Okay this should be really funny...
It was a hot sunny day (two days ago to be exact) my friend and I were sitting in the car with my mum when this guy comes driving up next to us at a red light, at first look you would think that this is a normal guy but then he pulls up a bubble jar and starts blowing bubbles! He gives us this look of 'The All Knowing Eyes Of The Gods' as I call it and nods at me. At the next traffic light he does the same thing to my friend and just drives off.
When we go to drop her home that afternoon were are in the car talking about this and start laughing. My friend goes a minute later,
"You can't say bubbles in an angry voice no matter how hard you try." And what do we do, being the mentally restarted people we are, we start to try to do it. All the while my mum is in the car going 'I don't know these children.'
Hope you enjoyed the highlight of my day.
Satanismyfather OUT!!!