It’s undeniable that I, Skylyr Jane Plain, am the true epitome of my name. What with my dazzling red hair that looked as if I am fresh out of hairdresser everyday, or the two ugly emeralds for eyes. I mean, I wear glasses! It’s truly to wonder I have no boyfriend. Especially since having a hot hunky boyfriend is my true and ultimate goal in life.
Gawd, I hate my life.
‘’Skylyr,’’ I hear my hippie/painter/cool Mom shout. ‘’Come eat the breakfast I bought with money I don’t know where we got from because I don’t do anything but sit around with my hippie friends and smoke weed all day.’’
Shouting okay to my Mom I quickly search through my clothes for the outcast-est clothes I could find, because God Forbid I wear something pink that the mean popular bimbos in my school swear by. I mean, I must show that we hate each other.
I rush downstairs and ignore the versatile breakfast my Mom prepared because I’m obviously late (Gawd, who likes waking up early?!), grab an apple and rush outside. Hopping into my ugly, old and possibly dangerous to drive truck and start my journey to school.
The whole school turns around as my ugly truck rumble as I park it. They are laughing and pointing fingers and I duck my head behind my hair because I’m obviously shy and absolutely lacking the backbone. Just then I bump into someone, and the papers I magically appeared in my hands scatter around, while I’m sent to the ground with an embarrassing thud.
The fall must have done something to my head because everything is in slow motion once I raise my eyes, and spot the most haunting/gorgeous eyes of a boy. A hunk I mean, definite a hunk. His body is like sculpted by Michelangelo himself, twelve-packs clearly visible under his tight shirt (twelve!), his hair a disheveled mess of black, styled perfectly which means he rolled out of bed like this. My cheeks blushed like fire when our eyes met, but I noticed with a twist in my heart that his gorgeous face is now scowling.
‘’Watch it nerd!’’he said, and I was a goner. I mean, how wouldn't I be, it’s fate!
He rushes past me without offering to collect my papers, and I stare after him in awe, my head dizzy from all the hunkiest and slow motion. Luckily my one and only friend Basil runs to my aid.
‘’Guurrl, damn! Check out Mr. Hotty McHot’’ he said and I roll my eyes because my non-existing backbone springs alive towards my friends. Picking up my papers, I get up. ‘’Gurl, hold up!’’
Basil racks around his backpack for a bit and present me with a bedazzler. Whirling it around like gun, he bedazzles my notebook just because he is so into sparkling stuff.
‘’Come on,’’Basil pulls my hand, ‘’let’s go inside so we can gossip and talk about fashion since that’s all I can be into!’’
I scoff at him but hurry along.
We settle into our classroom and the teacher walks in followed by a guy. My eyes bulge like saucepans. It’s him! It’t that arrogant jerk I’m head over heels for!
‘’Settle down class, we have a new student today,’’ the teacher says and everybody focuses on said student. ‘’Now, tell us something about yourself, like the your favorite color because that’s oh so relevant!’’
‘’My name is Wolfric Wolfstone. I live in a huge mansion in the woods even though I am a teenager. My parents must obey my every single Word, and…’’ he scratches the back of his head vigorously, his pink tongue peeking between his lips. My mouth waters. ‘’Ooh, my friends and I are super into Greek alphabet.’’
Gawd, he is perfect!
‘’Okay, Mr. Wolfstone, please take a seat next to Skylyr because you two are obviously meant to be.’’
My breath hitches as he slowly approaches to me, my vision threatening to blur. A smell of earth and chocolate embraces me and he slowly slides into the seat next to me, and I suddenly feel the insurmountable need to touch him.
‘’What are you doing’’ He snaps and I blinked to find my palm pressed against his face. His mouth opens to shout at me but our eyes meet, and I hastily pull my back back like touched by fire. He breaths heavily, sniffing the air and his grey eyes turn wild, like animal, dark as the night. He growls, literally growls and it’s the sexiest sound I have ever heard in my life.
‘’Mine!’’ He shouts possesively and I think I just melt a little.
Suddenly he’s up on his feet, large hot hand clasping mine and he is pulling me towards the door. My teacher says nothing, because he obviously owns her, and I? I follow him without complain because why would I do anything else?
He stuffs me in a janitor closet because that’s where all the high shcool drama happens, and presses his hot body against mine.
‘’Listen little gitl, go home, pack your things’’ He said and I nod, lost in the grey pools of his eyes. ‘’You are going to live with me now. I don’t partically like you, but I need you to be close to me. I’m going to treat you bad, be possesive-borderline crazy. Youa re going to be kidnapped once or twice, and I’ll probably understand your worht only then. You’ll be miserable but it doesn’t matter cause you have to love me.’’
I nod again and again, his every word hitting home. How romantic! No one has ever threated me this way, so lovingly and possesively. So what If I’m giving up my freedom, my opinion, my loving mother, my whole life just so I can be with a guy!
It’s called true love!
‘’I love you Wolfric!’’
‘’I don’t Skylyr,’’ he says arrogantly. ‘’But you’re mine.’’