The resort was 2 tall buildings which were a dirty shade of pinkish brown and had a short mini bridge that connected the buildings near the top. The entrance was white and the outside walls had carvings of Atlantis legends.
"Wow." I stated.
"Meh." Courtney shrugged. "I've seen better."
"This is very impressive for a new small country." Levy stated.
"The Bahamas is mainly know for tourism." A woman stated from behind me causing me to jump.
"Hey guys, I just came back from the checkout." Besty stated. She then right began to stare at the woman right before dropping her bags. "Sister?"
"Oh." The woman calmly stated. "Hi Besty."
"Besty, who's she and how do you two know each other?" Courtney asked Her.
"Well Courtney," Besty stated. "Brenda here is my big sister. Whatcha doing here sis?"
"If you must know, our principle has a meet with the school's board of today and asked me to come since I'm captain of our dance team and the student body president." Brenda stated.
"Oh that's great!" Besty stated. "Are all the school principals here? Is mine here?", Brenda nodded as a reply.
"Every college representative is here." Brenda stated.
"This must be one important meeting." Levy stated.
"If it's so important why would they have it here?", Courtney asked.
"Privacy is important." Brenda stated. "This island was chosen because of how small and private it is. Most of the island's tourist are in the beach, so we would talk business without a million phone cameras pointing at us from outside the windows."
"Okay." Courtney stated. "That's actually pretty smart. Who chose the location?"
"Our principle." Brenda stated right fore she walked off.
"No even a bye." Lisanna stated.
"Um.... Guys shouldn't we check in?" I asked. "Chris been standing for the last 3 minutes now."
"Yeah we better go before he gives away our rooms." Bridgette added. Then we headed to where Chris was waiting for us.
"Next time you make me wait I'll give away your rooms." Chris threaten.
"Told you." Bridgette smirked. Chris had told us that our room was room 24 and that we were signed up for a swimming session in half an hour.
30 minutes later..........
We all have on our swimsuits and were waiting on our swim guide to arrive. Suddenly a dark skin man starts swimming towards us. I guess he was our tour guide.
"Are you the tourist who arrived from Canada?" The man asked.
"Sure are!" Chris announced. "I'm Chris. Chris MCclean."
"Nice to meet you, Chris." The man stated shaking Chris' hand. " I'll be your tour guide for the day."
"Say you watch Total Drama?" Chris asked him obviously looking for attention.
"What's Total Drama?" The man asked causing Chris' smile to drop.
"I give up!" Chris shouted. "This place is pointless."
"What was that about?" The guide asked.
"Don't worry about it." Lisanna told him.
After that, the guide began to explain about Bahamian animals in the sea and that we where going to be playing with stingrays for our first activity.
"Now be very careful." The man explained. "Stingrays sting when they're frightened but I'm sure as long as no one startles any of them you'll be fine. Now follow me."
We went 5 miles away from the shore which wasn't that bad. The water only went up to my knees. Suddenly we were surrounded a swarm of stingrays. I stood still hoping not to get stung. The man must noticed is just standing there and wanted us to move cause he keep encouraging us to let them.
"It's okay." The man stated. "They're actually quite friendly." Then he petted one as it bopped his knee. Everyone began petting them after that. I cautious touch one in front of me. What? I don't want to die yet. I quickly petted mine and then moved my hand. It bopped me on the knee like it did to the guide. I petted it again and it happily swam around me.
"This isn't so bad." I stated.
Time skip....
We must have spent at least an hour just playing with those nice stingrays. I was a little sad when our guide said it was time to go.
"Time to go already?" Lisanna asked getting out of the water.
"They were so nice." Levy added .
"It's time for lunch." The guide replied. We all heading inside the resort to grab a bite to eat.
"I got to go, see ya laters." The guide stated. Then he headed left.
"Where to now Chris?" Wendy asked.
"Give me a second." Chris told her. "I don't know."
"Just Great." Courtney stated. Then a woman with white hair walked up to us. (Why do I recognize her?)
"If you want, I could help you get to the buffet." The woman offered. Wait a second......
"Yukino?" I asked.
"Oh hi." Yukino stated. "I didn't expect to see you guys here." Then she began to stare deeply at me.
"Um.... Yeah........" I stated . "Our chauffeur booked our vacation here."
"Really?" Yukino asked.
"Yep!" I shouted. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a job at airport customs?"
"That's just a side job." Yukino replied. "I'm actually a school Secretary." I nodded in approval. "My boss has a meeting here and he asked me to accompany him."
"Wait!" Besty said munching on a drumstick. "Is this the same meeting my sister Brenda was talking about?"
"Wall I'm not sure about your sister but we do have a student named Brenda King." Yukino stated. "She's captain of our dance team."
"Yes that's her." Besty stated.
"You know I've heard Brenda talk about a long distance sister." Yukino stated. "Are you Besty King?" Besty nodded in reply.
" Say, I just on my way to the dining hall." Yukino stated. "Care to join me?"
"Sure!" I shouted. "We were just on our way there actually." "
Well in that case I'll come with you." Yukino said smiling.
"Okay then." I stated. Then we headed towards the dining hall.
Time skip........
We made it to the dining area about half n hour later. The dining hall had blue checkered walls and took up about 4 rooms.
"Well?" I stated. "Lets head inside."
"I'll go check us in." Chris told us walking away.
"And I'll go find my boss." Yukino said walking towards the buffet.
"We'll head to buffet." I said following her. We all reached the buffet line not too long after her. The buffet was a long assembly line of assorted meats, starches, fruits, desserts and even different types of salad dressings. On the other side of us was another buffet table. Filled with all kinds of sweet treats like brownies, cakes and even cookies. All which were placed on large metal plates and dishes on top of 2 black tables. It looked pretty good.
"This looks awesome!" Levy stated.
"I bet it tastes even better." Wendy stated.
"Girl I'm hitting up the food court!" Leshawna shouted. "Leshawna needs her grub!"
"I'll go join her." Lisanna told everyone.
"Well I'm going to find our seats." Courtney stated.
"I'll come with you." I volunteered.
The dining area took up about 2 rooms. One room was aqua blue and was separated by a small lopsided wall. Our room was white themed with windows by some of the tables. Courtney lead me to one of the window tables.
The table was long and covered by a white line cloth and tags with our names on them. Their was one long red burgundy cushioned chair. On the chair there was even gold name tags to show where we would be sitting.
"Okay Lucy go and find your seat." Courtney told me.
"Found it!" I announced looking at a good tag with my name on it.
"Great!" Courtney shouted. "The others should be back with dinner in just a few moments."
"Hey, We're back!" Lisanna waved.
"And we brought the food!" Leshawna beamed slamming the food onto the table. "Well? What are you guys waiting on?"
"Lets eat." Leshawna stated reaching for the pasta but Courtney slapped her hand before she could touch anything.
"Ouch!" Leshawna exclaimed rubbing the back of her palm. "What was all that about?"
"We haven't prayed over it yet." Courtney said smiling.
"My bad girl." Leshawna stated. "You're right."
Wendy and Lisanna looked at me in confusion. Those two managed to get the seats on both sides of me.
"What is she talking bout Luc?" Lisanna whispered inside my ear. I didn't respond. Don't get me wrong! I wasn't mad at her and I wasn't ignoring her either. I just didn't know how to respond.
Everything started to fade away and then I could see a room. There was a bed and two people were sitting on it. An adult woman and a young girl. Both of them with golden blonde hair, just like me. I then noticed a black book in the older woman's hands. A black book with golden text. I then heard something. Someone calling my name.
"Lucy?" The voice asked.
"Huh?!?" I stated shaking my head. Lisanna was rapidly waving her hand in front of my face.
"Lucy?" Lisanna asked. "Are...... you okay? You've been out for like five minutes now."
"I was?" I asked. "Sorry about that."
"What got you so worked up?" Wendy asked.
"Oh!" I replied. "I was just........ It's nothing."
"Aren't you three going to eat your food?" Courtney asked us. Oh right! I haven't touched my food yet. And I was also starving!
After we all finished our dinner and washed up we went to our rooms to catch some zzz. I was in room 24 with Leshawna, Luna, Lisanna and Wendy. The others were sleeping in the neighboring room. Room 25. Chris said he was staying on a different floor closer to the roof so, we had some privacy. Leshanwa said that we better enjoy it while it lasts and Luna agreed with her.
"So Lucy?" Leshawna asked. "What did you guys do for your audition taps?"
"Audition taps?" I asked confused.
"We didn't send in any of those." Lisanna stated. Leshanwa looked confused.
"Wait!" Leshawna shouted. "So how Y'all get picked for the show if you didn't audition?" I stopped dead in my tracks. So did Lisanna and Wendy. Leshanwa was beginning to look upset.
"Well?" She asked.
"We had a run in with the host." I jumped.
"Really?" Luna asked.
"Yep!" Lisanna told her.
"Meet Chris in person." Wendy said practically hopping onto the bed.
"Boy it sure is getting late." Lisanna stated. "Lucy. Won't you agree?"
"Yeah, I quite bushed." I added. "Good night everyone." Then I quickly got on the bed and covered up.
7:30am the next morning.......
"(Long yawn.) Good morning everyone!" I stated still yawning loudly.
"(Groans.) What time is it?" Luna groaned right before falling off the bed.
"7:30." "7:30!?! Lucy were going to be late for the tour! Wake up everyone!"
Well the mornin began with me and Luna shaking everyone out of bed. Fun. Once we got everyone was out of bed, we all bathed, brushed our teeth and ate breakfast, then we were all ready to head out the door. Today's our last day before we start the journey back to camp. Apparently there was a change in the flight scheduling and our flight was one of the doses of flights that was rescheduled for tomorrow so after our tour of the city we have to begin packing our things. I'm beginning to wonder if Chris rescheduled our flight on purpose just to save money. (I packed early so I can have a little time to myself after the tour.) Anyway...... I followed the others outside and where they were standing waiting for the tour guide.
"Hello there!" A familiar voice shouted to the entire group. I nearly passed out when I saw our tour guide.
In front of us was a tall light skin woman with blonde hair almost as blonde as mine. She was wearing a blue uniform with a white name tag on the left side of her shirt.
"My name is Layla Heartfillia and I'll be your tour guide for today." She stated. I just stood there like my feet were glued to the ground.
"Lucy!?!" Courtney stated rapidly waving her hand in front of me. "Hello? Are you in there? LUCY!" I didn't respond.
"Sorry Miss.Heartfillia big fan, my friend here just........" "Just a second." Layla stated interrupting Courtney. Then she went up and hugged me like I was her long lost child or something. I mean technically I was but......
"Lucy!" My mother exclaimed . "Thank God you're alive!"
"Mother, it's been a while since I last saw you." I said still at a lost for words.
Okay so I guess you have a few questions about this. Okay a lot of questions! Yes Layla Heartfillia is my mom and yes I am her 'lost' daughter. I probably should have mentioned that earlier but hey! You live and learn right? Besides, I got other problems to deal with right now. Like me 'long lost' mother. Anyway, my mom was still in middle of hugging me to death. I was just waiting for her to start rowing me like those moms in those sitcoms on tv.
"Wait!" Courtney shouted. "Lucy why is Layla Heartfillia, one of the richest woman on the entire continent of North America calling you her daughter? (Gasp!) Are you......" I nodded before she could finish. That's when Layla stopped hugging me. Here it comes.
"Wait, Lucy you haven't told your friends that I'm your mother?" My mom asked.
"Wait a minute." Courtney stated. "Where did I put it.... Here it is." She took out an old newspaper dated for October 16 and began to read it out loud. "Young air to the Heartfillia industries missing in action. Lucy Heartfillia was report missing earlier this morning. If anyone has seen this 16 year old please call the hotline." I rolled my eyes. Did she really had to read that? OUT LOUD?
"Was it really that big of a deal?" I asked hoping to move away from this topic fast.
"Lucy." Layla stated. "Your my daughter." I rolled my eyes at her.
"And she's one of the richest people on this continent." Courtney added.
"Can we just get on with the tour?" I begged. "Please?" Layla sighed.
"When we get home, you and I are going to have a little talk young lady." Layla stated making me moan. "Lets get on with he tour."
"FINALLY!" I groaned.
"LUCY!" Layla shouted. "Silence please." The she began the tour. Thankfully.
The tour started with a walk to downtown Nassau. The entire time Layla was just calling out facts about the Bahamas you could probably learn in history class although they were pretty interesting. Like did you know that the famous pirate Blackbeard used to be an inhabit here in the 1800s while they were under the British rule. She actually took us to a pirate museum and showed us relics from each pirate. Every time we walked by a museum or some other historical place, she tell us an interesting fact about that place. By the time it was lunch I had learnt 45 new facts about the Bahamas, bought 25 souvenirs and that taken over 100 pictures. I got to admit, Layla was pretty good at this. She had even learnt everyone's names. We've been walking for about 2 hours and pasted about 15 different restaurants and 25 tourist attractions. She made it really hard to hate the trip. Which annoyed me just a little.
"Miss Heartfilla?" Courtney asked. "I have a question."
"Yes Courtney." Layla replied.
"You have a solid business with over $100,000 in the bank." Courtney stated matter of factually.
"That's correct, Courtney." Layla replied.
"Well you already have a successful business then why do you have this second job?" Courtney asked her.
"Courtney." Luna gritted. "We don't ask people about their private business."
"Yeah girl!" Leshawna shouted. "Your not Chris after all."
"It's okay girls." Layla stated. "Well when Lucy left and we couldn't find her in the US, we went looking in other countries. Meanwhile, people started to come up to me and ask me for autographs and other things. I admit it was fun at first but, soon it just got very stressful. I need to be somewhere where I could relax and do something I wanted to do. Without someone coming up to me asking for something. Then I found out about this place so I packed my belongings and went here. It's been wonderful so far. Certainly got that peace of mind I was looking for. I was telling you about. Plus it distracted me from all the mix emotions I was feeling at the time."
"It sure is lovely here." Bridgette stated making Layla chuckle.
"It sure is." Layla replied. "Oh we're here!"
In front of us was a small little gray bar a whites sides and and a blue sign with the words Curly's restaurant and bar in cyan blue letters.
"You brought us to a bar?" Lisanna asked.
"Trust me." Layla stated. "You're going to love this." Then she went up to the man behind the window and told everyone to sit down.
"Alright then." Layla stated once we all day down. "Who's up for a little seafood?" We all nodded.
"Girl just pass me the grub!" Leshawna shouted.
"Yeah I could eat." Luna added.
"Isn't that what we can here to do?" Courtney asked her. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Mom had already left to order the food. The tables were arranged for 2 at a table and Courtney had decided to sit next to me.
"So Lucy?" Courtney began to ask.
"Yes." I said.
"I was wondering......" "Look Courtney." I interrupted her. "I would appreciate it if you don't talk about that."
"But she's your mom." Courtney stated slamming her hands onto the table.
"And you expected for me to share private information like that to a bunch of strangers?" I shouted back at her.
"Can ya'll keep it down over there?" Leshawna shouted.
"I'm guessing it didn't take Lucy that long to start up something while I was gone." Layla said carrying a bowl of soup. I looked at it in observation.
"What is that?" Wendy asked.
"Crab and dough." Layla told her.
Not too long after that a few waiters came in with our food. After we all got our food I noticed that Layla was on her phone talking to someone.
"Hey Layla aren't you going to finish your food?" I asked.
"Huh?" She asked. "Oh, one sec. Yes Courtney?" Courtney looked at her in confusion.
"Are you going to finish your food Layla?" I asked again.
"Lucy, you know that's not how you speak to an adult, child." Layla told me. "Especially to your mother." I rolled my eyes. She sighed.
"You've changed." She said before diving back into her phone call. Courtney stared at me.
"What was all that about?" She asked.
"All what about?" I stated.
"You know." Courtney stated. "With you, and your mom." I shrugged as I eat into a piece of crab legs.
"Why do you treat your mother like that?" Courtney asked. "She a pretty great person."
"I'm pretty sure that's NONE of your business." I told her slamming my fists into the table. She raised an eyebrow. "Look I just don't want to talk about it. It's...... complicated." I then stuffed another piece of crab into my mouth.
"Really?" She said staring at me. "Okay then." Then she began to finished up her food.
After we all finished our food, Layla told us that she had called a sub tour guide to take over for the rest of the tour. We all looked at her surprised.
"Why do you need to call in a sub, Miss Heartfilla?" Courtney asked.
"I have something important that I needed to do." Layla replied. "I wanted to spend some time with my daughter, now that God has bless us to see each other again."
I slapped my face into the palm of my hand. My mother was going to leave right in the middle of the tour and risk getting fired just to spend time with me. I didn't know whether to feel upset or embarrassed.My face practically turned Apple red.
"What's wrong Lucy?" My mom asked. "I thought you'ld be happy."
"Mother..........." I groaned.
"Why are like this?" She asked. "This is not how I remember raising my daughter."
"Well people change!" I shouted. "And if you don't like it well then........"
"Then what, Lucy?" She asked.
"Then you could just leave!" I snapped. Layla looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"Fine." Layla stated. "I'll go."
"Mother wait!" I shouted after her.
"No, Lucy." She said. "I think I'll be better if I just leave." Then she left. What did I just do?
I spent the whole evening after the tour crying. I didn't bother to bath, or nap I didn't even show up to dinner. I still don't understand what happened. Why did it happen? Sometimes I wish I could just make all my problems just disappear. Or better yet make my self disappear. I was just sitting on my bed sulking when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and noticed Courtney looking over my shoulder with a pack of tissues in her hand.
"What?" I asked. " I'm not in the mood to talk right now."
"I just came to see if you were alright." Courtney told me. "Here." Then she handed me the pack of tissues. I took out practically a few dozen of those things. My nose was really runny.
"Look Courtney." "I know."
"You do?" I asked her.
"I might have not have been in this exact situation." Courtney started up.
"I can imagine." I said rolled my eyes.
"Like I was saying." Courtney continued. "I might have not been a runaway from a rich family like you, but I do know what it's like to have problems with the people you care about."
"Does it have anything to do with that juvenile delinquent?" I asked her. "Duncan was it?"
"Hey!" She shouted hitting me with a nearby pillow. "Its nothing like that!"
"Really?" I teased. " but you two seem so perfect for each other."
"Lucy!" She jumped hitting again.
"Okay! Okay!" I shouted. "I'm just saying." Then she gave me a playful smile.
"Why did you come here anyway?" I asked.
"To cheer you up of course!" Courtney joked.
"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "Chris didn't sent you to drag me out of bed? Leshawna didn't send you to slap me? Layla didn't send you to ground me for a million years?"
"Well your mother did tell me to give you this." Courtney said handing me a black note book. "She said that she wanted to have it." Then she gave me a concerned look. "You don't have to come out of you dont want to." I smiled.
"Thanks Courtney." I told her.
"Sure!" She said. "No problem." Then she left.
The next morning.............
Everyone woke up early so we could make sure that everyone was ready for the 9am flight. After everyone was finished getting ready few we all headed to the buffet for one last meal in the island. I checked my phone once I made it to the buffet table. 8:30. Plenty of time. I looked around and noticed that everyone was already sitting and that Courtney was waving at me. Turns out I was the last one. Yay me. I walked over to where everyone was sitting and sat down next to Courtney.
"Hey Courtney." I said.
"Hey Lucy!" Courtney replied. "How you feeling?"
"Better." I told her. "Excited to go back to camp?"
"And go back to be treated like ragdolls?" Courtney pointed out. Sarcastically. Of course. "The only reason people put up with Chris is for the money."
"I kinda figured." I told her. "I mean he is kind of...."
"Soul less?" Courtney asked.
"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry." Courtney chuckled.
"Girl she's just telling it as it is." Leshawna stated.
"Leshawna's right." Luna added.
"Thanks girl." Leshawna replied. "Now can I eat before my food gets cool?"
"Girls." Chris announced coming out of practically nowhere. "Time to board the plane." Leshawna looked annoyed.
"What time is it anyway?" Bridgette asked.
"8:50." Wendy stated looking at her watch. It was one of those retro style ones from the early 1800s.
"We better go to the boarding area." Luna stated.
"Yeah custom does take a pretty long time to go through." Courtney added.
"Okay." I stated.
We all heading towards the boarding area. I began read the book my mother gave me or well tried to anyway. The book was written in some sort of latin. Fortunately I happened to know a little. I was so busy trying to translate it that I accidentally bumped into someone and ended up dropping it.
"Sorry." I shouted looking down trying to grab the book. For some reason I could find it.
"Did you drop this?" The man ask holding it up.
He was a slim, yet muscular, toned young man of average height with spiky blond hair, which is kept in strands jutting outwards in every direction, and a smaller, frontal cowlick (or tuft) of hair partially hanging over his forehead. He has slanted, slit pupiled, dark blue eyes; above the right one is a thin, diagonal scar. He's left ear was adorned with an earring which, in itself, was attached to by a prominent metal pendant that was crystalline in shape. He was wearing a black business suit with a matching necktie. I snatched the book out quickly put of in my purse.
"Thanks." I told him. "My name's Lucy. Lucy Ashley. What's yours?"
"Sting." He told me. "Sting Efflie. Say Lucy I recongized you from somewhere." Then he stroked his chin in thought. I frowned.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I stated firmly. "I sure don't recognize you." Suddenly I heard a voice in the distance. It was Courtney's.
"Hey Lucy, there you are." She said once she reached us. "We're all waiting on you. Wait a minute is that Sting Efflie?"
"Yes why?" I asked her. Then she pulled me aside.
"Lucy." Courtney stated. "That man is Sting Efflie."
"Yes he told me that." I replied.
"Co owner of Sabertooth industries." She whisper shouted. I didn't replied. She then facepalmed herself. "That man's one of youngest entrepreneurs alive! What have you been saying to him?"
"Nothing." I told her.
"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm going to ask him." Then she walked up to him.
"My apologies Mr.Efflie for anything that !y friend here might had said." Courtney told him.
"Its okay." Sting told her. "Your Courtney right? I can recognize a fellow air when I see one."
"Yes." She told him.
"Hey you two!" Lisanna shouted. "Plane's about to shut it's doors."
"Oh sorry." Courtney told her. "Coming! We got to go."
"It's cool." Sting told her. " I'm late for my flight anyway. Bye." Then he left.
"We better go before our flight takes off without us." I joked.
"Yeah." Courtney agreed. Then we got on the plane.