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An Account of Monsters


I was in the squat, they always seemed to me like buildings from third-world countries; but you have to do with what you have. There was one beautiful room with a black sofa (I always wanted a sofa in my room) and no tv, a drying rack, some music-boxes, clothespins, etc. But the sad thing was that the room belonged to someone else. Ramses told me I could stay in the room (but that is something else than having it yourself), so I stayed. I enjoyed the room till the moment the owner came home, I locked the door so I had to open it ofcourse and he came inside telling me it was alright I used his room, what a relief!

At the front of the house there was a monster, I always feared the day would come that the minions of Cthulhu would be released (and still I do pray for the very day) and here it had come to pass, I fear they will consume me alive. I know the name of the monster in front of my house but I fear to recall it by its name. The most scary thing was that I opened the door slightly and for a moment I feared the monster would come through the door into the house to eat us all, but the door closed fastly, we were safe again...

For some time I pondered at the lake, it was night, I was outside and kept walking up and down next to the black waters, I wondered where the Deep Ones were and if they would come to get me too, I wished to see them, I truly did, but nothing happened. But at least I could contemplate upon the lake. I was thinking about the monster, what was it doing? Was it sleeping? Was it watching me? The grey huge monster, the Thing I feared most.

I had another room: it was high in a cocoon of white plastic, it was a bubble, it was not much, maybe it was not even real but it was there, there high in the air where the monsters couldn't reach me, where the grey Thing couldn't touch me, I loved this place. I started to put on my rollerskates, the plan was to outskate the monster's speed, to be able to be faster than him; like we did before that day when we outran the cops on the street near the Fishmarket. When I looked out of the bubble I saw the dragons, the monsters; and I knew that they were mere creations of the mind, but still I feared them evermore, while in truth I am one with them; even one with the monster who haunts me.

The monster was able to get inside this time, fastly it ran through the hall, slaying all in its path, it was time and I was finished. When I returned to the beautiful room, he was dead, the owner was dead. His body was lying bloodred on the black sofa. When I explored more I noticed that everybody was dead, but Ramses I couldn't find; ofcourse he mystically disappeared (like always). I heard something. Fear took control of me. Large footsteps in the hallway, shuffling sounds. I had to move, I just had to move. I crawled to the door and looked around the corner. Nothing. Fastly I closed the door behind me. I couldn't stay here. What reason I had to stay here? Suddenly the monster jumped from around the corner on me, knocked me with my head down and devoured me alive...

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