Chapter 2.38: August 14, 2017
Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. Riiiiii—
"Erunai on the line."
"Mark here! Did you want to go somewhere for dinner tonight? I just got my paycheck, so—"
"Sorry, Mark, I have to try to prepare for my courses this fall. Maybe another time?"
"…Yeah, sure. How about Friday?"
"I was thinking maybe a month from now. I have to readjust to college life."
"Erunai, don't forget that you still have a life beyond school. Don't burn yourself out, okay? The semester hasn't even started yet."
"Mark, I'm fine. I made a promise to Kenny—"
"Well, 'Kenny' isn't here anymore, now is he? Can't you just learn to live a life apart—"
"No, I can't. Don't you get it? Kenny is a huge part of my life. You can't just expect me to cut one of the most integral parts out of my life just like that. Goodbye, Markus."
"Wait, Erunai, that's not—"