
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Words have always fascinated me. I think and feel in pictures - curious I know, so reading and writing is the ultimate outlet. When I write I seek to create feelings within the reader, to summon an understanding of what I am trying to tell you through the story line.

    I like to help - so feel free to call me in for anything. Simply just to read your stories and give my opinion or advice is good with me!... and please do the same for me! :D

    Once in a blue moon? You'll be surprised what causes me to shine.
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  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 Mr.Sniper挑戰者 Andrew Knight挑戰者 Stefani Michelle挑戰者 Benjamin May挑戰者 shnuffeluv挑戰者 EnnaStark挑戰者 TheGreatEscaper挑戰者 Frances挑戰者 ihavenoidea
  • 剩餘時間
Blood Pen Arena Bout 8...

Once upon a time there was a group of writers.... they faced off their dragons and woke the princess, they lost their shoes and begged a fairy godmother for directions to the fairy palace. 

What do I want you all to do? 

Write me a fairy tale of course! 

Re-write an old one with a new twist, or write me a new one! What consists of a fairy tale to you? 

Let's try to stick to a 1000w limit because fairy tales were once oral. 

Good luck! 


PS: I'm leading on a kids camp this week - so from the bottom of my heart I'm giving you an extra week so I can judge you fairly without falling asleep at the computer. 

Once upon a time there was a group of writers.... they faced off their dragons and woke the princess, they lost their shoes and begged a fairy godmother for directions to the fairy palace. 

What do I want you all to do? 

Write me a fairy tale of course! 

Re-write an old one with a new twist, or write me a new one! What consists of a fairy tale to you? 

Let's try to stick to a 1000w limit because fairy tales were once oral. 

Good luck! 


PS: I'm leading on a kids camp this week - so from the bottom of my heart I'm giving you an extra week so I can judge you fairly without falling asleep at the computer.