
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Areem Nasir
    Areem Nasir
    Areem Nasir

    Quote that defines me: Don't be so quick to judge me, after all you only see what I choose to show you.

    Quotive Advice: The pen that writes your life must be held in your own hand.

    Enthralling audiences across Penana, Wattpad, and Webnovel with riveting novels & songs. Die-hard music and Charlie Puth fan. Spends spare time penning thoughts on Blogger and Penana. Wolf and husky enthusiast, survives on a diet of suspense thrillers and action movies with 'Train To Busan' topping the list.

    Anime addict, 'Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood' holds a special place in the heart. A polyglot, adept in both English and Japanese. An aspiring beaurucrate with roots anchored in love for Japan & Germany.

    Get lost in the fascinating world of anime, painting , or sprint across the field with a football under the moonlit sky, I'm game! School cricket team captain & the force behind my school gang.

    Not just a wordsmith, but a captivating singer, skillful painter, fervent sportswoman, intuitive writer, and an effective leader.

    Black color embodies me best. A sensible, open-minded youngster who follows her heart. Adventure is my middle name and independence, my game. Defying norms with my tomboyish charm.

    Join me as I pen a new adventure, song or story every day. Unleash the creative, inspirational, and self-sufficient individual within you!

    Your interaction is my motivation! Let's embark on this journey together; let's redefine boundaries and shatter the glass ceilings!

    "Empower Your Journey, Ignite Your Passion - Follow My Life, Fuel Yours!"

    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 MarkTwain2.0挑戰者 SomethingSomethingSomethi挑戰者 NoobGains2006挑戰者 Malumity挑戰者 J.S Grey挑戰者 Lamington 挑戰者  Ashy_Haze
  • 剩餘時間

Promote our stories and works here!

We all are witnesses that all the authors and writers here on Penana work extremely hard and with full pride and passion. So why not light a way for each other to promote and motivate the writers who’s works are worthier than acknowledging but still are anonymous.

So for these great writers I have come up with a splendid plan of promoting their stories.

All you have to do is to fill in the form, follow the guidelines and fulfill the tiny winy requirements that your beloved Jennie wants. So let us get started.


  • 1. Open for any type of work [ Novels, Short stories, Poems, Blogs and more ]
  • 2. You can fill in the form for as many works as you want.
  • 3. You have to fill in the form by writing an issue not in the comment box and name 4. the issue of which form you are filling.


  • For the Participants:
    1. Participants for participating would get a personal follow from me.
    2.They’ll get a participating badge.

For the Winners:
1. There would be three winners who would win the following;
2. After the submission ends I’ll announce the top three winners.
3. I’ll read, like and comment on every chapter of their won work.
4. Give a shout out of their works on my personal stream board to the other people.
5. Introduce the work personally to my followers and including recommendations.
6. I’ll encourage my followers to follow, like and comment on your work.
7. Your work would get a bookmark.
8. And of course you’ll get a winning and participating badge too.
9. Plus I’ll introduce you to the other authors and writers too on my stream board.


1. SO STARTING FROM THE FIRST STEP: For participating you…

  1. Have to follow me first.
  2. Give a shout out on your streaming board about this contest so that more and more people could participate and promote themselves.
  3. Give Elusive Destinations a like and comment OR give My Musical Heights, my book a comment and like [this is optional most people don't like that but if you're still generous then please]

{Sorry If I’m asking too much}

You have to fulfill the requirements mentioned above  first then fill in the form. I’ll first check whether have you done it or not and then I’ll add you to my list.

Simply fill in the form which suits your work. Forms are on the next page.

When you have done all the requirements and the form message me on personal saying: Jennie Form Check. And then I’ll send a ‘Confirmed’ to your chat that means you have been added to the list.

Promote our stories and works here!

We all are witnesses that all the authors and writers here on Penana work extremely hard and with full pride and passion. So why not light a way for each other to promote and motivate the writers who’s works are worthier than acknowledging but still are anonymous.

So for these great writers I have come up with a splendid plan of promoting their stories.

All you have to do is to fill in the form, follow the guidelines and fulfill the tiny winy requirements that your beloved Jennie wants. So let us get started.


  • 1. Open for any type of work [ Novels, Short stories, Poems, Blogs and more ]
  • 2. You can fill in the form for as many works as you want.
  • 3. You have to fill in the form by writing an issue not in the comment box and name 4. the issue of which form you are filling.


  • For the Participants:
    1. Participants for participating would get a personal follow from me.
    2.They’ll get a participating badge.

For the Winners:
1. There would be three winners who would win the following;
2. After the submission ends I’ll announce the top three winners.
3. I’ll read, like and comment on every chapter of their won work.
4. Give a shout out of their works on my personal stream board to the other people.
5. Introduce the work personally to my followers and including recommendations.
6. I’ll encourage my followers to follow, like and comment on your work.
7. Your work would get a bookmark.
8. And of course you’ll get a winning and participating badge too.
9. Plus I’ll introduce you to the other authors and writers too on my stream board.


1. SO STARTING FROM THE FIRST STEP: For participating you…

  1. Have to follow me first.
  2. Give a shout out on your streaming board about this contest so that more and more people could participate and promote themselves.
  3. Give Elusive Destinations a like and comment OR give My Musical Heights, my book a comment and like [this is optional most people don't like that but if you're still generous then please]

{Sorry If I’m asking too much}

You have to fulfill the requirements mentioned above  first then fill in the form. I’ll first check whether have you done it or not and then I’ll add you to my list.

Simply fill in the form which suits your work. Forms are on the next page.

When you have done all the requirements and the form message me on personal saying: Jennie Form Check. And then I’ll send a ‘Confirmed’ to your chat that means you have been added to the list.