
More Information on Organizations


More details and information on how organizations operate

It's possible because a lot of people under stress can get psychosis a lot of desperate evil criminals would around flashing lights or something if they thought people and police were on to them. The more they had to loose the more stressed they would be probably and more likely to get psychosis.  Its possible the more evil criminals would get psychosis episodes more often. Its possible these people would make anyone having a psychosis episode or freaking out around flashing lights a evil criminal as a hit

It's possible these people and police involved were worried if I acted like a desperate sex trafficker the right wing politicians would take notice. 

It's possible this  organization can get people to have psychosis episodes using tactics that mimic psychosis and by breaking their concentration. I also Heard someone say in 2021 or 2022  it's designed to rewire your braine so..., I believe they have to break your concentration before than can rewire your braine using tactics mimic psychosis. I believe it could be designed to rewire your braine so you get psychosis or a synthetic version of it, if they cant get you to have psychosis I believe this harrassment would desensitize you

I believe they have to be careful so you don't know what's coincidence and whats not and not over do it so you see threats were none exists. It's possible they wanted me to get a psychosis episode so I would be looking at flashing lights and freaking out so people would think I was a evil criminal or something using a forum of mind control 

I believe these people would manipulate people and say do stuff like a neckturn motion once and get them to whisper evil and say if they start freaking out or act strange or suspicious or show sighs of recognition they are evil, with them not knowing they are harassing that Person on the road and using tactics that mimic psychosis. They could also trick people into doing psychosis tactics telling them its to see if someone is evil, with them not knowing about other people doing it to them. I believe these people were also using that to manipulate my family and other people.  I believe they use this to convince people someone is a evil person or evil criminal or did something evil. From what I heard a lot of evil criminals complained about flashing lights. they would probaly say we want you to see how evil he is for yourself 

It's possible these people usually have to do hits on people based on their psychological profile and sexual orientation for obvious reasons

It's possible that a evil criminal like a sex trafficker or other criminals having a psychosis episode could be put under section 12 than arrested after 3 day observation or during. It's possible they decided weather to execute people there by making them "evil criminals" as well or put them into a mental hospital for having psychosis or a psychosis episode or just let them out after 3 days or more and maybe kidnap them at some point. Its possible anyone with feelings they would not make a evil criminal maybe only sociopaths or psychopaths are made evil criminals because a psychiatrist might know somethings off. its possible anyone that did have feelings they wanted to do a hit in on in prison they could make them a delusion person with psychosis that thought somone was evil and did something crazy like murder them in some crazy way like drowning or something

It's possible these  people slandering me could  say about a desperate sex trafficker later to people at the Time we thought he had psychosis or was delusional if they were arrested 

its possible that if they thought I was not their target and were going to do a hit on me by making me a delusional person with psychosis that thought someone was evil than murder them it would be to much of a coincidence if there were other people saying I was a evil criminal sex traffiker 

I believe that there were numerous delusional people with psychosis that did evil things like drown their kids or microwave a baby that were under the delusional they were evil. 

It's possible it would be to much of a coincidence if they were telling people I had psychosis and was saying people were evil there if there were other people saying I was a evil criminal 

It's possible these guys wanted to do a hit on me and saw a opportunity involving mafia brothels and me acting like I had psychosis and people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis and me complaining about flashing lights and  because it would make me look like I was a desperate sex trafficker it would make me a threat to national security and a lot of people would not like that. Another thing I heard was every time he complains about flashing lights he's risking the right wing...., it's possible they thought I would be afraid to talk about mafi brothels. It's possible these people would make it look like a cover up for a evil, disgusting scumbag possiblely as a backup plan and either, arrest, kidnapp or put in a mental asylum. These people are also sex traffickers that get people raped to death in prison. Its possible the cops flashing lights would not ask questions if that person went missing.

Its likely these people use empathic accuracy and predictive psychology to predict what moves a person is going to make how they will act and what they might be thinking 

After I said to myself in my house in may 2023 there's nothing I can do about it refering to my situation I predicted those people slandering me would say I was quoting the creepy depressing ghost star creature in the super mario brothers movie in bowsers dungeon having a breakdown as thats the kinda of stuff they were doing 

Someone at c&s Hatfield said they wanted the police to think he was a psychopath. I believe they use whispered insults and mocking such as driving by with their mouths open as well as other mocking. I believe this can get someone to aquire a lack of empathy of time. That combined with the amount of cars harrassing me on the road could desensitize one over time. This could fool psycholgists into thinking that person was a psychopath or demons as they call those desensized people that according to them dont know right from wrong and do evil things a lot. I believe if they can't get people into a padded room using tactics that mimic psychosis that is.

from what I heard about about a psychologist in one of these organizations that was trying to manipulate another one I believe as well as other people including my family and police I believe as well  he was in a organization that was slowly trying to convince people I was a psychopath, in the closet gay man than pedophile and evil criminal over the years  

These people I believe don't have direct control over this other organization i believe but manipulate them or something. One of the things I heard was if he does anything to challenge them 

I believe I distrupted their fourm of mind control were they were trying to get people and police to think I was having a psychosis episode / acting like like a desperate sex trafficker by talking about mafia brothels and flashing blue lights. I could make them think anything I wanted if i complained about flashing lights if I talked about people putting drugs in my car they would think I was a drug dealer or drug addict if i complained about flashing lights and people putting child porn in my car they would think i was a evil pedophile etc

It's possible there targets are supposed to complain about flashing lights and/or act like they had psychosis or look around at lights like cars with headlights on going by etc. It's possible there targets could act frightened and afraid and go around begging or be very angry or aggressive and enraged. depending on what they are psychlogicaly. They seemed suspicious when I was hesitant to give my phone number at the mental hospital

 It's possible a lot of their targets act like they have psychosis episodes due to being harrassed and people using tactics that mimic psychosis and it's possible a lot of these people get a synthetic version of psychosis from this. 

These people use a form of mind control to get their targets to act a certain way while maipulateing other people so you act like a desperate sex trafficker or someone having a psychosis episode and other people think you are evil based on how you act. They also manipulate people by saying whisper evil and other stuff like that saying if they act suspicious or freak out...., and this is while their target is having a psychosis episode 

It's likely their targets would either be arrested, kidnapped or put in a mental hospital depending on what they were psychologicaly and how they acted 

another thing i overheard was he might be recording and its a good thing they were flashing lights.

More on my organized crime situation 

Someone on the road said something about emperor Palpatines wife and so did someone at c&s Hatfield and I was in fact thinking that about one of the people there. I thought that about her when she had a hoddie on

Someone at c&s Hatfield said this warehouse is for sociopaths only

I thought someone said its their job to get people raped to death so they likely don't have the final say on what option they go with and are on a leash and are part of this organization 

Someone at c&s Hatfield said going to have to give him to the woman 

The bald night shift manager at c&s Hatfield said they finally executed him

It's possible a lot of soldiers are desensitized if that is important because these people were desensitizeing me and also probably gave me ptsd

I believe these people set me up with a control group were I was supposed to be acting like a desperate sex trafficker 

These people I believe were told it doesn't matter what they say about him overtime they can convince people anything about anyone, I believe these people were told they slowly has to convince a group of people and were told they could tell the truth at first or something and there were people at c&s telling a group of people about me and I think they were telling the truth so far from what I heard. It's possible they were trying to weed out anyone that said anything they did not like about me 

I believe they had people they were blackmailing or in the organization tell or suggest that some of theirs people were Christians or lesbians etc

These people I believe would get people to slander and convince or blackmail someone there target knew and later say that person had negative things to say about their target 

Someone on the road said in April 2023 how do you know there christians referring to my aunts family 

If there target was conservative they would probably try to make them a racist or a natzi or something 

The only way to convince  cops these people were not evil because they had zero empathy etc was that I was evil and they knew 

Apparently from what I heard these people were hoping to blackmail me many years ago

On Wednesday day April 12th 2023 after I mentioned flashing lights at c&s Hatfield 
Someone on the road that night said the cops were laughing now there going to have to be executed, someone on the road with one parking light on said Sometime after you can go ahead and kidnapp him but be careful...

I also remember hearing on the road months ago every time he complains about flashing lights he's risking the right wing...

I believe these people get people written off for having psychosis and flash lights at them and either kidnapp them or make them evil criminals like sex traffickers . There were also people harrassing me on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis and lots of  people driving by with headlights on in broad daylight. It's possible if they told too many people or leftists they would be made evil criminals if they mentioned it one time they would probably be kidnapped Right away 

these people were also slandering me

If they have control groups it would not matter if these people  weren't ready to do a hit on me

Apparently a lot of evil criminals complain about flashing lights like sex traffickers from what I heard 

There were also psychosis people harrassing me on the road its possible they pretend to be goverment spooks 

Someone on the road said if he's telling the truth than there is nothing they can do .. government trying to assassinate him 

its possible some psychopathic criminal organization knew about some cops that did hits for the rightwing because one thing I heard was someone said the cops said they always knew this could happen and something about some disgusting psychpathic criminal organzation and the rightwing politians not going to be happy, its possible a criminal sydicate was pretending to be the right wing of the goverment or goverment spooks in a cover up its possible if these people could not do a hit on me they would be blamed 

its possible some of the few people that dont have disgust are these desensitized "demons" that according to them do evil things a lot

it would appear complaining about flashing lights is a death sentence 

someone on the road said i told you he was evil in april 2023 and someone after said because they dont know he already convinced other people or something. 

Its possible we live in a very corrupt society and because people in power don't want people to know how bad it is when someone puts a hit on someone maybe by some cops or other organizations they cover it up  or hide it with control groups or something and the number of people being blackmailed 

it would not matter if they were ready to do a hit on me if they had control groups 

It's possible for the sake of "national security" a lot of people are blackmailed,and/or Manipulated and organized into different groups and organizations 

Someone said in April 2023 as soon as they convince enough people he's getting executed, I believe these people convince groups or a group of people Someone is evil before they arrest them 

I believe they were also trying to convince people I was a "demon" using people they were blackmailing or in their organization those desensitized people that supposedly according to them do evil things a lot and don't know right from wrong and I believe they told people a lie that I did not have disgust 

someone at c&s hatfield i remember hearing said hes not desensitized enough to be a demon yet 

It's possible these people had people pretending to know me to a group they were trying to convince and said they were concerned about me 

It's possible these people use psychology as a excuse to execute people saying they are experts and they psychoanalized this person as "evil" 

Someone on the road said psychosis is like a prison of the mind 

They were also talking about a option were they made me a sketchy guy and blew up my car

Someone on the road in April 2023 said they executed them, 
Shortly after 
Someone on the road said in April 2023 said they were too evil
Someone on the road said I thought they only use those people..

There were also people talking about microchips in the braine at c&s Hatfield 

 These people also talked about mind slaves I believe referring to people they knew how they would react in every situation and knew how to manipulate them with psychology 

Apparently these people give there target a nickname they and because they don't think people will find out say what I was doing there  to one group, I believe they gave me the nickname sunglasses man at c&s Hatfield 

Someone at c&s Hatfield said only faggots get raped to death 

Someone on the road said in 2021 he's a master of disguise after I called police and filed a police report with state police in May 2021

Apparently i was put in a mental hospital for a week in april 2023 in cooly Dickson under section 12 because people at c&s hatfield said i threatened them and also for a threat on social media,   and I was  also sent  upstairs in a mental hospital for a week things I heard there was
Was going to have to blame the cops with the Rackets, someone said he's definitely not a fag there is something going on with these guys, a woman made sex noise said please in a begging voice said he would probably like it anyway, another woman said he's to scary we have to leave him alone probably referring to my YouTube channels, one guy there said don't flash lights at thing referring to my appearance . there were also two people there pretending to be christians 
One woman said he's lucky the.. know he doesn't have psychosis 
One woman was talking about kidnapping
I saw paramedics blinking at a woman crying I thought they were pretending to have empathy because there blinking looked fake and they noticed me looking at them one turned there head in a quick neckstap motion and the other whispered evil. someone said they are going to be executed. someone said something about thinking I had psychosis. Someone Said after a woman said he needs to be medicated, one night there was a phone ringing several times and a few people peeked in my room with flashlights several times I overheard someone say we will  try one more time. When I was upstairs in the mental asylum I gave the psychologist my YouTube channels and said they were people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis. there was also a psychologist there that mentioned the deerfield police to me a few times as well as the state police and i was told by someone in my family they searched  they searched my room
. someone said something about arms and legs getting cut off as a subtle threat i belive as well as brain death and being blinded and deafened by pauses in the conversation with each other in which they were talking about religion and jesus  
I believe these people wanted the woman and other people to think there targets were actually evil or at least some of them to think that
it looks like the woman have shown had shown interest, this stuff was said both upstairs in the mental hospital in Cooley Dickinson hospital and downstairs were i first was
I did not accept any medication there nor will I take any
A lot of this is based on your psychology what you are how you act and how submissive or aggressive you are etc. there was also a guy in my room that was able to predict what i would do before i did it like when i rested one hand off my bed and said to himself lone wolf
That guy also whispered to himself alpha male when I kinda glared at him by accident but it was because I have a hard time controlling my micro expressions
I believe these woman could have sex slaves there as well as ones they kidnap at some point if they leave
I was going to be put in a mental asylum in Holyoke but I guess they changed their minds and put me in the one upstairs in cooley dickinson
one psychologist there whispered evil 
Someone at the mental hospital a doctor i belive down stairs were I first came in held a phone with a light up to me moved it around for a sec I heard him say to himself definitely not a the same guy. Someone upstairs was talking about tranquilizing me for seemingly no reason maybe with someone but that did not happen luckily
I heard a guy talking to a woman from far away say there are two ways... I was involuntarily committed there for a week at the mental hospital. 

I also heard a cop in april 2023 bringing  me to a ambulance at the parking lot of c&s Hatfield that was going to bring me to cooly dickson mental hospital say softly to himself definitely not a faggot 

It's also important to note I have a hard time controlling my microexprssions sometimes  

i believe a lot of people can also have brief psychosis episodes as well as longer ones 

When I was upstairs in the mental asylum I gave the psychologist my YouTube channels and said they were people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis

Some examples of parking lights or one parking light being turned on at me are below  click on the timestamps in the videos

I believe these people wanted the woman and other people to think there targets were actually evil or at least some of them to think that

It's possible on top of living in a invisible totalitarian regime there were some very evil  cops also running a evil criminal empire in the area on top of that that they did not know about 

Someone on the road in 2023 said the cops said it wouldn't surprise them if they had sex slaves referring to women at c&s Hatfield 

https://youtu.be/Lr_bPOC3uRA 1:00:50 

https://youtu.be/HPIApdiZkg0 49:44 

https://youtu.be/kYPydlra1aQ 11:26 

https://youtu.be/ibN0xgCrBzM 19:14 

https://youtu.be/lpAWqaTU3m4 here you can see people at c&s Hatfield flashing lights at me In the parking lot 

Someone in 2021 said do you know what happens to people that talk about their sexual fantasies 

Its possible they can manipulate almost anyone to do anything within reason  

It's possible on top of living in a invisible totalitarian regime there were some very evil  cops also running a evil criminal empire in the area on top of that that they did not know about 

It's possible that these people weed out people who really have psychosis or people more likely to easily get it from the gene pool by making them desperate sex traffickers which act similar  or kidnapping and executing or something so they can just make it synthetic as hits on there targets although i think most people can get it 
Near the end they were saying what I was thinking sometimes at c&s hatfield and the mental hospital  I don't know how and they still couldn't break my concentration

Someone in 2022 said I forgot the people at Yankee candle knew, not sure what he was referring to 

I was In the mental hospital in Northamptons cooly Dickson for a week

it would appear complaining about flashing lights is a death sentence. 
I believe Once they break your concentration using tactics that mimic psychosis that person could actually get psychosis. 

someone on the road said they would have believed it without a shadow of doubt in march 2023

Someone said at the mental hospital downstairs let the gravity of the situation set in

There were also people lying about me complaining about flashing lights of other colors 

There were also a few women at c&s Hatfield I believe were involved in having sex slaves based on that they were talking about making someone do sexualy things for them

there was also a guy at the mental hostpital that told me he worked at c&S hatfield for 17 years 

Someone at c&s Hatfield said those cops flashing lights aren't cops I believe referring to my YouTube channels 

 One woman at the mental hospital said to herself definitely not a threat to society about me 

Someone on the road in April 2023 said I thought he's either going to be kidnapped and executed or given to the woman depending on how submissive....

There were also people in mid 2022 talking about Making Me mate with some women 

 right after I filed a police report in 2022 with Northampton police a woman in Northamptons Walmart or big y whispered hey hotstuff at me

I believe there were people lying about me having a psychosis episode including at c&s Hatfield. There were also people in the parking lot of c&s flashing lights at me 

There was also talk of the similarities between someone with psychosis and a sex trafficker and the similarities between how a desperate sex trafficker would act and someone having a psychosis episode 

Also someone said a lot of sex traffickers complain about flashing lights 

If you resisted kidnapping if they wanted to they could say you attacked them and end back up in a mental asylum or something 

If someone had psychosis it would not matter if they passed a lie detector test 

If anyone said anything about people that were being evil to them or overheard something evil from them it would not matter if people thought that person had psychosis 

Someone on the road in late April 2023 said i told you there were people flashing lights at him 

I also remember a woman In 2022 at a ice-cream place in Williamsburg tell one of the women working there there a sick lie his father sodomizes him
There was also another person that told one of the women working there don't look at him like that for some reason 

Someone on the road said on my way back from the mental hospital he might survive he notices his Parents don't notice, referring to my harrasment on the road 

If they try to arrest me for conspiracy to overthrow the government or make a foreign agent I said this is probably a invisible parallel society of cop killing sex traffickers. I've also been desensitized from this harassment which a lot of foreign agents and soldiers probably are desensitized as well as those emotionally dead "demons" they talked about that according to them to evil things a lot 

I also overheard a woman at the ice-cream place in Williamsburg in april 2023 say to herself he's a psychopath anyway 

In late April 2023 after I was out of the mental asylum a cashier at Cumberland farms said to herself if people are flashing lights at him he's probably going to be arrested soon

It's also possible these people harrassing me were  using tactics that mimic a psychosis episode 

It's possible the only reason they have not arrested me or kidnapped me is because I was not going around complaining about flashing lights. It would probably depend on how many people you told about it  flashing lights  if you got kidnapped or not and if you called the police or not about it and what people you told like lefitis or something 

It's possible the people mocking me were trying to get me to act like a psychopath and acquire a lack of empathy. Like two people driving by in a row on bikes looking down to mock me with I did just before as well as other subtle things like people driving by with their mouths open or doing a neckturn motion to mock me or whispered insults all of which is also what someone with psychosis would probably complain about. And just because you think someone is a psychopath is no excuse for setting them up

I believe they also had people pretending to be Christians, lesbians and maybe leftists 

In december 2019 new years eve at c&s westfield i had a emotionally break threatened to get a hit man and also said I wanted half the woman there to sit on my face.  That evening I overheard a guy telling someone at a Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg that guy is crazy. A month later people started harrassing me on the road

On April 2023 on the 29th the following was said when I went for a walk on the roads around my house by people in vechicals, on Hawley road someone said driving by he's definitely getting kidnapped
I overheard someone people at there house talking about a disgusting lie that heard about me and they also said if they are lying they are very evil people 
Someone driving by said now that we know he's interested in woman 
Someone said driving by he's getting kidnapped anyway

Someone at c&s Hatfield said in March 2023 he doesn't know right from wrong 

In the beginning of my harrasment In February 2023 the first things I noticed were vans pretended to swerve towards me and a woman waving from a side road I don't know if they were on the same day 

Someone said in may 2023 if that doesn't break his concentration I don't know what will, not sure what he was referring to 

Someone on the road said  In may 2023 if he ignores it and causes drama they are definitely getting executed, I believe referring to me ignoring my harrasment on the road 

Someone on the road on March 2023 said we might as well get him written off for having psychosis 

I also remember someone at c&s Westfield in 2020 saying the cops in Deerfield are not in on it, shortly after I told someone there I was going back to Yankee candle 

I heard one woman say in april 2023 on the road she's to ugly to be in the organization referring to a woman I thought might be

Someone at the mental asylum downstairs  I overheard say well that backfired 

Someone also whispered smart to himself at the mental hospital when I did not sign to be voluntarily committed 

Someone on the road said they are very powerful. Someone said if they are that evil ...

In April or March 2023 someone said at c&s Hatfield this warehouse is for sociopaths only 

Someone on the road in May 2023  said I thought he's definitely not our target our target is a sociopath 
that day someone said he might be a fbi agent

Someone said referring to me in 2023 he seemed to have no survival instints or sense of self preservation, I believe people with psychosis could act like that 

I thought a cop driving by in April 2023 said he's lucky they know his name 

It's possible these people could be manipulateing some cops to flash lights and blame them if things went south and some of the things I heard was someone say in 2022 I told you it was the cops with Rackets and they are going to have to blame the cops with the Rackets 

Someone said in May 2023 on the road they almost convinced them he was evil, probably referring to a group of people 

I also overheard someone in the Cumberland farms bathroom in 2023 say someone's going to get executed 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 he might be a pedophile sex trafficker 

I was diagnosed with unspecified  psychosis and delusional disorder when I was put in the mental hospital at coolydickson for a week in April 2023

Someone at c&s Hatfield in April 2023 said he has to say evil things once in awhile... , not sure what that was about 

It's possible these people could bug people's houses and do stuff to mess with them so they think there house is haunted using tactics that mimic psychosis 

On May 5th 2023 the following was said on the road hes definitely not going to be executed, someone said they can read his mind he's not a threat to there organization, probably referring to there knowledge of predictive psychology and predict what people would  probably say and how they would act in a given situation, someone said they told the woman you don't have to kidnapp him to... after I mentioned at a convenience store I was going to try my luck at bars, someone said a lot of guys in the organization said they don't care enough to put a hit on him

It's possible some other manipulative  organization was trying to get them to do a hit on me because one of the things I heard at c&s Hatfield was if he does anything to challenge them... It's possible they don't have the power to directly do a hit but manipulated other organizations 

someone said in May 2023 if he does anything crazy he's going to be put back in the mental hospital 

Someone in May 2023 said he might be a fbi agent 

Someone in May 2023 said he's lucky we are watching him 

It was like the people at c&s Hatfield could communicate telepathically, perhaps the had some devices for communicating 

One of the psychologists at the mental hospital mentioned the Deerfield police and a police report I filed they were concerned about or something 

It's possible if there target was accidentally a fbi agent they would think they were working with national security 

Someone at yankee candle said in 2021 or 2022 he ruined all his hard work, referring to people not believing me anymore after I Said something involving strawberry icecream as a joke

these people are taking over it would appear, like a invisable invasion

I also overheard a cashier at the Cumberland farms In Williamsburg in May 2023 say something about lights of different colors or flashing lights of different colors 

Another thing I overheard at c&s Hatfield was she might as well if the other woman are going to... there were a few women there that seemed to keep changing their minds if the wanted to kidnapp me or make me a "evil criminal" and getting me raped to death. I also heard them talking about making me do sexual things to them 

There were also someone at the mental hospital and c&s Hatfield that whispered don't talk about flashing lights 

Someone in May 2023 after i went for a walk at fitzgerald lake in Northampton they almost kidnapped him .. if he didn't have a walking stick they might have 

a woman in may 2023 in public said he likes it rough anyway 
In March or April 2023 someone said at c&s Hatfield Someone's messing with his head 

It's possible these people could use chloroform to kidnap people

And from what I heard at yankee candle, c&s westfield and elsewhere the woman 
at pleasent moments told people about me, people must have investigated me there 

Shorly before I was sent to the mental hospital in April 2023 I was saying stuff in my car and at c&s Hatfield to make them think I was or might be having a psychosis episode 

One way the tactics that mimic psychosis affected me at the mental hospital was me noticing a skull on a table cloth and kinda feeling if I had not been so rational threats were there were none and not a coincidence. Also the shower room only half the shower head was working and I noticed a weird green frog sticker with one eyestalk on the floor or something. Basically feelings like it was not a coincidence. Maybe those were to test people for psychosis. Anything bizarre or out of place can be use in tactics that mimic psychosis

Someone on the road in May 2023 said I think they are to disgusting to be government spooks

It's possible anyone who resisted kidnapping would be thrown back in the mental hospital saying this person was dangerous or attacked them or something 

Shorly after I said on a community fourm in 2022 someone at yankee candle was probably a drug addict someone on the road said something about those people being cashcows

Someone at the mental hospital also whispered stop talking about flashing lights 

someone said if he doest stop talking about what those retards are up to

I also remember hearing in 2022 someone on the road say he wanted us to think he was a sociopath 

There was one guy I overheard at c&s Hatfield saying I did a victory screech from sponge Bob or something, there were also telling people I was quoting xerxes from 300 as well as emperor Palpatine

I also showed the psychologist at the mental hospital my YouTube channels and said there were people turning parking lights on at me

I also had a trenchcoat and c&s hat when I was admitted to the mental hospital. There were people at c&s Westfield Said in 2020 they are calling him the trenchcoat man. It's possible they made me famous with a nickname 

There was also a woman at the mental hospital that said something that a woman at pleasant moments said about me that  people at c&s Westfield were talking about

One guy  at the mental hospital was also laughing hes going to be licking woman's ass.....

someone on the road on may 12th 2023 said its the perfect time to kidnap him driving down my road

There were also women whispering definitely getting kidnapped in may 2023, its possible they could have manipulated some do do that as a joke 

Shortly after I said nanoblading to myself talking about my eyebrows at my aunts house in may 2023 someone driving up the road right after said are you sure it's not a test run

Someone in May 2023 said on the road I told you there were people flashing lights at him, shortly after someone on the road said it doest matter if he's not complaining about it...

I also feel like I'm being constantly monitored 

It's possible these people were pretending to be government spooks 

The psychologist at the mental hospital I gave my YouTube channels to said he only looked at two videos of my examples. I said it takes at least 5 or 6 to notice something is going on with my YouTube channels with the examples and I said there would be a point in time when you would notice that it was to much to be a coincidence. I also remember him saying people with delusional disorder can live high functioning normal lives 

I have been harassed on the road since February 2020

I also asked to leave the mental hospital once or twice including after 3 days 

    I believe these people would manipulate people and say do stuff like a neckturn motion once and get them to whisper evil and say if they start freaking out or act strange or suspicious or show sighs of recognition they are evil, with them not knowing they are harassing that Person on the road and using tactics that mimic psychosis. They could also trick people into doing psychosis tactics telling them its to see if someone is evil, with them not knowing about other people doing it to them. I believe these people were also using that to manipulate my family and other people.  I believe they use this to convince people someone is a evil person or evil criminal or did something evil. From what I heard a lot of evil criminals complained about flashing lights 

It's possible these people usually have to do hits on people based on their psychological profile and sexual orientation for obvious reasons 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 don't ever flash lights at him again 

I also remember someone at plainfield pond or on the road right after  say no wonder they thought he was asexual in 2021 I believe or 2022

In 2023 or 2022 someone on the road said anyone who has his youtube channels is immune to arrest 

Someone also said it's nothing personal but if those youtube channels get taken down...

In may 2023 when I yawned at a birthday party after someone else did I overheard one of my cousins say to herself a psychopath would not have yawned
Shortly after someone driving by said now that we know he's telling the truth about...
I believe referring to people trying to manipulate my family 

It's important to note I wore my sunglasses in buildings a lot in public and pretty much all the time in public 

Other things in the mental hospital I noticed was two people having the same name as me downstairs and a nurse also mentioned that to me, and someone who sounded exactly like one of my cousins I did not see this person 

Shortly after I said something about kelly Devine to myself in the bathroom in May 2023 someone on the road said he never did anything disgusting she might take him. I never said anything sexual in my house before I wanted to see how these people would react. I also did not in public until recently.

Someone that day also said the only people that don't have disgust 

One of the women at c&s Hatfield involved in talking about kidnapping me there were people there saying to some people she was his evil girlfriend..

On May 13th 2023  someone said on the road he's definitely not getting executed 
Someone that day said everyone's knows there getting executed 

I believe there were some very evil people manipulateing my barber because she said communist at me to herself and psychopath 

Another thing I overheard at yankee candle when I worked there was someone said he doesn't like flashing lights, someone said later on someone said it sounds like he's a sex trafficker 

If these people try to say I was doing something evil and illegal at whatever date and time I will just show people my YouTube channels were people and police are flashing lights at me for years I would obviously not be doing whatever they claim if people are doing that on the road and cops are watching me, I was also posting on a social media fourm about this

I also remember a woman in downtown Northampton looking at me with excitement in april or March 2023

A woman on the road on may 15th 2023 said next time he goes for a walk kidnapp him, also that day the following was said a woman said I thought eventually they have to execute him, 
One woman said what's going to happen to him is going to be tragic.  there was also a woman saying sexual things about me. someone said he does not fit the profile of someone who pays strippers to sit on his face, a female cop with people flashing lights said I thought he was supposed to be executed. Another cop with people flashing lights yelled crazy enough.... I thought one cop flashing lights said if he ... they have to execute..., a cop driving on the road said ... freak of nature referring to my hearing
Someone in downtown Northampton said thank God he's not our target 
Someone said they have to flash lights at him he's too evil

I also heard at c&s Hatfield Someone say the cops said we think he is a freak of nature 

I thought someone said something about in May 2023 something about we have to kidnap him before he gets a job

Someone on the road said in may 2023  something about they do not want him to go to liberal Northampton or the next time he does...

In may 2022 someone also said they wanted him to keep going to Northampton, I believe a cop

It's possible there are people making cops flash lights 

It's possible there were cops and people flashing lights because they were so sure these powerful people were going to do a hit on me 

I also remember a woman at the mental hospital said something about a woman at pleasant moments said about me that told people I was her favorite, I heard people at c&s Westfield and Yankee candle talking about it. They must have investigated me there 

Someone on the road in May 2023 said we have to kidnapp him before he gets a job

It was like those people at c&s Hatfield and the mental hospital had a mind reading device in 2023

It's possible if anyone ignored the harrasment on the road and flashing lights they would go with the kidnapp option 

It's possible if things went south in the hit on me They would have some disgusting psychopaths to blame

A woman on the road in May 2023 Said he's definitely not getting kidnapped 

Someone in May 2023 said no wonder people are flashing lights at him not only is he a suspected sex trafficker.....

It's possible if there were cops that thought these people on the road were government spooks they did not bug their cars 

It's possible one of the ways to survive is to Ignore it 

Another way I manipulated there mind control were people were supposed to think I was acting like a desperate sex trafficker was by taking about mafia brothels, the other way by when they desensitized me and wanted people to think I was evil by making them think I was a soldier or the people they were trying to convince. Its possible they could try and make me a forign agent 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 if he's not a sociopath or psychopath you can't be flashing lights....

It's possible if they did a hit on me and could not convince my family I was evil they would probably arrest them 

It's also possible these people use mocking and whispered insults and the neckturn motion to get people to act like psychopaths, it's possible some tactics that mimic psychosis could get people to act like psychopaths or angry 

I thought someone on the road said in may 2023 if he says anything about flashing lights he's going to be arrested for treason

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LZxVxz7oYQ&t=3644s    1:00:44 they flash lights at these cross-walk signs often but from a distance so usually My recorder does not capture it

I also remember a woman in 2022 on the road said if they don't stop talking about him like a sex toy 

There was also a woman talking about smothering me under her ass at c&s Hatfield 

It's possible if you acted like you had psychosis and/or complained about flashing lights they would think you were there target and do a hit on you or kidnapp you

In March or April 2023 a stripper at anothonies dance club said definitely not a psychopath to herself 

There was also a nurse at the mental hospital upstairs that said that's my father talking about my roommate I got in day 2 of me being upstairs

In 2022 or early 2023 a cop flashing lights said he does know why a sex trafficker would wave...

If anyone overheard something from any of these people and told people they were evil they would probably tell people they had psychosis and maybe get them to act like they were having a psychosis episode using tactics that mimic psychosis. I believe a lot of people with psychosis might complain about that. There was also a woman who frowned at me and another who had her eyes rolled up in her head at the mental hospital for some secounds so it's possible people with psychosis could experience that . It's possible people with psychosis could think some people were evil due to having psychosis and also think people were making faces or frowning at them 

It's possible these people were told they had to convince groups of people first if they wanted to do a hit on me 

While you may think I have a lack of shame while writing this I want people to know the truth 

It's possible they made me immune to arrest because they would not risk me getting arrested for something like promoting prostitution and complaining about flashing lights later.

It's possible they make people immune to arrest they flash lights at and wait for them to  make a move. If they act a certain way they would probably be made a evil criminal like a sex trafficker. It's possible these are what the control groups are for. Like communist, foreign agent, desperate sex trafficker, or nutcase with psychosis. 
And in 2021 someone said on the road probably going with the communist one.

In may 2023 a cop in Williamsburg driving by on the road said definitely not a sex trafficker 

It's possible these people make some people more submissive by harrassing them on the road or putting them in a mental hospital as well. And depending on how you act in the mental hospital they would either keep you there for awhile maybe a week or month or more or if you act aggressive or violent could end up braine dead or in a rubber room. It's possible they use this to make people they want to kidnapp more submissive as well. Depending on how you act about the harrasment on the road they could have different options as well. It's possible. Its possible If anyone complained about flashing lights they would imminently be kidnapped or setup. It's possible they have a system and depending on what you are psychologicaly and how you act determines what option they go with 

In public in may 2023 a woman whispered to herself not submissive enough to be...
Shorly after someone driving by on the road said he might be submissive enough.... 

It's possible when they do hits the more pathetic and frightened you act the more evil they make you for example a desperate sex trafficker and the more evil it would make you look by acting thay way especially around flashing lights 

I also heard someone telling a cop in Goshen something about strawberry icecream as I drove by

I originally thought I was famous because I saw looks of Recognition in people mostly woman but looking back these people could have been following me, even before 2019 to like 2015 or earlier. Like a woman reading a book in Northampton in 2015 or so. And one thing I heard at c&s Hatfield was a woman say good job on making him think he was famous 

I also remember someone at Cumberland  farms in 2023 said those people are worried about you. Its possible these people would pretend to be concerned about you while lying about you acting like a desperate sex trafficker or someone having a psychosis episode 

I believe these people were lying about me being a psychopath and getting there people to lie so people would think I was and try to get me to act like one

One thing I heard at yankee candle was something about me being immune to arrest 

I also talked about parking lights being turned on at me at my house in April and may 2023 twice 

It's likely not everyone they kidnapp is sent to a mental hospital first 

There is a group of disgusting psychopaths that were telling a group of people I was a psychopathic father fucker , baby raping, necropheliac, pedophile sex trafficker and I believe they were trying to slowly convince other people. This included people at c&s Hatfield. They were also lying and telling people I was going around being disgusting and ridiculous and evil having some kind of breakdown 

I also heard someone in May 2023 walking on a road as I was driving by say then they were definitely trying to get him raped to death 

It's possible these people would blackmail people saying we don't like to ruin lives It's nothing personal... I believe even though they were blackmailing a lot of people they would still have to manipulate them or other people in the organization to think their target was evil. 

Someone said in 2023 of may there going  to have to shove his face in a teenage girls ass

Someone said those  cops are definitely in bed with the right-wing politicians in early 2023

The medication they recommended for me at the mental hospital was not mandatory there or when I left fortunately 

I also remember someone at c&s westfield in 2020 said something about some cops thought he was or might be in the mafia. I also remember a woman at Westfields Cumberland farms in 2020 say we thought he was in the mafia to a cashier I believe 

I believe in 2019 at c&s Westfield there were trying to convince people I was a racist natzi drug dealer or something and one person they were trying to convince heard me listening to npr in my car at Cumberland farms in Westfield 

I believe these people give their targets nicknames because in 2020 someone at c&s westfield said they are calling him the trenchcoat man

I believe they also gave me another nickname at c&s Hatfield the sunglasses man or something 

After I mentioned that the bald manager was involved In a criminal organization at c&s Hatfield Someone there said if he is they will find out 

I also heard someone at c&s westfield in 2020 say something about a guy who claimed to be in the mafia set it up. It's possible he was trying to manipulate me 

It's possible what ever you complained about with flashing lights people would think you were, like getting set up with Drugs a drug lord probably or drug addict
 etc or if they manipulated you they could make people think you were whatever like if you complained about flashing lights and  stuff a desperate sex trafficker would or flashing lights and child porn they would think you were a evil pedophile. or if you just complained about flashing lights  who knows what 

In addition to desperate evil criminals complaining about being harrassed someone having a psychosis episode might as well

From the sounds of it there were sex traffickers that got people raped to death in prison at c&s Hatfield, yankee candle warehouse in southdeerfield, c&s westfield and on the road 

It's possible I could complain about flashing lights and get people to think what I want. Like if I said people were talking about putting squidward porn in my car, or drugs they would probably think I was a drug addict

Shorly after I went to pelican product for orientation a woman blinked at me reapeteadly there and someone on the road after said definitely not a psychopath 

It's possible these people were using some idiots to do a hit on me to make other people use control groups 

They were using people my family knew to manipulate them. And from what I heard my father knew some of these people 

On may 19th 2023 someone driving by in a school bus said don't worry if he convinces them their evil they can make him a foreign agent. Shortly after someone on road said he might be a foreign agent 

They also said If I was to unpredictable they were going to be executed. I guess I had to act a certain way or certain ways 

Someone on the road said in 2023 clown music.. referring to me humming in my car

I heard my father say in May 2023 he's not supposed to know about those people  I thought 

It's like the people at c&s Hatfield and the mental asylum and on the road after i left had a mind reading device like they could telepathically communicate and could read my mind. It's possible they had devices in their ears and a psychologist watching me that knew predictive psychology.  I heard someone say something about microchips in the braine at c&s Hatfield or something about microchips and something about mind slaves at some point There as well, possible referring to people they know how will react in every scenario and can manipulate them to do what they want or something. I believe its possible to telepathicly communicate with microchips in the braine. It's possible they save this near the end to break someone's concentration and get them to have a psychosis episode if they need to. 
I thought someone said the psychosis is part of it 

It's possible the other part involves neuroplasticity and rewiring or rearranging of the braine possiblely with tactics that mimic psychosis 

Part of what the effect tactics that mimic psychosis had on me was made it harder to focus and I lied in bed alot not watching TV 

I believe they have to be careful so you don't know what's coincidence and whats not and not over do it so you see threats were none exists. It's possible they wanted me to get a psychosis episode so I would be looking at flashing lights and freaking out so people would think I was a evil criminal or something using a fourm of mind control 

It's possible because a lot of people under stress can get psychosis a lot of desperate evil criminals would around flashing lights or something if they thought people and police were on to them. The more they had to loose the more stressed they would be probably and more likely to get psychosis.  Its possible the more evil criminals would get psychosis episodes more often.  Its possible these people would make anyone having a psychosis episode or freaking out around flashing lights a "evil criminal" as a hit

It's possible these people and police involved were worried if I acted like a desperate sex trafficker the right wing politicians would take notice 

Psychosis affects the SMA supplentary motor area in the prefrontal and medial frontal lobe network 

It would not surprise me if these people had a mad scientist 

It's possible this  organization can get people to have psychosis episodes using tactics that mimic psychosis and by breaking their concentration. I also Heard someone say in 2021 or 2022  it's designed to rewire your braine so..., I believe they have to break your concentration before than can rewire your braine using tactics mimic psychosis. I believe it could be designed to rewire your braine so you get psychosis or a synthetic version of it 

One thing I heard at c&s Hatfield was then he knows how dangerous we are

i believe these people pretend to be goverment spooks and ones in a cover up as well

It's possible that a evil criminal like a sex trafficker or other criminals having a psychosis episode could be put under section 12 than arrested after 3 day observation or during. It's possible they decided weather to execute people there by making them "evil criminals" as well or put them into a mental hospital for having psychosis or a psychosis episode or just let them out after 3 days or more and maybe kidnap them at some point. Its possible anyone with feelings they would not make a evil criminal maybe only sociopaths or psychopaths are made evil criminals because a psychiatrist might know somethings off. its possible anyone that did have feelings they wanted to do a hit in on in prison they could make them a delusion person with psychosis that thought somone was evil and did something crazy like murder them in some crazy way like drowning or something 

I was put in a wheelchair than brought up to the mental hospital after 4 days or 3 business days 

It's possible these  people slandering me could  say about a desperate sex trafficker later to people at the Time we thought he had psychosis or was delusional if they were arrested 

If I was a sextraffiker or evil criminal as these people claimed I would have been arrested not put in a mental hospital for a week

there was also a woman at the mental hospital downstairs who after 3 days said to herself why are you still here, i asked shortly after maybe 15-20 minutes if I could leave and they told me I was being commited to the mental hospital  upstairs the next day 

the guy in the ambulance whispered to me on the way there shut up about cops with rackets or crazy enough... I forgot but he said something about it

its possible that if they thought I was not their target and were going to do a hit on me by making me a delusional person with psychosis that thought someone was evil than murder them it would be to much of a coincidence if there were other people saying I was a evil criminal sex traffiker 

I believe that there were numerous delusional people with psychosis that did evil things like drown their kids or microwave a baby that were under the delusional they were evil. 

It's possible it would be to much of a coincidence if they were telling people I had psychosis and was saying people were evil there if there were other people saying I was a evil criminal 

In may 2023 I overheard a woman in her yard as I was driving by say definitely not evil 

I also remember a state cop I called 
Called in early 2023 or late 2022 at panda gardens about someone flashing headlights at me and punching my rear view mirror and breaking it mention he was investigating me coincidenly and I thought he mentioned some people, he also whispered evil at one point. This was all when he showed up. I also mentioned I did not want to press charges he Said if he finds the guy he is

I also remember I think it was the same state cop say mafia brothels to himself by his car after I was pulled over for speeding months later 

Its possible If they did not have enough time to execute those people that wanted to do a hit on me They would make it a mob war. And from what I heard one of the options was to make this a mob war 

another thing I heard on the road was are goverment spooks having a pissing match

Someone at the mental hospital whispered stop talking about flashing lights you retard. I also heard him whisper if you're a alpha male they will execute you. 

Someone said something in May 2023 about me not complaining about flashing lights until it's to late. It's possible they were not ready for me to because they were still slandering me and trying to convince people I was evil and did not want anyone to investigate yet but did not know about control groups  it would probably overwhelm anything else I believe. 

It's possible if there were people saying I had psychosis and harrassing me on the road they might think they were government spooks and I would get kidnapped and they would look the other way and be afraid to make me a sex traffiker 

its likely if I was a psychopath they would not need to desensitize me and harass on the road and do stuff to make people think i was a psychopath like whispered insultes and mocking

Another thing I overheard in May or April 2023 on the road he's going to be executed as soon as they convince enough people 

I was informed by a atteroney in may 2023 I was messaging  that a criminal can be arrested during or after being put in a hospital for having a psychosis episode under section 12. Section 12 lasts for 3 business days 

My family saw me upstairs in the mental hospital. 

After I mentioned something at Cumberland farms in late 2022 someone on the road said it's Christmas for the good guys. I also heard someone say hes definitely a whistle-blower. I believe a cop in Northampton. This was also on the road

It's possible these guys wanted to do a hit on me and saw a opportunity involving mafia brothels and me acting like I had psychosis and people on the road using tactics that mimic psychosis and me complaining about flashing lights and  because it would make me look like I was a desperate sex trafficker it would make me a threat to national security and a lot of people would not like that. Another thing I heard was every time he complains about flashing lights he's risking the right wing...., it's possible they thought I would be afraid to talk about mafi brothels. It's possible these people would make it look like a cover up for a evil, disgusting scumbag possiblely as a backup plan and either, arrest, kidnapp or put in a mental asylum. These people are also sex traffickers that get people raped to death in prison. Its possible the cops flashing lights would not ask questions if that person went missing. 

There was also a cop in a cop car in Ashfield that said he's not evil in May 2023 by flashing lights 

It's possible being in this organization or parallel society is like being in a different culture 

They could always say I did not know right from wrong and say that's why I was not freaking out or getting nervous around flashing lights And what they were manipulating my family and other people to do. They would say I was one of the emotionless demons that according to them do not know right from wrong. Which is funny because this harrasment on the road also had the effect of desensitizeing me 

I also remember saying at Cumberland farms in 2023 that my bald manager was lying about me complaining about flashing lights. I also mentioned flashing lights at c&s Hatfield a few times. 

On may 22 2023 the following was said on the road, they have to execute them the woman really want to.. someone said they have to wait to those retards are executed.
Someone said in a few months he's getting kidnapped. I thought someone said they finally executed him. Someone said they are definitely not evil. Someone said because they don't know how many people saw his youtube channels. Someone said because they know he's not evil, some very powerful people....  I thought someone said if he complains about it they have to make him a sex trafficker 
. Someone on the road said something about me being evil for looking at a light up stero at work flashing blue, and said a lot of evil people....

Someone said I thought he's scaring the state police 

It's possible anyone being harrassed that tried to defend themselves would look evil, because in addition to a lot of "evil" people complaining about flashing lights they would be being manipulated 

Its likely these people use empathic accuracy and predictive psychology to predict what moves a person is going to make how they will act and what they might be thinking 

Someone at the mental hospital whispered shut up about flashing lights and you will get all your enemies wiped out

After I said to myself in my house in may 2023 there's nothing I can do about it refering to my situation I predicted those people slandering me would say I was quoting the creepy depressing ghost star creature in the super mario brothers movie in bowsers dungeon having a breakdown as thats the kinda of stuff they were doing 

I also remember someone at c&s Hatfield saying it's us or him

There was a fish tank in the mental hospital as well

In may 2023 the following was said on the road he did or did not do something evil, referring to them saying how people react around flashing lights. Someone said if he doesn't stop looking at flashing lights he's going to get kidnapped. Someone said he's a alpha male but he knows his place. Someone said he's lucky they know they are  not government spooks 

Apparently there were people claiming if a person acts nervous, frightening or freaks out around flashing lights they did something evil. The more panicked you are the eviler you are they were claiming 

At pelican products I heard a woman say if he's a lone wolf he's definitely getting kidnapped. Someone said if there not government spooks we live in a nightmare society, someone on the road said that too. Someone said after I used a metaphor he might be a sociopath it might be a test run. Someone said he might be a sociopath. Someone said If he's crazy enough to manipulate them. Someone said they have hidden cameras everywhere. I thought someone said they have police officers standing by to arrest them

Is possible if anyone acted like there target acting like they had psychosis or psychosis episode and/or complain about flashing lights they would be arrested or kidnapped or put in a mental hospital. I also remember when I got back from the mental hospital as soon as I entered my room the lights dimmed or flickered several times

Some things I said at c&s Hatfield to myself randomly they were so retarded they thought they were foreign agents.
She microwaved a baby to do a hit and the angry sun from super mario was trying to rewire my braine
I said someone from national security called

There was also a cop in Ashfield by flashing lights that made what looked like a peace sign at me

I also remember telling a psychologist at the mental hospital there were rumors I was a communist and told another I was probably going to get a aclu atteroney 

I also remember a psycholgist upstairs at the mental hospital i was talking to that I think saw do a brief turn with her head and whisper evil but I might have imagined it. It's possible that's how they warn people. 

someone on the road said on the way back from orintaion that i was told to come back next week at pelican products we might as well let him work here 

There were also women at pelican products saying sexual things about me and talking about kidnapping me 

I also remember a psychiatrist at the mental hospital said with out medication he was worried that it could get worse and said a lot of people with that In 2 or 3 months later could get worse 

I also heard a cop in his car in early 2023 say everytime he complains about flashing lights he's risking the right wing....

I also remember someone at c&S hatfield say i guess principle litchfield is in a criminal organization

I also said at c&s Hatfield principal Litchfield is not going to expose himself for a bunch of retards 

It's possible people that complain about flashing lights are supposed to be very evil people 

It's possible people that complain about flashing lights are supposed to be very evil people 

Someone on the road said in May 2023 something about it being a government Power struggle, probably referring to my harrasment on the road 
Someone said that same day if he goes on back roads he's definitely being kidnapped 

It's possible  some people thought I was a fbi agent
Making them flash lights 

Someone whispered at pelican products the trenchcoat man was executed long ago after i said that was the nickname people gave me at c&s westfield. It's possible they give their targets nicknames 

Someone said on the road at night in May 2023 they are hearing some very evil things about him but they have not confirmed it. Someone on the road  said psychiatrist was talking about pulling my license. Someone said  they wanted him to get aggressive... was in his car by himself. Someone said if he's unfamiliar with the area that's a different story talking about me turning around a few times because my GPS told me to go to a unfamiliar area. 

If there were people mocking me on the road and whispering insults  at work nonstop that would problay cause a lack of empathy it was  worse at c&S westfield in 2020 and on the road in the in 2020 with the mocking

someone at pelican products said he doesn't have feelings

It's possible if I got aggressive they would throw me back in the mental hospital 

Someone on the road said on May 24th those cops definitely aren't evil

There was also someone talking about microblading at c&s Hatfield for some reason 

It's possible even fbi agents could think they were government spooks or national security or working with them

One woman at c&s Hatfield said he has some attractive features 

Someone said if it wasn't for .. he said flashing blue lights They would have arrested him 

I thought someone said you have to be careful not to over do it 

Someone said there going to have to be executed It's a test run or if it is they have to be exicuted

At Valley medical Florence Northampton in may 2023 patients there in the lobby said the following he's to ugly to flash lights at. Someone said If people were flashing lights at him he would be freaking out. A nurse their said not smart enough or not smart enough to figure it out, she also said she has the same birthday refering to a nurse next to her, this was in the blood lab. Another nurse there said thank you for no reason after she checked my blood pressure she must have known I liked her. these people are experts in psychology 

It's possible if anyone complained about flashing lights they wanted to kidnapp they would pretend to be government spooks or  certain people might think they are and have people harrass them on the road and have people say they were freaking out about lights and having a psychosis episode

It's possible they tell people in their organization to blink at lot and especially when to appear more empathetic like when someone is crying 

I believe these people also blink a lot to check people's empathy as psychopaths don't blink as much 

I did verbally complain about flashing blue lights to cashiers numerous times in 2022

There was also a woman at c&s Hatfield and pelican products that were involved in this organization that whispered sexy at me. that woman at hatfield also said 
 those people are monsters

Someone at c&s Hatfield said be careful what you wish for

On the road on May 25th 2023 the following was said a cop near flashing lights said definitely not getting executed,
Someone said if he doesn't stop talking about their Rackets..
Someone said they have to scare him
Someone said ...pissed of a fbi agent 
Someone said they are going to be executed 
Someone said I told you he had cops
Someone said I told you he was a fbi agent 
Someone said he's to crazy we have to wait awhile, probably referring to kidnapp, 
Someone said there are some very evil criminals taking over 
Someone on the road said he already suspected he was bugging their cars 
Someone said I thought he's not risking it's a test run he will be kidnapped in a few..

It's possible being in this organization or parrelel society would be like being in a different culture 

I feel it Is important to document what I heard and experienced in regards to my harrasment 

Its possible that these people in the organization would have some people pretending to be concerned about their target freaking out.  while others would lie about them doing things someone having a psychosis episode or acting like a desperate sex trafficker would do

It's unlikely a desperate sex trafficker would have a sex drive 
Apparently they were talking about making a few woman foreign agents because they had feelings for me

someone on the road said in may 2023 dont over do it

Someone at c&s Hatfield said .... is getting executed talking about a manager at yankee candle 

Someone at valley medical in May 2023  a patent in lobby said a lie about me saying hes a child molester anyway

Its possible after these people kidnap someone they say did you know we can read your mind? and try to get them to have a psychosis episode if not already 

Someone said in 2022 a state cop called multiple police departments telling them he was a Crack head complaining about flashing blue lights and to keep a eye on him referring to my police report with him

Someone on may 26 2023  said the following if they try to hack his bank account there getting executed, probably said by cops. Someone said because they don't know how powerful they are. Someone said I thought he's... but if he complains about flashing lights he has to be executed. After I said at neighbors convenience store parking lot to myself idiot I'm not having a psychosis episode Someone on the road said don't ever use that stuff on him, maybe referring to tactics that mimic psychosis. Someone said he saved those.... lives. Someone said no one has ever insulted them... Someone flashing lights said hes probably a pissed off government spook. Someone said the only people that can manipulate them..A female cop in Deerfield driving by said definitely getting kidnapped 
Someone on the road said not only is he a cop killer he's... someone Shortly after said  hes definitely not working with them. Someone said its starting all over again 

Someone said they don't have direct control 

Someone at the mental hospital said evil fuck that talks to himself at me

Someone at c&s Hatfield said they wanted the police to think he was a psychopath. I believe they use whispered insults and mocking such as driving by with their mouths open as well as other mocking. I believe this can get someone to aquire a lack of empathy of time. That combined with the amount of cars harrassing me on the road could desensitize one over time. This could fool psycholgists into thinking that person was a psychopath or demons as they call those desensized people that according to them dont know right from wrong and do evil things a lot. I believe if they can't get people into a padded room using tactics that mimic psychosis that is. 

Someone said the psychologist said he showed no sign of attraction, referring to a psychogist watching me at pelican products in May 2023.  After I said to myself in my car there was a criminal organization trying to slowly convince people I was a psychopath a in the closet gayman  than pedophile Someone on the road said the psychologist was screaming don't you ever talk about our organization again. Someone Said if they are  lying there going to be executed and he's going to be licking woman's ass.....

It's possible if a lot of people already thought I was gay they thought it would just be easier to make me a desperate pedophile sex trafficker than to make me anything heterosexual 

Someone said in May 2023 he's in big trouble with the woman 

A woman at Cumberland farms said cop killer at me In early 2023 which is ironic since they were the ones lying about me acting like a desperate sex trafficker and trying to get me to act like one when I was famous for crashing my car on the way to a  mafia brothel

Other very evil things I hesitate to write because it was so evil but someone said they were sexualy aroused by someone getting raped to death, refering to people on the road

Someone said I thought for now suggest it's teenage girls, I believe referring to people they were slowly trying to convince I was a boy hungry pedophile and them lying about me taking about masterbating to child porn 

Someone said in 2023 no wonder they are flashing lights at him, referring to their desperation 

Someone on the road in 2022 also said the only people they can't maipulate are right wing government spooks 

In early 2023 someone said apparently he survived by pretending to be a government spook 

It's possible this had something to do with me complaining about flashing blue lights and talking about mafia brothels and people lying about me having a psychosis episode/ acting like a desperate sex trafficker and people saying I was complaining about flashing lights and one thing I heard was why would they think it was flashing blue lights on the road in early 2023

Someone at pelican product said he shouldn't have any empathy left 

There were also people at c&s Hatfield talking about my police report and youtube channel static echo batch19 with Deerfield police and at pelican products in 2023 and they could be in contact 

I believe if they got desperate enough they would say unless you want  to see a communist dictator... because that's one of the things I heard. Maybe that's their final backup plan if the other ones don't work and they desperately try to convince people that will happen.  they would probably be executed after this if they could not convince them

its possible there were some cops involved in organized crime that gave people a chance to do a hit on me

I also remember in 2023 when I called the tax place in Northampton and got a appointment later the woman that called to remind me said she had a few people named Erik coming in for that today

there were also a few woman that whispered at me in public complains about flashing lights hes not a nice guy

It's possible the few people this organization or parrelel society reveals themselves to are their targets or people with psychosis real or synthetic 

someone said in may 2023 take youtube channels down refing to what they manipulated my father to whisper and said its not working somme powerful people are protecting him..

 I believe these people made me famous with a nickname the trenchcoat man for crashing my car on the way to a mafia brothel and going to them.  I don't think people knew my real name but people at Yankee candle in southdeerfield found out I was when I left c&s Westfield and went back to Yankee candle 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 he's not going to risk his life for a scumbag

Someone on the road in May 2023 said the cops in Ashfield Said if he shows any sign of aggression....

Someone on the road said in may 2023  walking by said they have to be nice to him he has youtube channels...., maybe referring to not mocking me and stuff as much

Someone on the road  in may 2023 said if he turns around again hes going back to the mental hospital referring to me missing a turn and turning around 

Someone on the road in May 2023  said if he has youtube channels were people are turning parking lights on at him they are being executed together 

And If people said I was not a pedophile the psychologist could say he has no sex drive because he's a desperate sex trafficker and under great stress

someone in may 2023 said take those youtube channels down refering to them manipulating my father and said there must be goverment spooks protecting him its not working, refering to their manipulations 

There were also people in May 2023 that were talking about putting me back in the mental hospital and letting the women have fun with me. If anyone complained about it they would just say they had a psychosis episode. Maybe that's why they ring a phone repeadily  and have people come in with lights luckily i did not complain about it. It's possible if they fought back they would be traquelized or if they kept fighting back end up in a padded room or brain dead. one thing I heard while they rang the phone and came in with lights they will try one more time

someone on the road in may 2023 said he is desensitzed to evil

Someone on the road said in may 2023 the psychologist said for some reason he's not in mental hospital he does not know why

Someone at c&s Hatfield said these people are unbelievable retarded. I believe referring to some people trying to do a hit on me

Someone at pelican product said he shouldn't have any empathy left 

Someone said in may 2023 he's making up stuff about those people. Referring to people slowly trying to convince people I was a evil criminal 

If these people just bug people's houses I'm lucky I did not do anything to standout much 

someone in may 2023 said take those youtube channels down refering to them manipulating my father and said there must be goverment spooks protecting him its not working, refering to their manipulations 

I believe if they got desperate enough they would say unless you want  to see a communist dictator... because that's one of the things I heard. Maybe that's their final backup plan if the other ones don't work and they desperately try to convince people that will happen.  they would probably be executed after this if they could not convince them

I sent this message to my family about those people. 
Those people you are being manipulated by are very evil they lied about me having a psychosis breakdown around lights or something they have been telling you negative things for awhile I never did anything those people said, they were slowly trying to convince you I was a psychopath, gay man than  pedophile and stupid. You should call the cops on them they are not trying to help they are very evil people. Don't do anything they say and never talk to them again.

someone in may 2023 said no wonder it was not working he was complaing about flashing blue lights and mafia brothels 

And from what I saw people in this organization were white, black, and Hispanic at the werehouses. One Hispanic man at c&s Hatfield was talking about people being executed if they could not break my concentration. There were also a black guy at c&s Hatfield that said he's definitely not going to be executed. Other people there said differently. The white bald manager at c&s Hatfield was talking about getting people raped to death

from what I heard about about a psychologist in one of these organizations that was trying to manipulate another one I believe as well as other people including my family and police I believe as well  he was in a organization that was slowly trying to convince people I was a psychopath, in the closet gay man than pedophile and evil criminal over the years  

Someone said the cops said if he gets a erection.. talking about me with a woman...
Maybe referring to a strip club

Someone at pelican product said.. they had to indulge his government spook fantasies. I also heard that on the road. I believe referring to cops watching me there And yankee candle referring to my YouTube channels 

These people I believe don't have direct control over this other organization i believe but manipulate them or something 

Someone at pelican products said is he a evil psychologist..

Someone at c&s Hatfield said he might as well be a hitman 

Someone said we think he is evil. They probably said they wanted my family to see it for themselves. 

Someone driving by my aunts house in 2023 said that's what happens when you do evil shortly after my cousin said that to himself in his room

the psychatrist at the mental hospital said something about people with delusional disorders and something about it being in a bubble and they can live normal lives and was worried it could get worse in a few months without medication

I believe I distrupted their fourm of mind control were they were trying to get people and police to think I was having a psychosis episode / acting like like a desperate sex trafficker by talking about mafia brothels and flashing blue lights. I could make them think anything I wanted if i complained about flashing lights if I talked about people putting drugs in my car they would think I was a drug dealer or drug addict if i complained about flashing lights and people putting child porn in my car they would think i was a evil pedophile etc

Someone said in 2023  if he trys to say he was kidnapped and tied to her bed

Someone said I guess he was not evil enough to complain about flashing lights 

Someone said something about mafia cops flashing lights at him or something

Someone at pelican products said you're going to be licking women's ass.....  and there's nothing you can do

These people were harrassing me on the road to break my concentration so I would have a psychosis episode I believe or they tried to

These people use a form of mind control to get their targets to act a certain way while maipulateing other people so you act like a desperate sex trafficker or someone having a psychosis episode and other people think you are evil based on how you act. They also manipulate people by saying whisper evil and other stuff like that saying if they act suspicious or freak out...., and this is while their target is having a psychosis episode 

Someone driving down my road in May 2023 said they almost arrested him 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 he's not risking its a test run he will be kidnapped in a few....

Someone on the road said they might be manipulateing him in May 2023 

Someone driving down my road said he's not a sex trafficker in May 27th 2023, somtime after I said to myself those cops flashing lights aren't cops. 

I thought hours later someone said if he says it again..

Someone said In May 2023 he's lucky they think it's a coincidence if it happens again.... I believe referring to my " psychosis episode" and me being in the mental hospital. It's possible they thought it was the stress of working long hard hours at c&s Hatfield. It's possible a lot of their targets act like they have psychosis episodes due to being harrassed and people using tactics that mimic psychosis and it's possible a lot of these people get a synthetic version of psychosis from this. 

its possible a lot of criminals and evil criminals check or try to check themselves in mental hospitals 

These people run a invisible dictatorship 

It's possible there targets are supposed to complain about flashing lights or act like they had psychosis or look around at lights like cars with headlights on going by etc. It's possible there targets could act frightened and afraid and go around begging or be very angry or aggressive and enraged. depending on what they are psychlogicaly. They seemed suspicious when I was hesitant to give my phone number at the mental hospital 

I feel people in their organization could be anywhere. Including as cashier or dentists etc. It's probably designed to make you feel that way 

Someone said at least we know he's not boy fondler in May 2023

Another example of their form of mind control they used that I used against them was when my aunt said to herself psychopaths smile with there teeth and I messaged her saying there were some very evil people trying to convince people I was a psychopath and said they said psychopaths don't yawn and they smile with their teeth 

Someone at pelican products said he is in the organization 

In may 2023 may 30th the following was said on the road. A cop by electric trucks working on power lines said psychopath. Someone on the road said they can't arrest him he's not complaining about it. I thought someone said the cops said if he is our target there getting executed
  after i said to myself a woman at walmart whispered hot stuff at me in 2022 in my car, A woman a neighbors said to herself if we hadn't... been brutally raped to death 
Someone at pelican products said lucky the woman like you

Someone on the road said in may 2023 now that we know he has a friend they have to leave him alone 

Someone said on May 2023 said if it wasn't for the fact he was a whistle-blower they would kidnap him

It's likely their targets would either be arrested, kidnapped or put in a mental hospital depending on what they were psychologicaly and how they acted 

Someone driving down my road in May 2023  said they have to execute him, talking about my YouTube channels that I filed with police in Deerfield I believe

someone at pelican products said hes not going to know what hit him

A woman on the road in May 2023 said she found out he was a scary foreign agent 

Someone at c&s Hatfield said she doesn't know why a straight man  would  be having sex with his father 

Someone at pelican products said he is in the organization 

Someone on the road said in may 2023 now that we know he has a friend they have to leave him alone 

Someone said in May 2023 he has no survival instincts 

It's likely their targets would either be arrested, kidnapped or put in a mental hospital depending on what they were psychologicaly and how they acted 

On May 31st the following was said on the road 
....someone on the road in may 2023 said if it wasn't his birthday they would have executed him, talking about me going to a strip club 
A cop flashing lights in May  2023 said if he knows they are in a criminal organization 
In may 2023 someone on the road said the cops wanted them to be executed and said they are too powerful or very powerful 
In may 2023 Someone on the road said he was going to be a foreign agent anyway 
Someone on the road said a woman said when..  she knew he was not a faggot talking about a woman that say me in public
Someone said the next time he goes to a strip club execute him
Someone said in May 2023 they don't know how powerful they are or they are very powerful 
Someone said even with a super genius... referring to how idiotic some people were being 
Someone on the road said in may 2023 now they know he goes to strip clubs after I mentioned Anthony's dance club to myself in my car or said it's too late now they know he goes to strip clubs 
Someone on the road said we have all the evidence but it would be too...
Someone on the road said the creepiest youtube channels.. he better not be lying about those people 
Someone said the cops were 5 minutes away from arresting him..
Someone said if he hadn't wanted too .. talking about me at Anthony's dance club with a woman
Someone on the road said those people are going to be  executed 
Someone on the road said it's definitely not a test run 
Someone said if it wasn't a test run he would be put in a straight jacket 
Someone said I told you he was a beta male 
Someone on the road said they are torturing him, they don't know he's the Same guy...
I thought a woman that worked at anthonies dance club i was with said definitely not the same guy he would be terrified. She also said earlier if he complains about flashing lights he's not a nice guy to herself, I also thought she said definetly getting kidnapped 
Someone on the road said she's in the organization 
There were also some people at Anthony's dance club saying definitely getting kidnapped, customers I believe maybe both. It's possible they are infiltrating Anthony's dance club 

Someone at Anthony's dance club said something about being to ugly to flash lights at I guess

There were also telling people I played stellaris at the same time they were telling people I was a evil retard 

A woman at pelican products said you're going to be tortured if you don't lick my ass....
A woman at pelican products said if you want to lick my ass.... stay away from strip clubs 

I believe one of the reasons these people would have to be executed was because to many people knew about them being evil 

I thought someone on the road said if those people get people brutally raped to death they are going to be executed 

In may 2023 someone said something about targeting weak points in national security at walmart, it's possible some people could think this person was working with national security 

On may 30th I said to myself at my house these people were lying about me complaining flashing lights and said I heard someone at c&s Hatfield say those cops flashing lights are not cops, which I did hear in april 2023

Someone on the road in May 2023 said they put eye of the tiger on in his car referring to my retro 80s cd, that's a good song for him, referring to at pelican products 

These people near the end at c&s Hatfield and the mental hospital could read my mind and said what I was thinking and they still could not break my concentration and get me to have psychosis episode or whatever 

a cashier at cumberland farms on may 31st 2023 at night said something about you will be exicuted or something 

It's possible that they would Give these people a date set in stone to do a hit on me and when the time came if they did not like what they investigated they would be executed 

Someone said in May 2023 at least we know he's not a boy fondler 

Someone Said  he could get a lot of cops killed at pelican products, I believe referring to complaining about flashing lights 

Someone said on the road in June 2023 they have to be kidnapped, I believe referring to these people complaing about flashing lights. It's possible they pretend to be government spooks and say for the sake of national security ..

Someone at c&s Hatfield said someone said its supposed to be the stuff of nightmares 

Someone on the road in May 2023 said the drug dealers said he was a crazy fuck...

the following was said on june 1st 2023 on the road
Someone said in june 1st 2023 he doesn't care what's on that retards flash drive 
Someone Said he's definitely not a sex trafficker, we have to make him a evil pedophile 
Someone on the road said he's not having a psychosis episode 
Someone said it would be impossible to.. maybe referring to Making me a sex trafficker 
Someone said he was too crazy to make a sex trafficker 
Someone said he's a evil pedophile anyway.. 
Someone said no wonder it was not working, maybe referring to the stupidity of the people trying to do a hit on me
Someone on the road said he might be a fbi agent 
Someone on the road said he's a strong willed beta male 
a woman on the road said he's prettier than we thought 
Someone on the road said he's not worried about what he recorded Its probably a bunch of retards flashing lights at him
A woman working at the icecream place in Williamsburg said definitely getting kidnapped at me
a woman on the road said we might as well kidnap that...
Someone people in the woods at fitzgerald lake said something about flashing lights of different colors and I thought I heard something about a fbi agent 
Someone said  they almost.... there is definitely something going on with those people 

There was also a woman at pelican products that blinked at me a lot

someone in june 2023 said they almost kidnapped him, he was to big

Someone said something about loyalty test

Someone said at c&s Hatfield in March 2023 if they can't break his concentration they are going to be executed 

I thought someone said beta males they have to make desperate sex traffickers 

 on the road in June 2023 the following was said on the road. he might be recording. Someone driving a school bus said it's a good thing we or they were flashing lights.
Someone said he's definitely a  lone wolf
Someone said the cops said unless he has super powers he's a government spook 
Someone said he changed his mind it's a government Power struggle. It's possible this criminal syndicate makes it look like one. Someone on the road said they know those cops flashing lights are evil.  
Someone on the road said if he's our target some very evil people are taking over
Someone said there are some very evil people taking over. Someone said a lot of atteroneys said...
Someone said if he has evidence he has to be kidnapped 
Someone said if he doesn't stop talking about his facesitting fetish they have to be executed 
Someone said the only reason they know he's not a psychopath is Because he had tears in his eyes
Someone said take that thing out in the woods... probably talk about executing 

Someone at Walmart  a customer said we will turn everyone against you

A employee I knew at Walmart and that worked there for a long time said get that faggot raped to death, in March or April 2023

Someone said in june 2023 just incase they are interested..., I believe referring to slandering me to some sketchy women 

in june 2023 someone said on the road if he doest stop trying to do a hit on them

I also heard someone on the road say is this a loyalty test..
Its possible if you somehow were convincing enough in your police report they might think you are working with national security or a fbi agent if you didn't get put in a mental hospital 

someone said he is probably going to be assassinated by some government spook

Someone said they have their limits, I believe referring to these people keep trying to convince groups of people I'm evil 

Someone on the road said I thought the same people that helped with saddam hussein and iraq..

when I was able to counter these people they said I was a forighn agent and working with the chinese goverment

someone said those cops flashing lights lives are in danger

On june 4th 2023 someone on the road said the psychologist said ... starting to think he is a whistle-blower

The stuff I know is because I have insanely good hearing and am very perceptive and always gave no sign of recognition that I heard something. I believe it is important to document my harassment for the past 3 years or so. I have been harrassed on the road since February 2020 and I have recorded since august 2020 and people have been flashing lights on the road at me since early 2020.

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