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How We Became

What made you who you are today?  Not who you were yesterday, or years before, and not who you will be.  No, that's not the question; who are you, and what made you become who you are today?  

It could be a testimony if you wish, or it could simply be a story based off how you became who you are.

Nothing to lengthy please, the goal is to create a story that is compelling and inviting, whether it be sad or silly!  How did you become yourself, or are you yourself yet?  

I probably sound like some creep wanting to know your past, haha, I promise that's not it!  But perhaps I should become a bartender so I can hear people's stories...  I've always loved to not only share my own but listen to others as well, so that's what this contest is for.  

Who are you, and what made you you?

Footnote: Please do not drag it out, this is creator's pick, and sadly, if it gets dragged on, it'll be hard to read, so make sure you keep me on my toes!  

•It doesn't matter if your life is "boring" because that's not the question!  

What made you who you are today?  Not who you were yesterday, or years before, and not who you will be.  No, that's not the question; who are you, and what made you become who you are today?  

It could be a testimony if you wish, or it could simply be a story based off how you became who you are.

Nothing to lengthy please, the goal is to create a story that is compelling and inviting, whether it be sad or silly!  How did you become yourself, or are you yourself yet?  

I probably sound like some creep wanting to know your past, haha, I promise that's not it!  But perhaps I should become a bartender so I can hear people's stories...  I've always loved to not only share my own but listen to others as well, so that's what this contest is for.  

Who are you, and what made you you?

Footnote: Please do not drag it out, this is creator's pick, and sadly, if it gets dragged on, it'll be hard to read, so make sure you keep me on my toes!  

•It doesn't matter if your life is "boring" because that's not the question!  

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