
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Hopeless romantic, devoted reader and writer, pre-professional dancer, and fan of Y/A and Dystopian books.

    À vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire.

    “I think there’s a natural goodness built into human beings. You know when you’ve stepped across the line into evil, and it’s your life’s challenge to try and stay on the right side of that line.”-Lucy Gray Baird.

    ‘There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.' -Fahrenheit 451

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." -Deuteronomy 31:6

    “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”-Proverbs 31:25

    "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."-Revelation 14:7

    Clove and Cato <3
    Katniss and Peeta <3
    Adalyn and Luc <3
    Mia and Adam <3
    Beatrice and Teddy <3
    Day and June <3

    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 MarkTwain2.0挑戰者 bunnybear挑戰者 PIXI0挑戰者 Lamington 挑戰者 Gedeon Demoson挑戰者 Panzer挑戰者 D Mukuva挑戰者 Artemis_nobodysfriend挑戰者 Tenshi no Yami
  • 剩餘時間
And All The Heroes Died In The End

Normally, in almost every single scenario, book and movie alike, the hero wins. They usually go through tribulation, almost fail and reach their lowest point, but rise back up, rally their strength, and succeed in defeating the villain despite all they went through. 

In this contest, I want you to do the exact opposite. 

I want you to create a story where the villain succeeds in defeating the hero, instead of the other way around. The hero comes so far, is so sure that they are going to come out on top, but dies despite all their efforts to save humanity. 

The story can be any genre, Dystopian, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, whatever you want, as long as the hero dies in the end. 


~No graphic sexual talk or actions.

~Minimal cursing.

~The hero must be dead by the end of the story.

~One entry per contestant. 

~No world limit.

~Use trigger warnings as needed. 

Can't wait to read what you come up with! :)

Normally, in almost every single scenario, book and movie alike, the hero wins. They usually go through tribulation, almost fail and reach their lowest point, but rise back up, rally their strength, and succeed in defeating the villain despite all they went through. 

In this contest, I want you to do the exact opposite. 

I want you to create a story where the villain succeeds in defeating the hero, instead of the other way around. The hero comes so far, is so sure that they are going to come out on top, but dies despite all their efforts to save humanity. 

The story can be any genre, Dystopian, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, whatever you want, as long as the hero dies in the end. 


~No graphic sexual talk or actions.

~Minimal cursing.

~The hero must be dead by the end of the story.

~One entry per contestant. 

~No world limit.

~Use trigger warnings as needed. 

Can't wait to read what you come up with! :)