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  • Writer
    Hello Penana! The handle's Blondemaverick, but I also answer to 'Blondie', 'Karin-with-an-I', 'Hey, Baldie!', and 'Aren't you... that... you know?'

    Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kmmayville/
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    pUbLiShEd BoOkS:

    "Black Heart" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H7BWFRX
    "The Glass Cloister" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083Y59V85
    "Vertus State" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WKZKWMD
    "Valkyr State" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WLN2XXP
    "A Box of Wet Matches" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WS4FX6Y
    "Jane the Lich" - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMPFJNFF
    See more
Kinigos Island
R On Break
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The Doulosi must be divided.

They operate technology with thoughts alone. They bend electricity, water, and fire with simple gestures and commands. They shape the fabric of reality around them.

If the Doulosi cannot be divided... Mankind is surly doomed.

"Doulos magic is not going to save the world. There will be no saviors. There are no innocents to defend if we go to war... My mother will never accept that."

Beauregard Colette has been on his own for the last ten years, working as a research and development team lead at one of America's premiere tech companies, Kinigos Industries. He gave up his Free Doulosi identity all those years ago in order to survive in a world increasingly at odds with unregulated users of magic. He was content with his work, appreciating the company of artificial people over their fleshy counterparts.

Of course, his precious routine is upset when his mother, a very public Free Doulosi leader figure, invites him back to the fold for a peaceful family gathering where it is assumed all the Free Doulosi royalty will be grouped together for the first time in nearly two decades. Under orders to funnel all information back to the Interceptor Corps, Beau is sponsored by his company to take Nina Colette up on her offer--as a show of good faith in his human overlords, if nothing else.

But Beau knows what his mother really wants, and it isn't peace.


This is the third installment in the Doulosi Universe. If you're ever lost or confused about the significance of certain events/characters, you are more than welcome and are encouraged to read the previous entries, The Glass Cloister on Amazon.com and A Box of Wet Matches (a short story collection bridging the narrative gap between Cloister and Kinigos) available soon through the same storefront. However, if something still isn't jiving, please let me know. Criticism is always much appreciated.

If you'd like to join the fan page to swap memes and opinions, check us out on Facebook! You can search for "Doulosi Sympathizers" in the search bar, or follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/184557312491304/ 

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