Chapter 1.28: December 20, 2015
"Ken, what happened at the book signing earlier?"
"I don't want to talk about it. Later, Susy."
"Ken on the line. Beth? Is Eru okay?"
"Kenny! First of all, happy birthday."
"Now to the real business. Why didn't you ever tell me about my panic attacks or whatever they are, you jerk? You're a real piece of work, you know that? I thought we trusted each other, especially with information about each other!"
"Eru, listen, I—"
"Shut up and let me talk, idiot. Beth told me what happened just now. Doc Williams explained to me how long it's been going on for. Two years, Kenny. Two whole years of my life, and I never even knew. What's worse, you never even planned on telling me!"
"Shut it, Kenny. I needed to know. This is my life we're talking about. You can't just hide this from me! Is this why you didn't want to go on the book tour? Maybe if you'd just told me, you wouldn't have to worry. But no, you were an ignoramus and kept it all to yourself and tried to solve it without even letting me know. I thought you knew better than that, Kenny. You're the one who's four years older, yet you still made the stupid decision to never let the one who's having the attacks know. I cannot believe you right now, Kenny."
"Eru, please, I—"
"I was just taking a breath. You are not allowed to talk until I get all of this out of my system."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Do me a favor and duct tape your mouth shut. What were you thinking, cretin? What were you afraid of? That I'd lose my self-esteem or something? Let me tell you something, halfwit, that you may be cockier and more arrogant than I am, but I have thrice as much self-confidence as you do. I'm just not such a cockalorum about it like you are."
"You wound me, my princess."
"I demand by royal decree that you keep your trap shut, my dork. You mooncalf, I don't even know what's happening inside that nonexistent brain of yours. I think I'm done now."
"Okay, Eru—"
"No, I am decidedly not done. I am so angry with you, Kenny! You are so unbelievable! How dare you act like everything's okay in front of me when I'm clearly not okay! I mean, I'm okay, but at the same time I'm not. You don't just hide this from me, you poltroon. How dare you even try! That is not okay, and you can stop right now. I am giving you permission to stop hiding things like this from me. No, I demand that you stop hiding things from me. Next, I'll find out that I like to sleepwalk while swinging around your katana. Kenny, I am so disappointed in you. Now you may speak."
"Are you certain?"
"I'm actually finished ranting. Thank you for your patience. Now explain yourself, Kenny, before I decide to hang up."
"If you say so. I actually don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just worried that those memories would come back. You were always terrified like you're in an earthquake, Eru."
"You mean like the incident? When we were kids?"
"That's the one. You're lucky, you know."
"I'm lucky. That's the richest thing I've ever heard. We both lost our parents in that earthquake, and I'm lucky."
"Yes, you are lucky. You don't remember it."
"I've got to get ready for the next event. Love you, Eru."
"I'm sorry. I love you, Kenny."