Amon, also known as Ammon or Aamon, is a fallen angel or demon who appears in various occult and demonological texts. He is mentioned in grimoires such as "The Lesser Key of Solomon" and "The Dictionnaire Infernal."
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Amon is often described as a powerful Marquis of Hell, commanding 40 legions of demons. He is depicted as a wolf with a serpent's tail or as a man with a raven's head. Some sources also describe him as having a crowned head and riding a wolf or a serpent.
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One of Amon's primary abilities is his power of divination and knowledge of the past, present, and future. He is believed to have the ability to reveal hidden secrets, provide answers to questions, and grant insight into matters of the occult and the unknown. Amon is often invoked for divinatory purposes and to gain wisdom.
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In addition to his divinatory powers, Amon is associated with wealth and prosperity. He is said to have the ability to bring riches and success to those who summon him. Some sources also suggest that he can reconcile disputes and bring about peace.
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Like other fallen angels, Amon rebelled against God and fell from grace. He is associated with the sin of pride and is said to tempt humans into seeking forbidden knowledge and power.
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It's important to note that the information about Amon and other fallen angels comes primarily from occult and demonological texts, which may not be recognized as authoritative by mainstream religious institutions. These descriptions should be approached with caution and skepticism, as they are often based on subjective interpretations and folklore.
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