
The History Society
The History Society
會員 (8)
Favourite period?
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
So I finally decided to do something about the dreadful lack of society for our past! I'll start the ball rolling with this: What is your favourite historical period and/or figure? (Choose as many as you like... I can't stick to just one!)

For periods, my favourites are medieval England, Tudor England & Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece.
My favourite figures are Leonardo da Vinci, Richard III, Anne Boleyn and Cesare Borgia.
shnuffeluv8 年前
I don't really have a favorite necessarily, though I find the Cold War fascinating. I love the history of words and language the most. Does that make me stereotypical? ;P
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
@shnuffeluv, not at all! I have attempted to learn both latin and hieroglyphics but I'm not quite there yet haha!
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
I find Ancient Greece, WW1, the early years following Canada's Confederation, and the Victorian age rather fascinating. Favourite historical figures would have to be Billy Bishop, John A MacDonald, and Martin Luther (that's probably an odd choice but I find the Protestant Reformation so fascinating).
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
I think Luther's a really interesting choice! I've never heard him as someone's favourite figure, but he's certainly a character!
Ernest_Scribbler8 年前
I'm always open for every period but my favourites are medieval (early to late from every country), Louis 16th (Classic including the French Revolution), Victorian Era and WW1.
I happen to have a detailed knowledge of Vlad Dracula 3rd aside the myth with the vampires and am researching or rather collecting facts of The Phantom of the Opera. I know it's a legend but it has few rings of truth or else it would not be a legend.
In the future I will do more research of Scotland's and Ireland's history due to  one of my stories.
Cheers! ^.^
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
I love French history! I recently did both a presentation and an essay on Louis XIV... I wanted to do my presentation on Marie Antoinette but somebody had already claimed her!
The Phantom of the Opera is also amazing! Love it!
Ernest_Scribbler8 年前
@SarahBaggins, ^.^
Cool! Maybe I should have done too something like that as an essay.
But due to longing for Ireland after having taken vacation there I did something with calligraphy & ornaments how they were constructed in Book of Kells (ca. 800 AD).
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
@fionadaydreamer, did you visit the Book of Kells?? I went to Dublin last year and we went in Trinity College but couldn't get in the library because there was a huge queue and it was our last day there :(
Ernest_Scribbler8 年前
@SarahBaggins, Yep. It was breathtaking from its shape to the ancient colours that still appear so fresh. The Long Room was magnificent. Smelling of old books, leather and wood. :-) I was in Ireland for a language course in 2014. A dream come true and can't wait to get back there!
KatVsAnime8 年前
I particularly like the medieval ages!!! Castles, Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses you name it!!! I love it all!!!

XD, Kat
Sarah Louise
Sarah Louise8 年前
@KatVsAnime, I'm definitely with you on that!!!! It's become that way that now I find it difficult to write anything NOT based on a medieval King!! There's something about these kings I just find so inherantly fascinating!
KatVsAnime8 年前
@Sarah Louise,  Eggzactly!!!
heh heh.. egg puns.....
XD, Kat