‘Heh, take that, Ledermann Carbon.’ Gallus thought to himself, after he had just proven a classmate of his wrong and was returning to his place in Math class. Ledermann, often called ‘Lead’ by his peers, was a smart young man, but a bit careless when it came to minus and plus signs. Gallus, noticing this, went up to the front of the class and corrected the error.
But when he sat back down in his place, he noticed a small yellow sticky note on his table, prevented from flying away by his pen.
“Pre party @ Clara Caesar’s.
8 PM, 06/07/2024.
Don’t be late!
XXX-XXXX text me”
Gallus’s heart skipped a beat as he read Selena’s note, the digits of her phone number etched at the bottom. With a flutter of excitement, he retrieved his phone, the screen lighting up to his touch. He navigated to his contacts, a small smile playing on his lips as he entered her name, immortalizing it in his digital world. Then, with a hopeful breath, he tapped into his messages and composed a brief, yet earnest text, his fingers touching the keys with a newfound excitement.
“Hi, got your note,”
His excitement grew bigger as he noticed a gray text bubble appearing at the left side of the screen, and three dots appear. He couldn’t wait for the dots to disappear and transform into a phrase.
“Yeah, of course,” he typed. He wasn’t one to pass up a great opportunity to talk to more people, including Selena.
Gallus quickly hit send, a rush of adrenaline running through him as he awaited Selena’s response. The seconds felt like hours as he stared at the screen, willing the text bubble to appear once more. Finally, it did, and his heart skipped a beat as Selena’s reply came through.
“Great! Can’t wait to see you there,” her message read.
A smile spread across Gallus’s face as he typed his response, a surge of excitement bubbling within him. “Looking forward to it too.”
He put away his phone and decided to focus on class. As Dr. Aurelius rambled on about Mathematics, he couldn’t help but have a smile plastered onto his face the entire time. After all, who wouldn’t after being invited to a party, and officially making a new friend, all on the same day.
As the bell rang, marking the end of Mathematics, the students began to disperse. Gallus and Selena found themselves alone in the now deserted classroom, save for the lecturer who was wiping equations off the whiteboard. The silence was a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle.
“So, Gallus… how was Math class?” she asked, walking up to him.
“You were there too. There’s barely any interaction. Even Aurelia, who’s usually always asking a question or two during other classes we share like elemental manipulation, was silent.”
“Maybe because she can ask her doubts whenever she wants to. All she needs to do is call her dad and be like, ‘Hey dad, quick question….’ and get it answered almost immediately.”
Gallus smiled back. “True, but I think Aurelia and her dad both have better things to do with their lives.”
Meanwhile, the professor, who was listening to all this, walked up to them, his books in hand.
“Last time Aurelia came to me about a question was not about Mathematics at all. In fact, it was about you.”
Gallus’ eyes widened in fear. “Me?!”
“Yes, you. Do you remember you had that headache you had a few days ago?”
“I do, professor. That felt awful. I don’t want to relive it ever again.”
“Well, I was thinking about it, and I think I may have a theory, and a cure.”
“What is it?” Selena asked.
“Call Nickolas and Aurelia, during lunch time. I’ll explain it to all of you then.”
As the professor left the room, Gallus and Selena exchanged glances. The anticipation of the upcoming revelation was palpable. They couldn’t wait for lunchtime to arrive. Little did they know, this revelation would change their lives forever.
The seconds went on for minutes, minutes, for hours and finally, lunch break had arrived. The four of them were seated in Dr. Aurelius’ office again, but this time, for him to tell them his theory.
“I am sure you’re wondering why I have summoned you here today.” Dr. Aurelius said.
“To plot our revolt against the dean for not giving us a holiday today? It is July 4th, after all.” Aurelia deadpanned.
“You get a half-day; didn’t you know that?” Nickolas answered, raising an eyebrow. “Also… Cobalt Crescendo is its own city-state. Not in the USA. You watch too much TV…"
Aurelia’s eyes widened, then she looked at everyone, who kept giggling. “I spent my whole life within the 4 walls of the university… how did I forget that we get a half-day on American Independence Day?”
“Okay, focus, kids. You all know how Gallus has only two powers?” the professor asked. “Well, I think it’s because of this that he has this elemental imbalance, which is causing these episodes.”
The four of them stared at him in surprise, none having a comment.
“And the cure is risky but might just work. We need to implant a third element artificially.” Dr. Aurelius paced the room, his hands clasped behind his back. “The process of elemental implantation is not well-documented, and there’s a reason for that,” he continued, his voice steady but tinged with an edge of excitement. “It’s because it’s not just science—it’s an art. It requires a precise blend of alchemy and modern technology.”
Aurelia leaned forward, her earlier humor replaced by a look of intense curiosity. “But how can we ensure that Gallus’s body will accept this new element? Isn’t there a risk of rejection?”
“That’s the issue,” Dr. Aurelius nodded. “We’ll need a catalyst, something that resonates with Gallus’s existing elements. Something that will not only accept the new element but also harmonize all three to restore balance.”
Nickolas chimed in, “What about using another natural element? Or could we synthesize a new one?”
“Exactly,” the professor beamed at him. “I think it should be a non-metal, but I don’t know for sure which.”
The room fell silent as they all considered the implications. Finally, Gallus, who had been quiet the whole time, spoke up. “What are the risks?”
Dr. Aurelius didn’t sugarcoat his response. “The risks are substantial. If the balance isn’t achieved, the elemental forces could tear you apart. But if we do nothing, the episodes will only get worse. It’s your decision, Gallus.”
Gallus took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting the weight of his choice. “Let’s do it. I can’t live like this, always waiting for the next episode to strike. I want to be in control of my own destiny, not my elemental imbalance.”
The others nodded in agreement, a silent pact forming between them. They were in this together, come what may.
Dr. Aurelius smiled, a mixture of pride and determination glowing in his eyes. “Then it’s settled. We’ll begin preparations at once. Let’s get to work.”
Selena smiled at Gallus, and looked at him, her platinum eyes beaming with excitement. “I wonder what it’ll be! But whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be great, like you.”
Gallus blushed slightly. “Thanks, Selena,” he said, and smiled. “I am scared of the risks though.”
“Well,” Selena replied, and stretched her hand out to reach for his. “So am I, but you just have to feel the fear and do it anyway.”
His heart began beating faster and more explosively than the reaction between potassium and cold water as his hand remained in hers. But what happened next was the real shock.
Gallus, usually so composed, suddenly clutched his chest, his face contorting in pain. Selena didn’t let go, but held on, her eyes wide with concern. “Gallus!” she cried, but he seemed to be in a world of his own, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.
This wasn’t the first time Gallus had an episode, but this one was different. It was more intense, more terrifying. Selena could only watch helplessly as Gallus writhed in agony. She let go of his hand, and turned to the others, who were just as shocked. The lights in the usually well-lit office flickered a bit, before slowly dying down.
As the lights dimmed, a strange aura enveloped the room. The air crackled with energy, and the faint outline of Gallus’s body shimmered with a spectral light. Selena, her heart pounding, reached out again, but Dr. Aurelius held her back.
“Wait,” he said, his voice calm despite the chaos. “We should observe this. Look!”
They all watched, transfixed, as Gallus’s form seemed to waver between planes of existence. His pain appeared to subside, replaced by a look of awe on his face. The elements within him were not just clashing—they were communicating, resonating on a level that none of them could comprehend.
Soon, the flickering lights stabilized, casting a soft glow around Gallus. The energy in the room shifted, becoming less volatile and more harmonious. Gallus’s breathing evened out, and the tension in his muscles relaxed.
As Gallus’s episode subsided, Selena held him close, her mind racing with questions. What was happening to Gallus? And how were they going to face the challenges that lay ahead? Only time would tell.