Every fiction writer includes, consciously or unconsciously, elements of themselves and their lives in their works. Characters are often based on people the author knows or on the author themself. Settings, sometimes events... these also may come from the writer's experience. It's what makes a story more believable, or simply more readable, along with plot. A plot is important, but unrelated. But even the greatest plot can fail if the characters are simply paper dolls, as it is. The characters shouldn't be flat (not that I'm all that great at it either; you don't have to listen to me, not that anybody does anyway). For characterization, less isn't always more, but you don't want them to be too complex, or they'll be too annoying as well.
So please... spare people the crap where they can't associate with anything and use your personality. It's more fun that way anyway.
And there you have it: my random banana-sun (again, that's BS to you less-educated folk).
Thank you for reading.