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  • Writer
    Andrew Knight
    Andrew Knight
    My name is Andrew Knight, and I write about the truth. The hard truth, the easy truth. The hidden truth and truth that hits you in the face with a baseball bat.

    My first novel, The Color of Darkness, was published on 5/27/16! It is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, links below!

    Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Color-Darkness-Andrew-Knight/dp/1682899691

    B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-color-of-darkness-andrew-knight/1123859564?ean=9781682899694

    I've also started the Teen Help Society, geared at creating conversation to help teens deal with person issues in a friendly environment; come check it out!
    See more
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The Deviant
PG-13 On Break
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I was detained as a Deviant, a threat to society, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Solstice, our city, is an illusion of safety created by one man and an army of misguided souls. They turned me into a weapon; a powerful weapon whose only purpose is to hunt down my past. A past I had no part of; a past stained with blood and rebellion.

Note: This story is an original of Andrew Knight as seen on www.fictionpress.com. Also, please remember this is a work in progress.