
  • 作者
    Greenjay Reader
    Greenjay Reader
    I write once in a while. Read, too.

    My latest projects are Wikipedia-mimic "The Histories of Prokop Lini" and HighFleet fanfiction "The Commoner of the High Fleet". I'm also working on two unlisted works called "The Kind Of Tired Sleep Won't Fix" and "We All Die At Lutkevice". No promises.

    Most of the stuff on my profile is from when I was in high school and/or early college. To be honest, the stuff I wrote and shared kinda makes me cringe these days, but I guess that's just a part of growing up. I disagree with almost all of the opinions and writing styles I had when I was younger, but I'll keep those on my profile for honesty's sake. All the stuff from then is now considered by me to be either complete or discontinued.
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(Discontinued) The Concept of the Magon World
PG-13 已完結

Chapter One Part One: A Simple Life
2 喜歡
1004 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter One Part Two: An Exciting Life
2 喜歡
840 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter One Part Three: A Dreadful Life
1 喜歡
896 閱讀
3 留言
Chapter Two Part One: Spells
1 喜歡
829 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Two Part Two: Spells!
1 喜歡
818 閱讀
1 留言
Chapter Two Part Three: Spells...
1 喜歡
836 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Two-Three Intermission: The Guard
1 喜歡
826 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part One: Caring
1 喜歡
806 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part Two: Daring
1 喜歡
718 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part Three: Despairing
1 喜歡
808 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three-Four Intermission: The Northeastman
1 喜歡
739 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part One: Snow?
1 喜歡
700 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part Two: Snow
1 喜歡
738 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part Three: Snow...
1 喜歡
664 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four-Five Intermission: The Farmer
1 喜歡
640 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four-Five Bonus: The Bear
1 喜歡
599 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part One: Entry Examinations
1 喜歡
660 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part Two: Final Examinations
1 喜歡
677 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part Three: An Examination
1 喜歡
658 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five-Six Intermission: The Barking Knights
1 喜歡
641 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six Part One: Storm Weather
1 喜歡
648 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six Part Two: Storm Battle
1 喜歡
686 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six-Seven Intermission: The Illusion
1 喜歡
696 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part One: Relief from Battle
1 喜歡
475 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part Two: Remnants of Battle
1 喜歡
453 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part Three: Horrors of Battle
1 喜歡
435 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# [placeholder]
1 喜歡
427 閱讀
0 留言

DISCONTINUED. Last written: August 2016.

There is a world where people blessed with magic, the Magon, and plain people, the Nigon, live together, but their lives are not in peace. Turmoil has entered this world as it always has in the past, and the Magon-hierarchical Empire suppresses Nigon revolts and promotes the Magon of its territory, yet the Nigon are persistent and will not stop until justice is achieved.

The Scentral Empire favors Magon and magical ability above all else, purging the world of insolent Nigon that threaten the livelihoods of the wealthy Magon leaders. However, the Empire that has stood for over four hundred years has recently faced a challenging foe: the Freir Kingdom of the West. The Freir Kingdom upheld basic human rights for its peasantry, and commanded a caste system that favored no single people, instead only basing profession and wealth off of skill. With its various allies—the People's Democracy of the Northern Province; the eastern people of Dongguo; even the nomadic Myrten, long-time enemies of Scentral, who have survived nearly one thousand years in their desert as a unified people—the Freir Kingdom was able to play decisive attacks, both politically and militarily, on the Empire, and gathered much support from the inside of Scentral, but due to the Empire's cunning strategies, bribes, sabotage, and assassinations, the Freir Kingdom was not able to last even thirty years. The King of the West fell to the hands of an assassin, and the Queen was forced to flee. The West is in turmoil, once again oppressed by the Empire.

The other countries, however, are angered by the despicable way Scentral killed their beloved ally. The rifle-bearing North is readying an army to fight on-par with the spell-casting Scentralmen; the East Country's bowmen prepare their most esteemed warriors to march into Scentral's vassal-country, the Eastern Province, along with the Mrvde, who have skirmished the East long enough to weaken it; and all-the-while, the children of the late King and hiding Queen attempt to raise a new army to attack Scentral, from inside and out of the Empire's lands.

But where do we find ourselves in the boiling tension of this world? We do not follow the stories of nations, but rather the stories of individuals.

Nattia Flau is the Magon daughter of a Nigon farmer, with no recollection of her father. Follow her story as she tries to keep her family safe with her magical abilities, trained under one of the last spellweavers in the Empire. As she lives in County Queen, the demesne of the Scentral Marshal, Duke Eslient, cousin of the Emperor, Nattia will find that conflict will spark in the very place she lives.

Davo Freir is the youngest child of Queen Avdaviel Freir II, the Queen who now hides away from Scentral's eyes. He is proclaimed an international fugitive by the Empire, and he is not even safe in his own home country, and so he has taken the guise of a young scholar looking for opportunity in the Scentral homeland. While he seeks to find his siblings who fled alike him after the Battle of Vinrea-Merriodha, he finds himself in County Queen to look for his eldest sibling, the bastard-child of Avdaviel II, Darien Freir.

And Vi Eslient, who is the son of Dei Eslient, Marshal and Duke of County Queen. He is the cousin of the Prince of Scentral, yet he was forced out of his home by his own father after the supposed death of his mother, and is now the right-hand man of the Bear of Greu Hill, the notorious bandit leader of the Grey Bears that rose in defiance of Duke Eslient nine years ago. Once the son of the second-most important man in the world, he now happily helps the vagrants and scoundrels of the underworld that cannot help themselves.

Unbeknownst to these three, their fates are intertwined, and their destinies will change the course of history in the Magon World. But how will they achieve the destinies whispered to them?

Find out as you read The Concept of the Magon World!

A/N: I have lots of lore about this world and its inhabitants. All text in this story is subject to change, and all depictions and artwork, as well as their text, are subject to change. Please don't steal anything. Thank you for taking your time to read this!

Hey! I'm currently writing a new version of this story that'll be called The War of Wicthwine (or something like that! haven't really found a good title for it yet). I might change the title to something like A Story of Wicthwine or Another War in Wicthwine or something-the-like. These titles are all similar because "Wicthwine" is the name of the world, and I will be including lots of the hidden lore of this story into the narrators' recounting of the events during the events that take place in a major war in this story's world.

If I make several stories and have a series of this going, I'll probably call it the Wicthwine series, or even Magon World as it already is (for instance: War of Wicthwine: the Empire falls with War of Wicthwine: New Kingdoms as its sequel, or as an alternative The Magon World: Fall of an Empire with The Magon World: Hiraeth as its sequel).

So anyways, there's going to be lots of revamping to go about, and a new story will be published here on Penana called whatever it's going to be called, but it will basically be the rewrite of this story. I hope I don't disappoint the people who've read this! Wish me luck.

The above note no longer holds true as of 2021.

Chapter One Part One: A Simple Life
2 喜歡
1004 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter One Part Two: An Exciting Life
2 喜歡
840 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter One Part Three: A Dreadful Life
1 喜歡
896 閱讀
3 留言
Chapter Two Part One: Spells
1 喜歡
829 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Two Part Two: Spells!
1 喜歡
818 閱讀
1 留言
Chapter Two Part Three: Spells...
1 喜歡
836 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Two-Three Intermission: The Guard
1 喜歡
826 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part One: Caring
1 喜歡
806 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part Two: Daring
1 喜歡
718 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three Part Three: Despairing
1 喜歡
808 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Three-Four Intermission: The Northeastman
1 喜歡
739 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part One: Snow?
1 喜歡
700 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part Two: Snow
1 喜歡
738 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four Part Three: Snow...
1 喜歡
664 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four-Five Intermission: The Farmer
1 喜歡
640 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Four-Five Bonus: The Bear
1 喜歡
599 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part One: Entry Examinations
1 喜歡
660 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part Two: Final Examinations
1 喜歡
677 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five Part Three: An Examination
1 喜歡
658 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Five-Six Intermission: The Barking Knights
1 喜歡
641 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six Part One: Storm Weather
1 喜歡
648 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six Part Two: Storm Battle
1 喜歡
686 閱讀
0 留言
Chapter Six-Seven Intermission: The Illusion
1 喜歡
696 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part One: Relief from Battle
1 喜歡
475 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part Two: Remnants of Battle
1 喜歡
453 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# Chapter Seven Part Three: Horrors of Battle
1 喜歡
435 閱讀
0 留言
#Discontinued Chapters# [placeholder]
1 喜歡
427 閱讀
0 留言