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  • Contest Holder
    IMPORTANT: I will be moving my account to another writing platform. Please DM me if you want to know where I’m headed!

    If you have any intentions on spreading hate, please leave my profile. I will not tolerate any sort of hate or discrimination. Any mean or hurtful comments will be deleted. Silence is golden, duct tape is silver.

    Pronouns: she/they
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Character Creativity Contest

I want you to draw a character with all these features included:

- angel/demon wings
- abnormal skin color
- elf ears
- a weapon in hand
- two or more eyes

Don't just draw a stick figure and add wings and ears to it; be creative! Add whatever you want to the existing list of features! You can draw your character on paper or digitally, just make it unique.

- nothing sexual
- add TW if blood/gore is present
- maximum of two entries per contestant

Good luck and be creative!


I want you to draw a character with all these features included:

- angel/demon wings
- abnormal skin color
- elf ears
- a weapon in hand
- two or more eyes

Don't just draw a stick figure and add wings and ears to it; be creative! Add whatever you want to the existing list of features! You can draw your character on paper or digitally, just make it unique.

- nothing sexual
- add TW if blood/gore is present
- maximum of two entries per contestant

Good luck and be creative!
