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  • Writer
    Hello, everyone! My name is Killtank, and I'm an aspiring author from the Midwest. I'm also some random person on the Internet who loves to write! But beyond that, I'm an avid reader who's main interest lies in science fiction, horror, and anything under the category of "magical realism". That isn't to say I'll never read anything outside my comfort zone, but those are the genres of literature I find to be the most attractive. I hope that this site will help me improve as a writer so that I may continue to improve for years to come
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A Wish Full of Dreams

It was a night to remember. Ten years ago, Tyson's whole world came undone when his best friend, a girl named Daeja, suddenly vanished from his life. On the day of his eighth birthday, the two children ventured into the forest outside Fraser, Iowa, but only one of them returned from what awaited them inside. The only evidence left behind of her existence was the gift she had given him that day: a peculiar artifact not of this world. It was a night to remember, but overnight the world simply forgot Daeja had ever existed.

For Tyson, the only one who believed his best friend was ever real was the same man who rescued him: a mysterious young man named Trace. But Trace is no ordinary young man. In ten years time, Trace never aged. In all that time he remained perpetually frozen at nineteen while Tyson grew up in his presence. And above all else, only Tyson could see him.

With no memory of who or what he was, Trace safeguarded Tyson like a little brother for ten years. But the truth will soon be revealed. And behind the revelation of Trace's true origin lies a path that may very well bring Daeja back home. Forces both here and abroad conspire to keep the two from reuniting. It will be up to Tyson, his friends and his newfound guardian to unravel the many mysteries which surround their small world in central Iowa.

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