The O'Malley House had a long and chilling history. For 33 years, the house had been ranked as the most haunted house in Omaha. Anyone who walked through that door would come out frozen in fear. Even the bravest people cowered after spending even a few minutes inside.
But if you want to know how it got there, you have to go back to the very beginning.
Which started with a 14-year old girl, named Echo O'Malley.
In 1989, Echo O'Malley died in a freak bike accident while riding through the woods. No one understood how this was possible. Echo was great at riding her bike. It was truly a tragedy.
Her mother died of grief within a year, in that very house, clutching a book that had once belonged to her now deceased daughter.
The remaining O'Malleys fled to Florida, hoping for a fresh start, and better luck for their family.
The house went in and out of the market for a while after that. Even when buyers could get past the fact that someone had died in the house, they would end up packing their bags and running for the hills within a few days of moving in.
Every time the same story: The house was haunted, there was a ghost, recurring nightmares, all things said by people who'd moved in and out.
No one ever believed the rumors, because every time a buyer would tell their terrifying story, the ghost would be gone when someone went to check. The buyers were laughed at. Yet something deep inside the town members believed it. So even the ones who said that the house wasn't haunted still called it the haunted house of Omaha.
And the ghost? It wasn't Mrs. O'Malley. Despite the fact that she was the one who'd died in the house.
The ghost that they saw was none other than Echo. And she made sure no one who entered her home stayed there.