"Attachment Issues" is a short story about a teenage girl named, Amani, who suffers with depression, social anxiety and attachment issues, making her life at school and at home difficult. Her parents are the pretty normal average parents but sometimes they can be abusive. All her life, Amani, has went through several friendship and relationship break-ups, leading her to never trust people at all. After a long time of completely isolating herself, she meets a guy named Fawaz. Fawaz is a cold and quite dry person who tends to somehow not meet the expectations of Amani. Amani on the other hand develops a strong liking for Fawaz and eventually becomes awfully obsessed, considering her attachment issues. Fawaz had always considered her a friend, a good one, but what he doesn't know is that Amani needed serious help. Fawaz was indeed a toxic person without even knowing it himself. What happens to Amani when she spends more time with Fawaz?. Read to find out:)