
  • 作者
    A random person who makes random stories at time. I enjoy learning about history- mainly about the Revolutionary War and World War II (mainly the Holocaust).

    I also enjoy some of the sci-fi elements, mainly time traveling.

    Hence my first book. My book is my first one, so I'm not expecting anything great lol but I wanted to try my idea out and just write my story. Which mixes the time travel and one of the wars together.

    I also make random stories that aren't as serious, like stories that are meant for a laugh

    A couple things that I don't write is fanfics and smut. Fanfics because I have this weird thing where I don't want to make the person different than how they actually are on accident and smit because I'm just uncomfortable with writing it.

    In the future I am planning on writing some more stories, which go more along the lines of music and possibly baseball.

    In short, I have too many of different genres I am writing/planning on writing lol
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A Man From the Past

(This story is more historical fiction + Sci-Fi but that wasn’t an option)

Do you think time travel exists? Do you think it can be a thing in the world someday? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to meet someone who died more than 100 years ago? What was their life like?

Ashlyn Finn is a random girl who is just trying to get through her life, as anyone else in the world is. She has always been into the idea of time travel, and how it would work if it were to exist one day. Although, she wants to know how the future is, rather than the past

Well what happens when there is a movie about time travel playing? Seems fairly normal, right? Especially since she is working at a movie theater. 

This new movie has rumors going on about it. People say that the movie is haunted. They say something crazy happens each time it is played at a movie theater. Not many people believe in these rubies, they're only rumors after all.

The movie is at the climax. Inside the movie it is pouring rain and the woman is about to walk into the Time Machine and experience time travel for the first time. Inside the movie there is a loud rumble of thunder- but then right as that sound is made, the power goes out.

Ashlyn is part of the staff so she has to help out the power back on. They finally get the power back on but Ashlyn notices something out of the corner of her eye. 

Out the window a man appears out of thin air. But not before a real loud thunder rumbles, but the sky has not one cloud, a very sunny day. 

This man is wearing a blue uniform. One of those uniforms a patriot wore during the Revolutionary War. 

What happens when the future/present interacts with 'A Man From the Past'? 

Additional Notes: This is my first book, so if you decide to read it, don't expect it to be great. This was inspired by some other stories, but I made sure my story was different from the ones I've read. Some elements might make it seem so, but this is not a Hamilton fanfic. All characters are made by me, none of them are real people. Written in Ashlyn's POV

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