
NaNoWriMo Prep
NaNoWriMo Prep
會員 (94)
shnuffeluv8 年前
This is it. The finish line. That purple bar. This thread is for celebration. Who else has finished an entire novel?
Alef Magnus
Alef Magnus8 年前
Congratulations! :D I may have accepted the fate that I won't get to reach 50K in time because writing is also my work so when I get the chance to write the novel, I'm too tired.
shnuffeluv8 年前
@Alef Magnus, Don't give up! There's still nearly 1/3 of the month left!
Alef Magnus
Alef Magnus8 年前
@shnuffeluv, Currently at 20,000 words. Any tips on how you got to 50K ahead of time? :)
shnuffeluv8 年前
@Alef Magnus, On my days off I found a comfy seat and typed until time became meaningless XD
Alef Magnus
Alef Magnus8 年前
@shnuffeluv, haha yeah no other way than to just actually write it then.
shnuffeluv8 年前
@Alef Magnus, yeah
Musesation8 年前
I'm not even close to 50 K, sadly. Better luck next year.
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 年前
Neither am I. I got bogged down with school this year. But at least my story got started!
Alef Magnus
Alef Magnus8 年前
I've accepted the fact that I probably won't make it to 50K, the least I can do is get past 25K. Had to focus more on work and earn money. I've never gone this far in writing so there's that achievement I guess.
Musesation8 年前
@Ari-Ink98, Yeah, if it weren't for Penana, I wouldn't have gotten as far in my story.
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 年前
@Musesation, I'm the same. I did better this year than I did last. It was nice doing it as a community. I'll try again next year but I really don't see it going much better. :p
Musesation8 年前
@Ari-Ink98, This was my first nanowrimo year so I guess that's what I would call my baseline. I feel the same! Piles of assignments and exams happen in November for me and I don't see that changing any time soon...
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 年前
@Musesation, Same, this month has been hectic! I have a ridiculous amount of homework, I've been prepping for finals for the last 2 weeks, and I had to memorize six pages worth of classical music and perform it. I barely have time to sleep, let alone write!
Musesation8 年前
@Ari-Ink98, That does sound crazy. Good luck on your performance!
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 年前
@Musesation, :) thanks. Good luck with all your assignments and writing!
Musesation8 年前
@Ari-Ink98, I'm going to need that luck!
shnuffeluv8 年前
You guys can reach your goals, even if they aren't going to hit 50k! I believe in you!
Musesation8 年前
@shnuffeluv, Well , now I just HAVE to try a bit more, after hearing your encouragement! ;D thanks!!
shnuffeluv8 年前
@Musesation, Haha! Anytime!
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
I did not make 50k mark this year. Working two jobs sort of halted all of my writing. I got pretty far, well into 30,000's. i stopped posted though due to some issues with the plot. :D

Anyone else plan on continuing their NaNo stories after November? :D
Musesation8 年前
@Stefani Michelle, I'm actually thinking of rewriting the entire thing XD
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
@Musesation, That is my plan also! As I got about 25,000 words in the whole thing turned into a completely different beast, so I plan on putting it on the shelf and go back to rewrite it. :) I love my characters too much to not continue the story.