"Let's Just Leave"
Let's just leave this town behind and start a new.
I have a dream where we are called by our names not what people think of us.
I see it on a farm and silos and the starry night sky as a backdrop, next to a country road.
We'll hold hand and hand and plow our land.
Walk in town without fear and shame.
Let's just leave and forget the bullying and fear.
Never a tear or wet cheek from those who hate us.
Leave people who smear our names and just cuss, because we're in the room.
Soon we will pack our van and watch this town get smaller in the rearview mirror.
Drive to Eden in the back of our minds.
Mile after mile leave all the scoffers behind.
Time might come to the masses there, they might say why did they leave?
It couldn't be because of us, we are perfect and fine.
We are the nicest you can find.
They will always deny they are the reason.
No matter the season, we had to leave.
We live in a new place and forget the disgrace they caused us.
Mile after mile and year by year our smiles grow wider.
They will fade in our minds like a canopy in a forest and blend so well that they will disappear into forgetfulness.
Barely sunlight will cross them, just blackness.
So we will just leave, and forget and be happy.
Live where nowhere will care about our affairs.
Just judges us on our personality and our eagerness to help others.
We could be the nice young couple down the road.
Not the ones I told you about people.
From ones who made up lies and stories of things that we never said nor done.
We never did not harm anyone, but we're hated anyway just for existing.
Goodbye awful little town, that we lived in all of our lives.
Farwell to those who tuned their backs on us, for no reason other than to cause trouble.
Our new life awaits.