
Society of People With Weird Thoughts and Questions
Society of People With Weird Thoughts and Questions
會員 (125)
Contradictory lives
jessicreative7 年前
I was just thinking...why do people like opposites so much?

We like purple with yellow. We like excitement and peace. We like sweet and sour. We like freedom and safety (which if you think about it are opposites in a way). We also like really fluffy things or really smooth things (a.k.a. mirrors see what I did there?). Okay the last pair wasn't really a pair of opposites... but. What do you think?
ElusiveFox7 年前
You could go with the age old idea of it being as simple as magnets, the opposites naturally attracting one another.  

Or out of a desire for choice, to walk down two opposing paths simultaneously.  Though that's more for the rebels in us, those who like to go against the grain.  We like the choice, the freedom to have options, and especially variety.

But for me personally?  I think it's because any one thing is bad if it's all you have, if it's taken to an extreme.  So I may take the polar opposites together sometimes, due to a sense of yin and yang, to help balance things out a little, find the happy medium in the chaos.
MystiqueMademoiselle3 年前
I guess it's just a matter of balance? I myself is a walking contrary, I would tend to be indecisive with this or that, so, I'd rather pick both or neutral. Liking both opposites stuffs creates a somehow balance and life should be balanced, in my opinion. The world is a crazy place and people gets crazier, which is kinda fun