It was afterschool, the noise of young kids and even older kids rumbled through my head like thunder. It was exceptionally loud now since I wasn't in the canteen, I was actually at the primary staircase with Alex where we were told to just kind of..wait. Stefan assured he'd be back and we just nodded, resting our legs as we sat on the ledge. "Hey Cam?" I turned my head to Alex's curious eyes, "Mhm?" I hummed, "What will happen to us when this term ends?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion, "I dont know.." I sighed softly, it'll be depressing if we were to sperate so soon...
Alex and I just returned back to our activities prior. He was just looking down, thoughtful as he stared south at his dangling legs. We heard footsteps thumping along the concrete below us as we waited for Stefan. He jogged up the stairs and joined us, chatting up a storm. "Hey Cam." He blurted out suddenly, walking my way, I raised my head to answer but instead I got shoved. Now..the fall from our primary staircase and the concrete floor below wasn't THAT far, at most it'd be 2 feet or so, nonetheless, I didnt actually fall 'backwards'.
My instincts kicked it and I leaned forward against the force which resulted in me almost falling forward. I was lucky to get caught by my shoulder before that, if not it would've been a bad situation to explain. I laid my eyes on the tall figure in front of me as I heard laughing beside me, Stefan's hands managed to grasp my shoulders before I went splat. He's quick... I thought, "I did it on purpose, so you wouldn't break your neck or legs." he laughed, my face went scarlet, "Did I say that out loud?" he nodded with a smirk and hearing my phone ring, I slid off the ledge and went to take my bag.
I wasn't expecting Alex to snatch my poster before I did though. That poster was needed by Ms.Zamenia, our History teacher and Alex knew that, we both had the same classes with her. "Al give it. Ms.Zamenia is going to sit on me." He laughed at my insult, totally ignoring my threat. He shook his head and held the poster high. I facepalmed and charged to get it back, jumping slightly and raising my hands, he wasn't at all taller than me so it would be pretty easy I presumed. We began having a small brawl over this chart when Alex randomly decided to fling it over to Stefan, who caught it and held it at a stupid height. I pouted, even if I jump there's no way! But I decided to attempt it anyways, hopping and lifting my heels repeatedly until I managed to grab his arm and yank it down.
Now the easy part, I sighed inwardly, trying to unclaw his hand and wiggle out my poster. It was going fine until Alex ran infront of us, pulling my arm with him and forced me use my 'free' hand to pull down Stefan's hand, gluing the back of my hand to his...part...
That part.
The one where the sun no shine.
I shrieked a bit and Stefan looked horrified. We yelled at Alex to let go but he was reluctant, humming his disagreement with closed eyes, not even bothering to acknowledge the situation. "Alex. Let. Us. Go." I breathed, I was already worn out from the struggling. He groaned and finally let us go, I best escape now... " 'Kay guys I-I best be go-going." I waved and headed home.