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  • Contest Holder
    Erm, actually. *snorts obnoxiously and pushes glasses up*

    Guys, I'm one of those publisher bots. Look at mEeeEEee.

    "I have passion to be a book writer and author as well but I don’t have talent on it so I choose to go for how to get those books promoted and get readers and followers about your books and your profile, and I noticed that you are not getting much readers and followers on your profile, won’t you mind if I help you promote it to book readers and lovers that are interested in it?"

    *giggles menacingly, holding a feathered quill and a contract*
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  • Challengers
    Challengers Friday_Challengers ♡geni♡Challengers D.J.J.MizziChallengers Eruien LevineChallengers Crimson_KnightChallengers 00_Blu_00Challengers suger
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
How Far Are You Willing to Fall?

Hello, welcome to my contest. In this contest you will need to pick a subject, whether that be genre, trope, etc, that you struggle the most with and write it! Rules are as followed;

1. Nothing sexual. Kissing is fine.

2. Gore is allowed, but try and keep it to a minimum. 

3. No AI generated pieces. I will be running these through an AI checker and if it shows up, you are disqualified.

4. Must be between 400-2500 words, give or take a few.

5. If you're writing poetry or song lyrics, it has to be between 100-500 words, give or take.

6. Fanfiction is allowed, as long as the fandom is stated in the title, a comment, or the very beginning as a caption.

Hello, welcome to my contest. In this contest you will need to pick a subject, whether that be genre, trope, etc, that you struggle the most with and write it! Rules are as followed;

1. Nothing sexual. Kissing is fine.

2. Gore is allowed, but try and keep it to a minimum. 

3. No AI generated pieces. I will be running these through an AI checker and if it shows up, you are disqualified.

4. Must be between 400-2500 words, give or take a few.

5. If you're writing poetry or song lyrics, it has to be between 100-500 words, give or take.

6. Fanfiction is allowed, as long as the fandom is stated in the title, a comment, or the very beginning as a caption.

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