowing that he is the crime lord's son. In doing so, you have joined the no-harm list.

What are you going to do?

Write a story no more than 10000 words telling me what happens. This could be in first person or third person. Be creative, go nuts, and have fun!