Five minutes before the meeting with the pack began, Treyton was in his study while Aidoneus was in his room. He was already in the Zoom meeting with other pack members who had signed in early. Garret and Trinidad were also present, and they waved at Aidoneus, who waved back. He also greeted many of the pack members, who were happy to see him. Aidoneus wanted to text Persefone after the meeting, but after thinking about it, he thought it was best to send it to her before the meeting.
The text was immediate and sent, but Aidoneus felt nervous. The text that Persefone received still plagued him, and Trinidad told him to be upfront with her. There was the possibility of a misunderstanding, but Aidoneus had to be communicative and show Persefone that he was not fond of having secrets kept from him. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw his father finally turning on his camera and mic; the meeting was about to begin.
Everyone from the pack was in attendance, and when Treyton appeared, everyone bowed and said, "Alpha."
Treyton gave a short bow as he looked at his pack. "My pack, thank you so much for coming to this meeting on such short notice. I will try not to take up much of your time, but what I must tell you is very important." Everyone but Trinidad and Garret looked curious since they knew the news. "As you all know, Calista and I are divorced, which has caused a bit of havoc."
Murmurs echoed within the meeting, and many huffed in disgust when Calista was mentioned. Calista was the one who initiated the divorce, which caused a scandal within the pack. Divorce was very unheard of in the werewolf world. Werewolves mated for life, but one could leave their mate if one had been abusive or infidelity. Divorce was frowned upon even if a werewolf couple were not mates but still married. Ever since then, everyone in the pack has been angered by Calista.
"The divorce did hurt me but I moved passed it which is why I decided to invite Calista and her mate to the pack's annual Christmas Party."
"WHAT!?" everyone beside Trinidad and Garret yelled in unison.
"Surely this is joke!"
"Calista betrayed our Alpha and pack and now she is invited!?"
"SILENCE." Treyton raised his voice, which sounded deep, making everyone silent; everyone bowed. "I understand that all of you have your thoughts regarding Calista, but she was once your Luna. She is also the mother of my son, the future Alpha. You don't have to be happy that she will be in attendance, but I ask you to give her respect during the party. Am I understood?"
Most of the pack members looked unhappy or agreed with Treyton's order. One of them raised their hands and said, "Alpha, with all due respect. How can we respect someone who knew the laws of our kind and still broke them? She may have been our Luna, but she is no longer. She-"
"My father and I understand all of your concerns and outrage. We also understand that our kind has its laws, but my mother found her true mate. Like others of our kind, my mother can't deny their true nature." Aidoneus smiled. "Having one's mate is our everything; they are why we breathe and live. My father was hurt, but he understood my mother's reasoning."
Aidoneus looked at his father, Treyton, who smiled and nodded at his son. "My son is right. I won't deny that I was hurt and angry, but I eventually moved on because I found my mate."
Everyone became silent as they tried to comprehend what they were told. However, Trinidad applauded. "Congratulations, Alpha! Who would have thought you would have found your mate before the holidays!"
The pack members got out of their shock, and one by one, they all applauded. Many gave their congratulations and asked questions about their Alpha's mate. Treyton raised his right hand, and everyone eventually became silent. "I know you all have questions about my mate, and I will do my best to give you details. First, my mate is not a werewolf but a human." Many members murmured amongst themselves, but Aidoneus silenced them all. "I also learned that she is eighteen years my junior." Everyone in the meeting gasped and looked surprised; it was something Treyton expected. Many members of his pack looked okay with it, while others looked questionable.
"Everyone, please, silence," announced Aidoneus.
"I understand everyone's concern. I was very hesitant when I found out that my mate was eighteen years my junior. However, I was honest about my divorce and my having Aidoneus, and she agreed to allow me to court her. However, my mate doesn't know that about our kind yet."
Silence reigned, and everyone looked uncertain and worried. One of the members, a young woman, raised her hand. "Alpha, you said that your mate doesn't know about her kind, so will you be telling her?"
"Yes, I plan on telling her before the end of this week."
The female member looked nervous but asked, "Wh-What happens if she is not so accepting?"
Everyone closed their lips, and their eyes looked nervous; Trinidad and Garret looked concerned. All eyes were on Treyton, who was expressionless. The thought of Maeve not accepting him would tear him into pieces. He wouldn't be able to get another opportunity in this lifetime for another mate.
He would be alone.
"I understand that my mate may be shocked when I reveal the truth to her. There is the possibility that she may not be accepting, but I believe that this will not be the case. She and I have been seeing one another, and she has a good heart. I have faith that she will accept me. When she does, I will introduce her to you all before the Christmas Party."
To Treyton's surprise, everyone began to cheer for him and wish him the best of luck. His pack gave him the motivation and strength to continue telling Maeve of his identity. Christmas was coming soon, and he couldn't help but think a miracle would come to him and his pack. Treyton told his pack the meeting was over, but he wanted only Garret to stay behind.
Every member signed out one by one except for the two Treyton ordered. Trinidad sat beside her husband, knowing she shouldn't attend the meeting. Trinidad wanted to show Treyton that she learned her lesson; she hoped her husband would regain his position.
Once Trinidad left, Treyton and Garrett were alone. "Garrett, I hope you are doing well."
"Yes, Alpha. At first, I was disappointed in myself, but I realized that your order was to give me and my wife a lesson. I won't lie; I miss my position and am bored of doing nothing. However, I will not ask you to return my position until you will it."
Treyton knew that his Beta spoke the truth; he wanted to give him back the position. However, he had to stand firm, but that didn't mean that Garret couldn't contribute to the pack. "As I have mentioned, you will have your position back, but I have decided to give you some work to relieve your boredom."
Garret smiled and looked relieved. "Thank you, Alpha. I won't disappoint you."
"Of course, I want you to ensure the purchases of the materials and resources for the party."
"I will do so. I will pick up the necessary paperwork to-"
"No need. They will be emailed and faxed to you. I am counting on you."
"I won't disappoint you, Alpha."
The two men logged off, and Treyton sighed in relief. "I'm glad that everything went well. Now all I have to stress about is Calista and her mate coming and telling Maeve the truth."