Year: 2718, May 5th
Sector Bravo-88-12.392
Petrograd system, Heavy Cruiser Fist of Aiur, 301st Scout Fleet
Captain Jayla Spencer stood on her bridge, sitting in her command chair whilst Admiral Taylor was standing beside her, two feet ahead. He had his fingers fiddling behind his back. The fifty-nine year old admiral stood looking out the viewer towards Petrograd, countless billion kilometers between them. He glared at the alien armada in orbit. Almost as if he tried scaring them off by just looking at them. His flotilla had seventeen starships, only the Fist of Aiur being a capital starship. He faced fifty-five alien starships around Petrograd colony alone. Another one-hundred was in system, but it would take them hours to arrive sense they were spread out across the system.
“Should I order battle stations, admiral?” Spencer asked. She shifted comfortably in her command chair.
He grumbled something to himself before responding.
“Prepare the fleet for combat. We’re going in quick, pulling out quick.” He turned around. “Can you establish contact with the colony?”
Spencer turned to her communications officer.
“We’re trying to work through interference, captain. Standby.”
The 301st Scout Fleet started moving forward quickly. Taylor gave the order for the two Escort Carriers to launch Starfighters to engage the enemy in a dogfight while the Corvettes go in quickly, open a barrage and retreat before they can be badly damaged. Two Light Cruisers protect the Capital-Killer starship while it prepared to fire.
“Sir,” the communication officer said. “I have HQ of Hometown Battalion from the 8991st Colonial Marine Division.”
“Put them through,” Taylor commanded. The image of a woman appeared on the main screen. She had the bright yellow armor of the Twin Moon colonial marines. The visor was opened, revealing a woman in her forties with a mix of brown and blonde hair. Her hair was extremely short. She had only one arm, her right appeared to have been shot or burnt off. The wound had been stopped from bleeding with Biomedical foam.
“This is Hometown Battalion Headquarters, Lt. Colonel Henrietta Wielder,” she said with a calm and firm voice.
“I am Admiral Taylor of the 301st Scout Fleet,” Taylor stepped up. Spencer rose and stood by his side. “What is your situation, Lt Colonel?”
Lt. Colonel Wielder snapped to attention.
“Sir! We’re pinned down in Petrograd capital itself. Hostiles been constantly engaging our positions sense the 27th. City’s one big ruin, most civilians have been slaughtered, some taken into custody by hostile forces. Two-thirds of the battalions dead. There are thousands of hostiles surrounding us.”
Taylor nodded subtly, glancing at Spencer before speaking himself.
“Lt. Colonel, what can you tell us about the enemy?”
“Not much, sir. Insectoids. About that’s it. I’m sorry.”
Taylor nodded.
“No apologize needed. We’re about to engage the fleet in orbit any minute now. We’ll evacuate you at the same time. The windows not a big one, we’re sending coordinates of the evac zone when possible. Get your remaining forces ready to evacuate.”
“Understood.” She saluted with her left hand.
Taylor and Spencer saluted back. Wielder ended the transmission.
“Captain,” the admiral said.
“We’re not leaving without them.”
She nodded in agreement.
“Send a transmission to Aiur. Inform them we are engaging the enemy in order to evacuate the remaining garrison from Petrograd. Tell them we have no intelligence on the enemy, apart from that they are insectoids. They need to reinforce and fortify every colony and core world in this sector. Send a warning to Sectorial Command, have them prepare an evacuation of all colonies close to the border systems.”
“I’ll get right on it.”
As few minutes went by the first ship to ship fire was exchanged. The Capital-Killer moved into firing range. The heavier enemy capital starships was left behind when the support class lighter starships outrun them. It left the support ships exposed to heavy fire from the Heavy Cruiser Fist of Aiur and the Capital-Killer. Three enemy Frigates was focused down by Light Cruisers and Bomber & Starfighters. Their shields quickly buckled and they were turned into rubble.
“Hostile Light Cruiser with four Corvette’s as support screen entering range,” Spencer alerted.
“Open a barrage on them,” Taylor commanded.
The Heavy Avalon class Cruiser batteries turned and targeted the hostile formation. The shields started to slowly crumbled under the assault. The fleet was covering an Escort Carrier that was sending dropships to evacuate the planetary garrison.
Temporarily they were outmaneuvering the heavier class starships, but in twenty minutes six Battleships and ten Frigates and Light Cruisers would arrive in orbit.
One of Taylor’s Corvettes lost their shields and crumbling under enemy fire. It was torn to pieces when an enemy Corvettes intentionally collided with it, destroying both ships and killing both crews. One of the Light Cruisers started pulling back behind the fleet as their shields failed and the hyperdrive and aft batteries came offline.
One of the Corvettes were destroyed under a barrage of heavy fire.
The first dropships entered Petrograd’s atmosphere with two Interceptor squadrons as support. Five units of enemy Interceptors engage them. The skilled Terran pilots were able to hold their own.
Petrograd colony, city outskirts
The armored convoys vehicles had stopped dead. The tank up front was a smoking pile of rubble. The jeep behind was half-wrecked and turned over on its side. A tank stood five meters from it, firing at the relentless enemy. The next three armored transports were badly damaged but appeared functional. All the convoys vehicles were badly damaged or, disabled or entirely destroyed. One of the remaining tanks fired a shot at the giant walking artillery piece. The purple five meter tall xeno beast lumbered forward slowly. The shot hit straight on and tore the face apart. Purple blood splattered around it and it fell over. Shockingly, it gave out a gurgling noise and started trying to get back up again. another shot from the tank tore it in pieces.
An anti-air battery was being used to target ground forces. It tore everything it hit apart. Against infantry, it was incredibly effective. When it fired, the team was quick to reload it. Their lives depended on it after all.
Taking cover behind some debris of a shot down Corvette that crashed nearby, Elias aimed at an insectoid xeno and pulled the trigger. The projectile went off and smashed through the insectoids skull. The lilac carapace xenos yellow eyes were blown from its skull. In quick succession he retargeted another insectoid and fired three bullets. They all impacted the lilac carapace. The insectoid staggered and almost dropped his plasma rifle. Elias fired two more slugs at it. It collapsed backwards.
“Look out, two o’clock!” He heard Roland shout.
Elias turned and looked. He saw one of those damned living cannon things coming up again. it fired plasma bolls up towards the sky and they came down-raining over the Terran convoy.
“Target the walking cannons!” He heard Lt. Colonel Henrietta Wielder bark with an authority filled voice over the comm. She still seemed calm. Elias himself worked on adrenaline right now. It had filled his systems sense long the convoy started abandoning the ruined city. “Tank 4. Your seven o’clock.”
She raised her pistol with her left arm and squeezed the trigger twelve times. Her bullets hit their targets. Six insectoid corpses was left in her wake. With her right arm gone and no time for a cybernetic replacement, she handed her gun behind her. Elise Wagner desperately handed her another and started reloading the empty one. She sat cowering behind the cover of a thick piece of metal.
Wielder wasn’t in cover. She stood beside it, straight up and shooting. She was a perfect target. Yet no one had taken her out. In Wagner’s mind, she was like an angel or maybe an action movie hero. Perhaps a bit of both conjured up in her mind. Wagner stared up at her in awe as lilac plasma bolts swept past her head. Sometimes only millimeters away. Yet Wielder didn’t even flinch.
She gasped when a bolt struck her yellow armor. but Wielder didn’t move a muscle. It hadn’t gotten past the strong combat suit.
“Keep it going,” Wielder told her.
Wagner switched the empty pistol for the newly reloaded one.
“Where’s the fucking evac?!” A marine yelled.
“They’ll be here!” Roland shouted back. “Just gotta make sure we are when they arrive!”
His rifle clicked. Out of ammunition. He dodged behind cover and reloaded it.
A man collapsed to his right. Roland threw him a glance and quickly determined he was dead. Nothing he could do for him. he did however, grab the marines chain gun and stood up. He opened up a barrage of slugs at the enemy as they advanced on all sides around them.
“Come and get it!” He screamed excitedly.
He saw how a group of insectoids scrambled towards his position. They held curved blades in their hands. He snorted and turned his new gun on them. In three seconds flat he mauled them all down.
“Squad Sierra, send two men to support Zulu’s position,” Wielder commanded over the radio.
Master Sergeant Roland turned to some men behind him.
“Park, Lancaster, you heard the colonel!”
“Sir!” Park exclaimed, getting up and moving out to support the other squad.
Lancaster followed him suit. But suddenly Roland saw him go down with two hits to the chest. He moved and groaned in pain. He was still alive.
“Covering fire!” Roland screamed. “Park!”
Park didn’t need anything else said. He turned around and headed back to him injured brother-in-arms. He stopped and shot an insectoid advancing with a blade ten meters away. He shot another six meters from them. From the original three-hundred and fifty or eighty fleeing the convoy, many were dead already. If they weren’t evacuated soon, they’d been all dead. He saw the Master Sergeant gun down five melee insectoid soldiers. They were just five meters away from them. Too few men to hold the line anymore.
He grabbed Lancaster and pulled him up into a sitting position.
“Rifle!” Lancaster yelled through the pain.
Park immediately put his Gail-23 in his yellow gantlet hands. He raised it and put a slug through the eye of an advancing insectoid melee combatant. Park saw Valter go down. She cried out in pain. He also noted Roland coming up on his right. He stepped up and covered them both.
“Get him into cover!” He ordered.
He didn’t have to say in again. Lancaster was quickly moved to cover and placed where he could keep shooting.
Private Mahonin changed position to cover them. He hit and brought down an insectoid with his first shot. A hostile soldier collapsed sixty meters away.
“Sierra, where’d those reinforcing men go?!” The Corporal of Zulu squad asked concerned.
“We can barely hold our own!” Roland shouted back over the gunfire. “One of them got hit, injured. One man on the way!”
“We need more than one!” The corporal protested.
“You get what I can spare!” Roland snapped. “Park, move it!”
“Copy, sarge!”
Roland spotted Lieutenant Summer of the 2nd Platoon the second before he was disintegrated by a plasma blast from one of those damned tank creatures. He looked forward. Three dropships landed two-hundred meters away and started unloading new troops. It was a smaller with only a hundred and fifty men or so in each. Basically a full Company. He laughed when their anti-air battery landed a direct shot on one of them. It erupted in flames.
Park made his way forward. He jumped over a dead Grenadier. His body had been burnt off at the waist, his body torn in two. He spotted the corporal of Zulu squad. He lied dead on the ground and two men stood behind a piece of metal stuck in the ground. It looked to be a piece of an engine. Park stepped in between them and fired.
“Who’s in charge?” He asked.
“No one! Corporal Lander’s dead!”
As three insectoids charged Wielder’s position. She fired her last bullet. It smacked through the first once head and exited on the other side. It collapsed and dropped the aimed plasma rifle. She kicked one when the other two got too close. Her armored foot pushed against its chest and thrusted it off with all mustered force. He fell back and landed two meters off. she threw the pistol into the head of the third. From her back she drew her machete. Before the alien had recovered his bearings, she cut his left hand right off, straight through the hard lilac carapace. It cried out loudly in an insectoid shriek. She continued to cut straight at the head. With two blows at the head it fell over dead. Turning on the second xeno, as it was getting back up. It raised its blade to strike. Wielder was quicker and jabbed the machete into its chest. Putting her foot on it, she pushed it off and pulled her machete out.
She attached the machete to her back. “Gail-23,” she told Wagner. She reached out her left hand.
Wagner quickly placed the assault rifle in her hand immediately. The Lt. Colonel unloaded it into approaching hostiles. Wagner looked amazed when four insectoids collapsed while sprinting towards them.
“Hometown Battalion, this is Moon Eagle Actual, do you read?”
“Lt. Colonel Wielder here.”
“Colonel, we’re ‘bout a minute away from your position.”
“Copy that Moon Eagle Actual. Glad to hear it.”
“Yeah. But heads up, we can’t stay long so you better be there. Can’t wait for any slackers.”
“We’re already here,” she snapped at him as she put a bullet through the skull of an insectoid. The black large pupils in the yellow eyes went up into its skull. It entered through its open mandibles and wreaked havoc inside the skull. “You better get here or we’re all gonna be dead!”
“Copy,” the man said after a moment.
Wagner could hear screaming and the sound of a blade cutting through combat armor.
“All units, pickups a minute away, retreat and secure the convoys front,” Wielder ordered on the comms. “Hold tight, we’re almost out clear.”
A plasma bolt hit her helmet and staggered her. She groaned painfully. Wagner gasped and opened her mouth to talk. She didn’t get a single word out. She saw an insectoid charge at them. She stared at the xeno in horror. Thankfully a marine blasted its brains out. Wielder threw the Gail-23 at Wagner and pulled her half-smashed visor off. she threw it on the ground.
She grabbed her assault pulsar rifle from a terrified Wagner. She squeezed the trigger three times and three insectoids dropped.
“P-please t-ta-take cov-cover!” Wagner pleased.
“Don’t worry about me private. Just stay in cover!” The Lt. colonel commanded.
Wagner didn’t argue. Looking up she saw the dropships and Interceptors approaching. In her opinion…waaaay to slowly.
As a melee insectoid approached screeching loudly in a battle cry, Wielder kicked him down and placed the barrel of the pulsar rifle against its head. She squeezed the trigger hard and put two slugs right into the xenos head. It exploded and green blood erupted in every direction. The barrel was covered in green blood. She raised it and with-still-one hand aimed at another enemy and squeezed the trigger again.
The five dropships touched down and opened up their aft ramps. Five marines in black armor came out of each, establishing a defensive line. Commander Chester had her Gail-23 raised and fired it. She dropped an insectoid with the first shot. She switched target, shifting a centimeter. She squeezed the metal piece again, firing a second round. The insectoid dropped the plasma rifle and fell backwards. The slug drilled through its head.
“Evac groundside, move out!” She ordered over the comm.
The colonial marines had already started moving towards the dropships. Those who were still alive at least.
Wielder’s rifle clicked. She dropped it and grabbed the reloaded pistol.
“Move!” She barked at Wagner.
Quickly the scared woman started running towards the closest dropship. Wielder fired the handguns twelve bullets and eliminated five targets. She dropped it and drew her machete to cut down an insectoid coming too close. The machete dripped with green xeno blood. Three marines moved past her, towards the evac zone. She saw how a bullet dug itself into the chest of a hostile closing the distance towards her quickly. It staggered backwards. Four more bullets dug into its chest and it collapsed dead. Wielder turned to see Chester aiming in her direction.
“Come on, colonel!” She heard Elias yell.
She took a last look around. It seemed everyone was inside or covering the zone. She started running towards the closest dropship. Three of the five was already taking off. thanks to excellent work from their aero Interceptor screen, enemy Starfighters kept a good distance from them.
“Grab that!” She heard the marine officer order.
Two colonials grabbed a dead insectoid with six bullet holes in its chest and dragged it onboard.
As the dropships finally took off, with every survivor onboard, Wielder looked at the corpse of the lilac carapace xeno.
“What the fuck are you?” Chester asked the corpse. She looked up at Wielder. “Scientists will take it apart.” She cleared her throat and stepped closer to her. “Lt. Colonel. You and your men did one hell of a job defending the colony as long as you did. Very damn impressive.”
Wielder nodded somberly.
“Thank you, sir. But most of my men died on that planet.”
The commander nodded.
“Aye. They were heroes. Real Marine Corps material.” She raised her hand and saluted Wielder.
Wielder returned it with her left hand.
From Roland’s Sierra Squad, Park, an injured Lancaster and private Mahonin survived. Wagner and Elias was on a dropship, but Elias was on a different from the others. Park had damned sure earned himself a promotion to corporal. Not unlike many survivors from Petrograd.
Elias wondered how the Battle of Petrograd would be remembered. As a pointless skirmish in a larger theater of war? As the beginning of the invasion? Perhaps it would be remembered for the strength of the men and women who died defending it. Perhaps it would be remembered as a statement that the Twin Moon Empire won’t surrender or capitulate. That they’ll fight to the last soldier. Only history would tell.
Petrograd system, Heavy Cruiser Fist of Aiur, 301st Scout Fleet
Taylor looked helplessly as one of his two Escort Carriers was blown to oblivion. Three Heavy Cruisers, with Corvette and Frigates screens and a Battleship focused its shields down and obliterated it. Out of eight Corvettes, only two were remaining, from his Light Cruisers, only three was still in the fight, the rest had been destroyed. His Capital-Killer class starship had been destroyed. It disabled two Heavy Cruisers and a Light Battlecruiser before it was obliterated. He were quickly running out of ships as even more enemy starships closed in on them.
“How the damned evac progressing?” He demanded to know.
“Almost onboard the Escort Carrier, admiral,” Spencer informed him.
“We can’t hold out any longer.”
“Moments longer, sir.”
Taylor nodded understandingly.
The ship shook violently.
“Admiral, shields at thirteen percent!” An officer alerted.
“All ships prepare you hyperspace,” he ordered. He turned to Captain Spencer. “Times up, if there not onboard. Leaving without them.”
She nodded worriedly and turned to the communications officer.
“What’s their position?”
There were no reply for a moment.
“Aboard, sir!” He finally exclaimed loudly.
“Take us to hyperspace!” Tylor barked the order.
The Fist of Aiur shook one last time before they escaped the system into hyperspace.
“Send a message to Aiur and the High Council. Inform them that we have made contact with the enemy and were forced to retreat under their numbers.”
Spencer nodded.
“Aye, admiral.”
Year: 2718, May 5th
Sector Brava-11-55.127
Gathering point Alpha-Jingo
Twin Moon Imperial Super Dreadnought Flagship Dauntless
Ada Dravograd’s starship had arrived at the gathering point just one hour ago. She had almost finished her romance novel when she was called away to the bridge. Alan Haig informed her that Grand Admiral Bergstrom’s flagship had arrived. Ultimate Vengeance was a Dreadnought class of three kilometers, even so dwarfed against Dauntless’s nine kilometers. Still, the grand admiral had seventy-eight years on him, a lifetime of experience. Ada herself had preferred the 1st Offensive Armada to be left from Dauntless. It was the pride of the Twin Moons navy after all. But Bergstrom refused utterly. She could understand him though. He had commanded Ultimate Vengeance for thirty years. She certainly wouldn’t want to command any other ship then Dauntless.
She-for the record-trusted Bergstrom’s skills and experience. He had commanded the Battle the Fiona-Trius Asteroid belt. He commanded six-hundred starships in a battle with five-hundred and sixty Terran Mining Consortium starship and came out victorious with minimal losses.
Two-hundred and forty-five warships had gathered in the system this far. Many more were on the way. Many hundreds more. Although they both tried hiding it, Ada knew that Haig and Lizzy Morgan were both worried. The first reports about action with the enemy had come out. Millions were dead apparently-majority civilians-and the enemy were slowly advancing into their territory.
When Ada arrived on the bridge, Morgan saluted her. She did-as always-wear her black combat armored suit. Ada nodded.
“At ease Lt. Commander. Haig.”
“Commodore,” he greeted with a stoic expression. “The Ultimate Vengeance has arrived with Commodore Glenn’s flotilla of twenty-eight capital starships.”
Ada nodded.
“I see. How many ground forces?”
“Two Armored Divisions and a Division of colonial marines.”
Ada stepped forward and put a hand on her chair. That put the number at around two-hundred thousand troops.
She hoped that too many lives weren’t lost over the period it took to organize the 1st Offensive Armada. Making it combat ready and with enough numbers to prevail, that took time. The Armored Divisions that had arrived was well welcomed but the colonial marine Division would not be allowed to stay. They would be sent along to a colony or core world ahead to defend and stall the enemy. Many of them would probable-if not all-die in battle to hold ground and give the Admiralty time to organize itself. The army was quicker to prepare itself. Somehow the navy took longer. The army had already called in reservists and started preparing defenses on core worlds in the sectors closer to the already invaded sectors. Luckily it took quite some time to invade a planet and fully occupy it.
“Commodore,” Morgan said.
“Have you heard anything else from the frontlines?”
Ada hesitated to answer her.
“No. Sorry, Lizzy.”
Morgan remained stoic, but Ada knew she was hurting. She had been born on a planet in the sector of Petrograd. It hadn’t been invaded yet, as far as she knew, but it was only a matter of time before Morgan’s birth planet fell.
Ardaena has pretty strong defenses, Lt. Commander,” Haig interjected.
Morgan and Ada turned to look at him.
“They-as you know-has a natural asteroid belt as defense and exceptionally good ground positons in case of an invasion. The planet was practically made for long and bloody ground combat. And with seventy-thousand colonial marines, they can hold as damned long time, enough for reinforcements to arrive.”
Ada smiled.
Morgan nodded appreciatively.
“Thank you, captain.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said with a smile.
Morgan knew he was right. The asteroid belt was excellent for Starfighter combat and had been used to fight off marauders, pirates and invasions before, and very successfully. But she was worried about her family.
Ada for a moment thought of her grandfather. Brigadier General Harry Dravograd. He was a grand military mind and a career soldier. He started as a common private in the army and worked himself up to the rank of Brigadier General. He died a month ago, before all of this started. He never had to see the great empire he spent his life serving risk crumbling at the hands of an unknown force. He was lucky that way. Ada wasn’t sure if the empires good old bloody ground combat tactics to ground their enemies into the ground in a war of attrition. They were experts on attrition warfare. But would it work this time?
“Waiting’s the hard part,” Haig stated.
Ada sat in the command chair gently.
“Yeah.” It was hard knowing their people were dying, fighting and fleeing the enemy and they could only wait.
Year: 2718, May 7th/6272, Vaan’jorch calendar
Sector Fen-june-89-30.931
Blessing system, Rudemir, Hailstorm Command Base
Sectorial Governess Rei-Lin of the Fen-june sector stood watching the strategic map of the Blessing system. The red holographical map was slightly hard to follow for the young governess. Warlord Eaertal stood beside her, with a dozen other Colossal Warlords, one Jorchae Major General. She was in command of supply lines throughout the sector. A pair of Kurhkzan Generals were also present. They were in joint command-along with one of the Colossal Warlords-of commanding the Starfighter battles across the sector. Eaertal was specifically in overall command of the defense of Rudemir and her primary military advisers. Sense the 27th April-for ten days now-the battle of Brodimir had been ongoing.
The initial invasion had been quick and brutal. Hundreds of thousands of Colossal civilians had been slaughtered on this planet alone. The Colossal defenders was still holding out. They had drawn a line and were fighting bitterly for their world, and in Rei-Lin’s name.
As she looked on the strategic holographic map the third Space battle of Rudemir was ongoing. It had been going on for the last four days. For one day, Starfighters had battled in smaller skirmishes that expanded into larger space battles. For three days after that now, the fleet in the system had taken a licking from the hostile fleet. Luckily the Rudemir Planetary Defense Batteries were in range and were shooting the enemy to bits. Intelligence from Brodimir and other planets in the sector had informed Rei-Lin that the enemy were insectoid. A few bodies were being transported for the homeworld of Haitrochk for study, along shot down Interceptors to be taken apart and learned from.
“Our ground forces on Brodimir report that the HQ in the capital won’t stand for much longer,” a Warlord explained. “The Armored Division and volunteers has been losing men too fast. They are running out of ammunition and medical supplies.”
“Without supplies they’d lose,” another added.
“It isn’t easy for our blockade runners to reach Brodimir already,” the Jorchae Major General defended herself. She wasn’t happy to get blamed for the situation. “Goddess, half our original freighter crews have already been killed when the enemy tore their ships part with deadly fire. We cannot send more supplies. Doesn’t matter that we want to.”
“Our brothers and sisters are dying, Jorchae,” a Warlord said snarky.
“So are Jorchae, Warlord,” the female general countered.
“We need to focus on defending Rudemir, goddess,” Eaertal argued, turning to Rei-Lin.
Rei-Lin had, sense the initial invasion, referred to Eaertal’s judgement on military matters. She didn’t have any military education at all. Never attended the Academy on Haitrochk. She was raised by her parents, a governess and an admiral.
“Focus on holding Rudemir,” Rei-Lin decided hesitantly. “We won’t overextend the navy in this sector by focusing only on Brodimir.”
Eaertal nodded approvingly.
“Warriors are dying on Brodimir!” A Warlord exclaimed in anger.
Rei-Lin jumped.
“T-this is bigger than one planet,” she explained. “How’s our reinforcements, Warlord?” She looked at a Colossal warlord.
He cleared his throat.
“Governess, the 501st and 662nd fleets are on their way into this sector to support and bulk up the 9th Assault Fleet. The 2201st Assault Fleet was utterly wiped out holding the line. Eight-hundred and ninety-one starships destroyed, stranding twenty-seven thousand men on the planet’s surface. All contact has been lost sense fourteen hours ago. The 91st Army retreated and left the system they defended.” He spat on the floor. “The Warlord cowardly abandoned his duty and left four-hundred-thousand civilians to die. Worse. Included casualties are six Vaan’jorch scientists and fifteen Spiritual Guards from the SGF.” He lowered his head in shame. The officers around the table cursed in disgust.
The SGF, aka Spiritual Guard Force was a force of elite Vaan’jorch soldiers. They were only commanded by the Holy Empress and answered only to her authority. They were considered the best warriors in the Vaan’jorch Dominion. They were also extremely loyal, groomed from a young age for the specific duty. Their parents handed them to the SGF when they were extremely young and they were sense then indoctrinated to worship the Holy Empress and die for her. Sometimes children of criminals were taken by the government and raised into the SGF.
“The majority of space forces in the sector has been destroyed or routed,” the warlord finished.
Rei-Lin sighed, desperately trying to follow everything.
“We-we have t-to fortify the planets that we can and mobilize some kind o-of counterattack to halt the advance. I want you to contact Haitrochk Command and ask when reinforcements will arrive, where and how much we can count on.”
Eaertal nodded in confirmation. “Rudemir can hold out indefinitely as long as the PDB remain operational. But…we will be surrounded and besieged if the systems around us fall. If they fall, we’ll be trapped here. Rudemir is mostly self-sustaining, but the whole population can’t last on the planets food indefinitely.”
Rei-Lin almost cringed. She didn’t like the thought of being trapped behind enemy lines with thousands of hostile starships trying to kill her. Well…them, she supposed.
Year: 2718, April 27th/ Year: 6272, Vaan’jorch calendar
Sector Vaan’jorch-79-12.991
System Dorn, Haitrochk, Vaan’jorch laboratory
The Ravager girl sat up in the silver red couth. A blanket laid over her body. She forced a dark green tendril out of her field of vision and looked around. She knew mommy were here before she fell asleep. But where was she now? Her sharp talons pulled the blanket off and to the couches other side.
“Mama?” Kai asked. She looked around again. “Mama?”
No one answered her. She got up from the couch and walked into her mamas bedroom. It was empty.
“Mama?” where was mama?
She walked back out into the main room and made her way to the door. She opened it and walked out into the corridor. A pair of Jorchae flew by her but paid her no attention. When she turned right she walked straight into someone’s leg.
The Serphoro guard looked down at her.
She stepped back from him and fiddled with her fingers as she looked down.
“Where are you going?” She asked. Oh, it was a girl. She thought it was a boy. It was hard to tell with the armor on.
“I can’t find mama,” Kai mumbled.
“She’s in the main laboratory.”
“T-thank you.”
The guard stepped forward and right into Kai’s way.
“The goddess wants you to stay in her quarters.”
Kai looked down.
“I want mama.”
The Serphoro rolled her eyes. If this girl represented the Ravagers, they would be in trouble. They really needed a race of soldiers who were expendable. Still, maybe she was just a defective example. She didn’t understand why the goddess kept her around. Why not just end her and start over with her. She was just a drone basically. A weapon.
“Fine, I’ll use the comm to inform her. But you still has to stay inside.”
Most of the guards didn’t like her. She couldn’t understand why.
The militaristic Serphoro and Colossal’s weren’t-most of them-going to be too fond of the Ravagers. They wouldn’t like the idea of a new race created for military purposes. Some would see this as proof of the goddesses power. Specifically Mae-Sae’s. some saw the Ravagers as cannon-fodder while some appreciated them. But, the Colossal’s would probably-in Mae-Sae’s calculations-develop to trust and like the Ravagers as a part of the Dominion. At least before the Serphoro. Otherwise extremely loyal, their pride would stand in their way.
Kai looked sad as she walked back inside their living quarters. She didn’t like the bigger races. The Jorchae seemed nice, but the Serphoro and Colossal’s was terrifying. Although they seemed nice, the Jorchae looked funny and made a creepy noise when flying. The wing flapping sounded kinda creepy.
She turned back to the door. She really wanted mama. It was scary without her. She decided to find mama anyway. She almost knew where the lab were. She opened the door again and peeked out. She Serphoro female turned her head to her.
“What?” She asked annoyed.
She hadn’t counted on Kai running out and it took her a moment to follow her.
“Come back you little!” She yelled in annoyance.
Kai was surprisingly fast and the she could barely catch up. They ran down a few corridors and kai breathed quickly, running zigzag at one point to avoid getting caught by the guard. When the suddenly got grabbed, it was hard. She stopped abruptly and a Colossal male pulled her into the air by the arm.
“Ouch, hurts!” She cried out.
“What are you doing here?” He asked. “Escaping from your pod?”
The female guard came right behind them. She stopped and sighed.
“Finally. She’s goddess Mae-Sae’s little one.”
“Oh. What she’s doing here?”
“Running. I’ll get her back to her quarters.”
“Wanna see mama!”
“Shut it,” the Colossal hissed.
Kai stopped yelling and tried being quiet. But her arm still hurt.
“Gonna tell mama,” she whispered. “Tell her you hurt me.”
The Colossal dropped her suddenly and groaned while rubbing his forehead. Kai hurt her knee when he dropped her. She didn’t understand why they didn’t like her.
“Let the girl go,” a deep voice demanded.
Kai and the two soldiers turned to look in the direction of the voice. Their eyes landed on a tall 8.4 Ravager male. His hands were clenched tightly. He was covered in a black hard exoskeleton. His dark green eyes were narrowed on the soldiers. Most Ravagers were human sized, this one was far bigger than any of them. The Colossal recognize who he was quickly.
“Hmm. Alright.” He patted Kai on the head. “No harm meant little one.” He nodded to the Ravager. “Hierarch.”
The Serphoro female glared at him. Or it, as she saw the Ravagers. Her pride prevented her from seeing them as anything worthy of respecting. It had been a few days sense the first batch left their pods. Every day more and more came about. Hundreds a day. Soon it would be a thousand a day. Sense the Colossal referred to him as Hierarch, she assumed he was the leader Mae-Sae put in charge of the Ravagers. Supposedly a new species needed some kind of government.
“She’s supposed to stay in her quarters,” she said flatly. “I have orders.”
The Hierarch looked at Kai. He quickly realized she was Mae-Sae’s daughter.
“The goddess would not be pleased to see her hurt. You’d lose your head. If you have any respect for the goddess, leave.”
“Don’t question my loyalty!” The Serphoro snapped.
The Hierarch just crossed his arms over his chest. “She is, Goddess Mae-Sae’s daughter. Blood irrelevant. Leave her alone.” He narrowed his eyes.
She didn’t say anything else. She narrowed her eyes further before she walked away.