-Third Person P.O.V-
Dark sat in her usual hideout, burying her nose and eyes in arrays of colours and papers within the small school library. Oak floors shone and tapped with footsteps as people strode on in and out of the room. “Yo Dark?” She looked up, coral pink eyes focusing in on electric blue ones. She waved, smiling her greeting to her best friend as she saw her walk over and take a seat.
“Not like you to come here Light, what’s up?” She asked, nudging her friend with her elbow playfully. “Nah nothing, just didn’t finish Mr.D’s Add Math, you know how he gets.” A soft chuckle echoed through the nearly empty library, even the teacher went out for lunch, leaving the two girls to their own devices.
Minutes passed and the tapping started up again...
Light let her mind wander as the tapping slowly registered in her mind, jeez.. she must’ve been so into space for it to be difficult to notice Dark frantically yanking at her hoodie sleeves. “What?” She mumbled lazily, leaning on her friend’s shoulder in complete and utter boredom. But..Dark didn’t say anything... The elder glanced up at her and she was just…staring? Forwards it looked like. She sat up again, smoothening her jacket strings. Yup. Still staring. “Dark?” The tone was borderline concerned, seeming to do the trick as Dark snapped her eyes back onto her abnormally tall friend.
”Look forward.” Is all she said. And the mocha-skinned girl did and froze in a similar state. Across from them in the library sat the one and only Kanato Tedin. It wouldn’t have made such a big hoo-haa if the boy was in his normal attire. Instead, he wore a long, ebony sweater, with a small skull embroidered into its chest with the phrase, ‘Stepo on Lego’ stitched right under it. Along with it were black sweatpants that the school supplied for them. For Light, that’s what caught her attention mostly, but what added to the aesthetic quality for both Dark and her was the fact that, not only had the lean boy tied his hair up in a small top-knot, but for some reason he also wore thin, golden-rimmed glasses, framing his silver eyes.
”Jesus dude. He actually looks good.” Dark exhaled, trying to regain her own focus as she heard Light’s delayed, “..yeah..” as an affirmative. Soon, the shortest in the room left, saying that she had something to attend to. Probably Laito. Light presumed, jokingly whispering inside jokes to her friend who smacked her arm in retaliation. Should I say something? The thought was left to simmer for a bit before Light shook her head. Nah, it’ll make it awkward, better just leave it and try to focus. She concluded, staring and scratching her head as she struggled to figure out the formula. “Having trouble?” Wait. What? A hand met her pencil-holding one as she stopped writing.
Oh my God.. Kanato had made his way over to Light, seeing how she struggled with her paper. Add Math was nothing anyways; in fact, most of the subjects were easy for him, that’s why he just came here to read and laze about. “NONO ITS TOTALLY PEACHY NOTHING’S WRONG!!” He chuckled softly, finding her panic kind of cute. She was very cute overall to him so he didn’t really see anything bad about her. In fact, he’d developed a crush on her from the previous year already, but she didn’t know that and he didn’t know whether to tell her or not.
The pale boy pulled out Dark’s chair and sat next to his crush, snatching the pencil out of a frozen hand. “Okay so…you start with this…” and soon the whole equation was not only formulated but answered correctly as well. Light blew out a relieved breath and smiled at him, “Thanks Kana-san! By the way..you look nice today..” Though the last part came out as a whisper, it didn’t fall on deaf ears as in a slight sensory overload, Kanato blurted out, “Thanks. You look nice everyday....ohhhhhh shoot. FORGET THAT.” He ‘demanded’ Light giggled and felt herself falling in love. “It’s fineeee, walk me to class? We can talk then.” She offered, their classes were on the same level anyways. Maths and English.
Kanato had English with Dark. He didn’t hate it, not really at least; it was just…awkward. Dark and him didn’t really have a good run together and he suspected she hated him. However..being friends with her might get him closer to Light, wouldn't it? Groaning, he made up his mind and headed inside. Dark sat in the back row with Sherine and Sylvion, but neither seemed to be here today. Lucky day I guess. He thought and sat next to her. “Kanato?” Dark asked, her voice unsure. He turned to her, waiting, “Why are you sitting here of all places? I thought you’d want to sit with Kent or someone else?” He shook his head, gathering whatever courage he had in him to swallow his own pride and speak to her after so long.
“I’m sorry.”
She looked at him as if he’d gone mad. “Well..thanks? I’m sorry too. But wha—“
“I need your help.”
”Hey Light?” Dark asked as they walked to their next class, “Yep?” She heard her bestie respond. “Say, Kana-san liked you back, how happy would you be?” She put a hand on her shoulder, stilling her completely as she dragged them off into a corner. “What did you do?” She demanded. Dark out her hands up in a defensive pose, “Nothing! Nothing I swear!” A raised eyebrow was her only question, “Okay look. He asked me for help to get him closer to you.”
~It was after-school hours and Dark had gone home, texting loads of Light-related information to Kanato and explaining the whole plan to Light. In other words, Kanato was going to confess to Light in the school’s auditorium. The school’s auditorium was run by Sherine and Shane (yes I know. Bear with me 😂) as they were both excellent computer geeks. Dark had asked Shane if they could use the room to host a ‘Special Occasion’ and thankfully, he agreed with no questions.
Light’s phone pinged and she scrambled for it with jittery fingers:
‘The Dark Knight: Yo, forget to go to the auditorium after school! ;)
Light: Yeah I know. Thanks.’
Making her way through the now empty halls and doors, the butterflies in her stomach flew faster, and the questions in her mind clouded even foggier. Taking a deep breath, she pushed down on the handle of the auditorium doors and stepped in.
It was pitch black, the projector only giving a small block of light as it began to grown bigger, sort of like in a cinema. “Kana-san?” She called out, not getting a replied she thought the worst, but shoved it down into a hole in her brain and called out again. “Kanato! You here?!!” Louder. The projector clicked, signalling her to it being full sized. ‘Find me.’ Was written in a simple font on a simple background. Squinting (–his eyes) Light scanned the room best she could, it was slightly brighter now and she saw no signs of the shaggy haired boy.
Green-room, she figured and went up the steps two at a time to get to the door before he could have a chance to slip out. Inside the green-room, Kanato sat on his swivel chair; absolutely terrified. He managed to throw together a whole slideshow of Light’s favourite moments and things from the videos that Dark sent him earlier in the day, even managing to squeeze in the background with her favourite K-Pop songs. He was growing impatient and spun around a couple times before finally spinning straight into Light.
“OH MY GOD YOU SCARED THE WITS OUT OF ME YOU IDIOT!” She yelled, but there wasn’t an angry tone in any part of it. In fact, she was smiling, panting heavily but smiling. She was glad she found him. That made Kanato smile too. “Why’re we here?” She asked, watching as the great Kanato Tedin blushed, yes blushed. His cheeks dusted with a faint pink shade as he struggled to form a proper sentence, “I-uh..Here, yes. To do...something.” Light stared at him for a second before smirking, “Ah..well. It seems like it was a waste of time to come here, I’m gonna go now—“ as she turned to leave, a hand reached out to hold her wrist still.
Nerd or not the taller boy was still very much stronger than her; so she didn’t bother trying to run. “Stay. I need to..need to show you something.” He let go of her wrist, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “It’s horrible but I really hope you like it.” He shrugged and turned, flicking a few switches on the control pad and watching the screen come to life before their eyes. The video was mediocre, but it seemed to hit the right note for Light as the elder felt a hand squeezing his as the final credits showed up on the screen:
“Wow..just..yeah..I’ll go out with you, that was amazing Kana-san...Thank you.”
The pair looked at each other for about a minute before bursting out into giggles and hugging the other tightly.