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The Non-Canon Gironashi

Music Tastes, Why Vocaloid Saved Me, and Lyrics Snippets
2 喜歡
255 閱讀
45 留言
Tulpas and the Erasure of Self
1 喜歡
157 閱讀
5 留言
APS Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
317 閱讀
23 留言
APS Memes Volume 2
2 喜歡
246 閱讀
20 留言
APS Memes Volume 3
2 喜歡
232 閱讀
12 留言
APS Memes Volume 4
2 喜歡
230 閱讀
7 留言
APS Memes Volume 5
3 喜歡
302 閱讀
69 留言
Dream Sketches Vol. 1 (Denizens)
2 喜歡
246 閱讀
16 留言
Dream Sketches Vol. 2 (Particulars)
2 喜歡
162 閱讀
15 留言
BRYZ Side-Chapter 001: Hugs
2 喜歡
132 閱讀
4 留言
Hateable Characters, and Why I Stan Them
2 喜歡
93 閱讀
1 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 2
2 喜歡
92 閱讀
4 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
168 閱讀
8 留言
Just a Small Thing
3 喜歡
127 閱讀
4 留言
On the Difference Between Male and Female-Centric Writing
2 喜歡
194 閱讀
0 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 3
2 喜歡
116 閱讀
0 留言
BRYZ Side-Chapter 002: Sleepover
3 喜歡
218 閱讀
23 留言
Top 5 Underused Character Tropes
1 喜歡
420 閱讀
6 留言
BRYZ Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
195 閱讀
17 留言
2 喜歡
115 閱讀
2 留言
Stella Glow, The Best 3DS Game Ever™
2 喜歡
176 閱讀
6 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 2
1 喜歡
166 閱讀
10 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 3
2 喜歡
136 閱讀
15 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 4
2 喜歡
78 閱讀
4 留言
New Lyrics, Part 1
2 喜歡
72 閱讀
6 留言

Another blog? Really? So, what’s the point of this one?

I’m so glad you asked(?)

Basically, my main blog is intended to be something I post in between projects as part of keeping up my weekly release cycle; in other words, I still hold them to a certain degree of writing standard, and try to make them about neutral, writing-based topics.

But what about the other stuff? The music/lyrics recommendations? The opinion pieces? The “about me”s? The memes?

That’s where this comes in. This is where I'll release all the not-particularly professional things I wanna post about. Thus, these won’t count towards my weekly posting goal, and will follow the completely irregular schedule of “approximately whenever I feel like it”.

[Trigger warning]: Pretty much everything is fair game here. I try to keep my non-writing related opinions outta my main presence, so this is where you’ll find anything like that, which may include any number of triggering topics. Fortunately, I also recognize opinions are pretty boring. As my uncle Basil said, “opinions are like buttholes; everyone has one, and nobody wants to hear about yours”. In light of that, I’ll try to limit it to those opinions of mine that I consider unique, or at least uncommon. I would say though, if you are the sort of person that generally does check trigger warnings before reading, I kindly advise you to check out my more professional blog instead. :)

If for some reason that didn’t make you close right outta this blog already, welcome to The Non-Canon Gironashi, enjoy your stay (^-^)d

Music Tastes, Why Vocaloid Saved Me, and Lyrics Snippets
2 喜歡
255 閱讀
45 留言
Tulpas and the Erasure of Self
1 喜歡
157 閱讀
5 留言
APS Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
317 閱讀
23 留言
APS Memes Volume 2
2 喜歡
246 閱讀
20 留言
APS Memes Volume 3
2 喜歡
232 閱讀
12 留言
APS Memes Volume 4
2 喜歡
230 閱讀
7 留言
APS Memes Volume 5
3 喜歡
302 閱讀
69 留言
Dream Sketches Vol. 1 (Denizens)
2 喜歡
246 閱讀
16 留言
Dream Sketches Vol. 2 (Particulars)
2 喜歡
162 閱讀
15 留言
BRYZ Side-Chapter 001: Hugs
2 喜歡
132 閱讀
4 留言
Hateable Characters, and Why I Stan Them
2 喜歡
93 閱讀
1 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 2
2 喜歡
92 閱讀
4 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
168 閱讀
8 留言
Just a Small Thing
3 喜歡
127 閱讀
4 留言
On the Difference Between Male and Female-Centric Writing
2 喜歡
194 閱讀
0 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 3
2 喜歡
116 閱讀
0 留言
BRYZ Side-Chapter 002: Sleepover
3 喜歡
218 閱讀
23 留言
Top 5 Underused Character Tropes
1 喜歡
420 閱讀
6 留言
BRYZ Memes Volume 1
2 喜歡
195 閱讀
17 留言
2 喜歡
115 閱讀
2 留言
Stella Glow, The Best 3DS Game Ever™
2 喜歡
176 閱讀
6 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 2
1 喜歡
166 閱讀
10 留言
Mixed Memes Volume 3
2 喜歡
136 閱讀
15 留言
Old Lyrics, Part 4
2 喜歡
78 閱讀
4 留言
New Lyrics, Part 1
2 喜歡
72 閱讀
6 留言