5 minutes later..........
My teammates and I were all standing outside our cabin door.
"So Lucy, what are for the talent show?" Courtney asked.
"Well I was thinking about doing a song." I say nonchalantly.
"Lucy, you could sing?" Lindsay asked.
"Actually I don't know." I replied. "I've never sang before." Most of my teammates (if not all of them) looked surprised.
"So you've never sang before?" Levy asked shocked. "Not even as a child?" I shook head.
"I guess it just never really been able to do it." I said turning my head. "What are you guys doing for the talent show?"
"Well, I'm doing a ribbon dance." Lisanna said holding up her ribbon.
"I'm probably going to be singing to." Wendy stated.
"I'm just going to do some tricks on my board." A girl with bleach blonde hair added.
"I like the upgrade, Bridget." Courtney said.
"Thanks Courtney." Bridget replied smiling. "What's your performance doing be?"
"My performance is going to be a violin solo." Courtney replied.
"Courtney plays a mean violin." Bridget stated.
"Can I hearsome?" Lindsay asked. "I didn't get to hear any first season."
"Sorry Lindsay I can't, It's bad luck to show you act beforehand." Courtney replied.
"Aren't you a little too smart to be believing in those kind of superstitions?" Luna stated.
"This coming from the girl who uses magic." Courtney stated. "Besides, It's happened to me before. Don't you remember?"
"Oh yeah." Luna dragged.
"That was the episode Luna covered for you, right Luna?" Bridget asked her.
"Yes it was." Luna replied.
"You have a strong voice by the way." A day girl with black hair asked. "Are you going to be singing for your act girl?"
"Leshawna stop guessing." Luna told her.
"I'll stop when get it right." Leshawna stated. "Say you're that Lucy girl right?"
"Yes." I replied. " How does everyone on this island know my name?"
"You friends say it all the time." Leashawna said. "Say, wanna be friends?"
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah girl!" Leshawna replied. "You cool."
"Thanks." I said smiling. "Say Luna, what are doing for the talent show?"
"It's a surprise." Luna beamed proudly.
"Oh I can't wait to see your surprise Luna!" Lindsay announced.
"We should get going." Courtney said checking her watch. "It's 5:31."
"Yeah and the Amphitheater is at least an half an hour walk." Luna added.
"Great!" I announced. "Lead the way!"
Half an hour later..........
We caught up with Natsu and the other team near a huge blue and white stadium. Clear blue benches lit up the walkway as they reflected the evening sky. The stage was black with sparkly red curtains to match. Classic. Chris was standing behind a small silver microphone held in place by a black microphone stand. I noticed that Chef wasn't with him but Chris didn't seem too worried.
"Where were you guys?" Chris asked. "It's 6:01!"
"So?" A skinny girl with black shaggy hair asked.
"The show was suppose to start over a few minutes, miss Heather!" Chris replied. "Just get back stage."
"Where's Chef?" Lindsay asked.
"Oh you'll find out soon enough." Chris replied.
Then we all gathered back stage.
"Hello contestants!" Chris shouted. "Welcome to your first challenge, the Total Drama Island talent show!"
"Um.... Chris?" Heather asked. "Where's Chef?"
"Chef will not be here for today's challenge." Chris stated.
"And why's that?" A girl with short teal hair asked.
"He will not be because, he's our judge for today's challenge!" Chris announced with excitement.
"But how he be the judge of his not here genius?" A boy with green and black spiky hair asked.
"I was getting to that, Duncan." Chris replied. "Chef will be in a different room judging you on the Chef-o-meter!" Then he point at a huge sign with a man's face on it. I assumed that was Chef.
"If you manage to impress Chef enough for him to fill the whole scale....." Chris started pointing towards a sign with a man's face on it. I assumed that was Chef. Then something like a bar scale lit and blue covered the whole scale. "You win!"
"Could you finally tell us about this 'reward' that winner suppose to get?" Natsu shouted.
"You'll find out at the end of the challenge." Chris stated. "Now....who's up first? Ah....Courtney your first! Not surprised." Then Courtney came up holding her violin smiling.
"Hello Chris today I will be performing a classic song." Courtney said right before she started playing and man she was awesome! Most of the song was in D minor and didn't mess up a single note. She even added a high pitch solo in the middle of it. When she had finished, everyone was still mesmerized by it. Well almost everyone. Clap! Clap! Clap!
"Nice work Courtney." Heather stated clapping. Sarcastically. Courtney just brushed it off.
"Thanks." Courtney replied back. Heather turned her head.
"Great work Courtney." Chris stated. "Let's see what master Chef thinks." Then blue light filled the bar of the scale through midway. "Nice. Alright then, Bridget's up next with here skating routine." Then Bridget skating onto the stage.
Afterwards she skated around the entire stage and did a 360 pile flip, a back flip, a 360 turn and then topped it off with a cartwheel. At the end everyone was cheering.
"Woo......hoo.....!" She shouted once she finished.
"Great job Bridget!" I shouted.
"Yeah nice work." Chris added. "Let's see if Chef agrees." The meter went up 14 spaces. "14 out of 20 not bad, let's see if our resident gymnast Lisanna can do better."
Then Lisanna headed on stage. Lisanna was pretty good. Chef gave her ribbon dance an 8 out of 20. After Lisanna was Lindsay. She modeled out a long sliver dress with black selves which she said she designed herself. Chef gave her a 9. Then Gwen came and did a poem about natural disasters. She only got a 5. (Not surprised.) A boy with green and black spiky hair shot Chris with a plunger dart sending Chris to the infirmary. After Chris came out of the infirmary an hour later Leshawna came on and did a freestyle dance. Which made everyone cringe. (Personally I didn't think she was that bad.) Ezra and Cana did a dance together scoring them 8 points. Juvia and Gwen both did poems. Nastu and Grey just fought each other. (Unsurprisingly.) Wendy sang her favorite song and sang it well. Chef gave her 9 points. Soon it just down to me, Luna and Heather.
"Alright," Chris announced once Heather finished her ballet routine. Chef gave her an eight. "So far Courtney's still in the lead with 15 points. Let Let's see if Luna's ballet routine can beat that!"
Luna's routine started off like a normal ballet routine. The then music stopped and she torn off her ballet clothes which revealed a white T-shirt with black pants.Then a different set of music played in the background. Luna then started to perform a different dance. A Hip-hop dance. (I think Chef was actually surprised because he gave Luna 16 points.)
"That was awesome!" Chris announced after regaining his words. "That's the highest score of the day and only one person left to go. Lucy if you could beat that I'll even throw in a bonus which you'll need for the next challenge. "
Then it finally my turn. My whole hoping for me to win this challenge. I took the stage tying my hardest not to freak out.
"You got this girl!" Leshanwa shouted.
"You could do it, Lucy." Luna shouted.
"We need that bonus come on Lucy, be brave." Courtney stated.
"This coming from the girl whose afraid of green jelly." The green hair boy shouted at her.
"Very funny Duncan." Courtney shouted back.
"Can you too stop arguing for at least 10 seconds?" Luna shouted.
"Alrighty then Lucy, what will you be singing for us today?" Chris asked. "Since I guess you're singng."
"I will be singing a song that my mother used to sing to me." I stated clearing my throat.
I talk a little a too much
Don't listen enough
It's way too easy for me, to be myself
But sometimes I hate the way I look when I look in the mirror
One look from look for you, I know
My flaws
You love you, love my flaws,
And they make them beautiful
You don't see them as flaws-at all
That's why
That's why, that's why I love you
Cause you are you are the one who
The one who loved my flaws
I get a little unsure, allot insecure
I know I might say some words that might cost some hurt
sometimes I get in my own way
I'm way too much to put up with
But you put up with it all
My flaws
You love, you love my flaws
They make me beautiful
You don't see them as flaws -at all
That's why
That's why, that's why I love you
Cause you are, you are the one who
The one who loved my flaws
You think I'm everything when I think I'm nothing
When I hate myself, you still love me, love me and
You love, you love my flaws
And they make me beautiful
You don't see them as flaws -at all
Ooh yeeeea
You love you love, my flaws
Cause they make me beautiful
Flaws, at all, that's why
That's why that's why I love you
Cause I love I love the one who
The one who loved my flaws, yeah
My flaws
You love you love my flaws."
When I finished years were pouring from Chris' eyes.
"Woo Chris are you crying?" Duncan asked.
"No!" Chris shouted. "This is sweat. Where are the interns with my makeup!?!" Then a couple of guys came with different types of makeup.
"That was awesome!" Chris said after 5 minutes of reapplying makeup. "I think Chef agrees."
The bar scale lit up but this time the blue light filled the whole scale.
"And the winner of today's challenge, represents her team is Lucy!" Chris shouted afterwards. "They won invincibility and an advantage for the challenge."
"Woo......woo......woo?" Leshawna stated. "Didn't you say they're was some other reward involved?"
"Ah yes thanks for reminding me Leshawna your reward, this wicked hot tub!" Chris announced showing us This amazing aquamarine colored hot tub.
"This........is....awesome!" Luna exclaimed.
"Great now wash up and head to your cabins." Chris stated. "You'll need your rest for tomorrow's challenge."
Then we head to bed. I tucked myself into bed and opened up my phone. I started to talk into it.
"Okay." I started up. "Diary entry #1. How do I feel about this whole t.v. show. Well I guess it was okay. I took this t.v. show as opportunity to be well normal. Cause we'll magic isn't exactly popular among most countries. Things have been going great so far. I made some new friends and we managed to keep our secret hidden the entire day. I wonder how long it's going to be before our secret gets out."