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So...Any Suggestions?
shnuffeluv8 years ago
I don't know if any of you guys have seen, but I've started a little guide to navigating Penana, and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for what articles I should do. I'm going to go over how to publish a story, obviously, but...anything else you all would like to see?
Monos Alba
Monos Alba8 years ago
Well, I think that one of Penana's assets is how Penanans can get together and communicate, so an article about Societies would be great!
shnuffeluv8 years ago
I'll do that, thanks!
Benjamin May
Benjamin May8 years ago
Another point I think we should put out there is being active in the community. Not just working on your own stuff but also leaving comments, making friends, learning how to dish out and take criticism. It's something I really want to start here, you do it a lot @shnuffleluv in regards to just going out and reading. But I think we really need to open up writers here to reading as well and leaving postitive but fair critiques without having to PM people.
shnuffeluv8 years ago
True, true. I'll make an issue if I can remember, I have read many many blog posts in that regard and can probably write my own pretty well. Thanks for reminding me!
Anastasiabelle8 years ago
Also if there's a way to add a cover after publishing the story
shnuffeluv8 years ago
I'll add that too! I was planning on doing an issue about adjusting parts of your story afterwards!
Master Of Fandoms
Master Of Fandoms8 years ago
an issue on using penana co-writing feature maybe?
shnuffeluv8 years ago
Ah, yeah yeah! Invites and a description of each, that should make a good round out for the adjustments issue!
Master Of Fandoms
Master Of Fandoms8 years ago
@shnuffeluv,  may have to drop by and check out the blog even though I've been around a bit. Who knows, I may learn something
shnuffeluv8 years ago
@Master Of Fandoms, I'm still learning things after being on here for...like, maybe a year? Idk without checking.
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 years ago

I think articles on collabs, beta readers, and contributors would be very helpful to new people, that stuff is confusing at first!
shnuffeluv8 years ago
I'll write it!
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