"You're Scottish."
Pierre was just putting the last of his books in the locker when he heard that. Surprised and baffled, he closed his locker and turned around.
He raised his left eyebrow ever so slightly, wondering what possessed her to even come and talk to him. He thought that they were still on bad terms because of what happened last time, but here she was, looking at him with that startling bright eyes of hers.
December wanted to curse herself for it. Sure, she had figured out his accent, but was it really necessary for her to come up to him, and blurt that out? To make it worse, the realization of that didn't make her feel better at all, because she should have been familiar with the accent, if having had a kind but dead Scottish grand uncle on her mum's side be the indication of that. 'He'd probably turn in his grave if he knew I couldn't tell the differences right away,' she thought with a bit of embarrassment before adding silently, 'May your soul rest in peace, Uncle Ainsley.'
If she could only take those words back and walk away, she most certainly would have done so with no hesitation. Her pride, however, was the only thing that stopped her from doing it.
December had just gotten out of Arts when she saw him by the lockers. Completely unaware of what she was doing, she realized a little too late until they were both facing each other that she had blurted those words out. December was still trying to avoid him but now that she had walked up to him first, it felt as though she had caved in and gave up the fact that she should be ignoring Pierre when she made the approach.
She sighed internally. Since running away was not an option, she decided to just brave herself and deal with the problem at hand.
She opened, then closed her mouth before opening it again.
"You're Scottish." She repeated lamely. 'Yeah, no shit, December!' she screamed internally into an abyss of humiliation.
Now, both his eyebrows were quirked up.
"And you're English." He said dryly.
Pierre didn't know what was going on or why she was even bringing the fact that he was Scottish, but seeing how red her face were starting to get made him feel less irritated with her. In fact, he was amused because how often did he get to see his nemesis' vulnerability? Not very much, he'd say.
"Well! I-I was just…" She stuttered and started to tap her fingers against her thigh. She forced herself to keep her expression neutral, however.
December could tell that he was enjoying her embarrassment too much, if the smirk and arrogant look on his face be the indicator to that. She wanted to get the damning smirk off his face but held herself back in fear of losing her composure.
'Think something, think something,' was what she chanted frantically in her mind but try as she might, nothing came to aid her.
"You were what?" He taunted with that infuriating self-satisfied smile. It was too much for her at that moment.
'Screw pride!' she thought in frustration.
"Yeah, I was just making sure of something. Oh wow, would you look at the bloody time? I think I have Arts next, so bye!" December all but rushed those words out. Without even looking back, she walked away briskly from him and took the stairs to her right.
If she had a penny for every embarrassing thing she had done or moment she had to go through, December thought she would have enough to pay her tuition fees. Forget the fact that she had just only came out of Arts a while ago, but she also didn't wear her watch that day. She only hoped he didn't notice her blunder about that last bit.
Pierre watched as December ran up the stairs and shook his head.
"What was that all about?" he muttered before making his way towards the library.
The school's library was grand, with its grand wooden doors leading to a vast and endless shelves of books on the first and second floor. There were always people around it, either walking or trying to reach for a book on the ladder against the shelves. When he first came upon it, Pierre admit that he was in awe with the interior and intricate design of the place, especially after discovering an alcove near a corner which led to a secluded area. It was where he had spent most of his time away – trying to avoid the female posse.
Pierre had learned not to sit at a place where he was surrounded by girls in the library because by now he seemed to realize a pattern. They would either giggle, whisper, give furtive glances or talk not so discreetly about him. The first few times when he noticed these things, he tried to ignore it. There were even a time or two when he was flattered by their attention and compliments.
But by the end of the week, he got annoyed.
It wasn't so much of the compliments that bothered him, rather it was the constant pestering that irate him. Whether Pierre was in the library, the yard, cafeteria, or even on the way to the gents' washroom, he was either tailed or stopped by one of the girls. At first he just thought that they wanted to talk because he was still a fairly new student and he didn't mind that at all, although they almost always caught him at the most random of time. The first week of his enrollment, he had been asked on the basic things that a new student had to go through. Then, it moved to his hobbies and if he wanted to hang with them, before the questions got pretty personal, one which had included on what body soap Pierre used because he, according to a girl whose name he thought was Miranda, said he smelt 'pretty'.
Pierre didn't know what to make of that.
After that creepy encounter, he tried to steer clear of any girls that come in cliques. He had even started to hang out with some of the guys from his classes whom he thought was decent, including his two roommates. At first, he didn't want to let himself be swept away by some of the good natured people there but after a month studying, even mingling with some of them, Pierre's resentment towards the place had faded a little bit and he tried to make an effort to at least acknowledge some of them.
Although he was starting to be warm towards them, he still had the scary, arrogant and unapproachable look about him which made half of the students wary and steered away from him.
Not that Pierre minded at all, since he wasn't much of a crowd person.
He walked into an alcove which led into a more secluded room where book shelves surrounded the brick walls opposite him. A mahogany desk were situated on his right with two long burgundy couches in the middle of the room, and in the corner of a left, were two built in seat at the huge window. Since the room was part of the library, there weren't any loud speakers, television or any form of audio entertainment that would cause disturbances throughout the place.
Expecting to be alone in his own little space, he was caught by surprise when he met with his friends' gazes. Weston had just finished arranging books in the shelves while Jethro lounged on the couch. The other two guys lounging beside Jethro were Caleb and Sid, both of whom he met in class.
"So this is your hideout, huh?" Jethro said, his tawny eyes sweeping a quick gaze about the room. "Pretty impressive."
"How'd you know I'd be here?" Pierre grinned as he took a seat by the window.
Sid, who sat down in between Jethro and Caleb crossed his ankles and set it on the coffee table. "Apparently, rumour has it that there's a guy that scowls a lot who was frequently seen around in the library, and us being genius, we knew it was you."
Weston chuckled. "It was a librarian who told you that, Sid." He then added pointedly to the curly haired boy, "And I'd really appreciate it if you could remove your limbs from the table."
Sid sighed but did as he was told as he muttered, "Right, librarians and their duties."
"Anyways, what are you even doing here?" Caleb, a slightly buffed guy with white blond hair asked.
"Hiding." Pierre answered grimly.
At that, their ears perked up as they waited for explanation. They all thought nothing but one thing: Pierre Lachlan, their stony faced, newly made friend who was perceived by their peers as an unapproachable person, because he scowled whenever he got the chance was hiding in a small alcove.
And they wanted to know why.
He knew what was coming based on their questioning gazes so with a sigh, he said, "Before you shoot me any questions, they're just these bunch of girls that wouldn't stop badgering me."
At that moment, a curly blonde peeked around the corner of the entrance and their attention was momentarily focused on her. "Hope I'm not intruding too much but I really need some help in the department downstairs. Mind if I borrow Weston for a bit?"
They shook their heads and grinned at the two couple. Despite being librarians, they don't occupy each other's time twenty-four-seven like the others in their school did. In fact, sometimes they couldn't even tell if those two were even together or not based on the little public display of affection that most students feel important to grace their peers with. Still, they knew the brunet and the blonde were head over heels because of the little things they do for each other.
"Just be sure to return him back before our next class starts, Serena." Caleb grinned before adding shamelessly, "I need to borrow his Math book."
Serena nodded as she laughed while Weston rolled his eyes at the broad shouldered jock, before following his girlfriend out.
The focus was immediately brought back to Pierre. "We're still not done with this?" He asked, eyes widening in disbelief.
"Damn right we're not. You're hiding from a bunch of girls?" Caleb asked, flabbergasted. "You, the big, bad Wolf?"
Pierre cast an irritated look at Caleb but the corner of his lips were almost twitching into a grin at the choice of his words. "They're exasperating."
Caleb still couldn't believe his ears as he muttered begrudgingly, "Only you would say that, Pierre. Only you."
"Who are these girls, anyway?" Sid asked, amused at Caleb's reaction more than Pierre's uninterested reply.
"I don't know, they're mostly blond and always in a group, I guess."
Pierre was starting to get a little tired from his morning classes and he contemplated going back to the dorm or just nap elsewhere before the last class starts, which wouldn't be for another two more hours. Usually, he would have used the current room to do so but now that his friends' are here, and they were drilling him with questions as to why he was in a hideout, that's not likely to happen now…
The gears in Jethro's head were starting to turn before he said, "There are a lot of blondes in this academy but if you say they're in a group…" Seemingly set on his thought, he asked, "Are they all tall like supermodels and hot as hell?"
Pierre raised an eyebrow at Jethro but tried recalling the description of the girls in his memory. He knew most of them were tall, because he had checked them out that time when he was out of their view. He was also not going to ignore the fact that they were stunning. Still, he just wasn't interested to fool around at the moment, and he conclude it was because he still wasn't over the breakup with his ex-girlfriend back in Scotland.
He thought back to what Jethro was saying and noted that as for both tall and having a supermodel figure, there was one that stood out in the group.
"Yeah, there is."
Both Jethro and Caleb whooped in triumph as they high fived each other.
"Holy shit, you've gotten the attention of Karen Joyce. You lucky man." Jethro exclaimed as he shook his head in awe.
"She's the hottest of them all and you're hiding from her? Her, of all people?" Caleb asked, appalled at the fact that Pierre didn't acknowledge an attractive girl like Karen.
Pierre tried to think of some words to say to his stubborn friend but having found nothing, settled on a shrug.
Caleb scoffed. "Hmph! That's not a good enough reason." He didn't understand why Pierre was acting the way he was, since most of the guys at their academy would kill to even have the goddess look their way.
Jethro decided to intervene because by the looks of it, Caleb wouldn't drop the subject unless he was satisfied with Pierre's answer, which seemed like a long way shot considering Pierre's reaction.
He was about to say something to them when he felt his phone buzzed. Realizing it to be a text, he scanned over the words in the phone before proceeding to type a response back.
Jethro wondered about something and decided to ask, "Hey Pierre, have you made your mind about the clubs yet?"
He got his answer when Pierre's eyes were wide with surprise as he cursed. "Fuck, I forgot about it."
"Well good thing for you, I've just gotten news that apparently we have only two more clubs open for late recruitment. So you gotta make it quick." Jethro said, looking over his message again to make sure he didn't leave anything out.
"Wait, what are the options?" Caleb asked, the previous argument forgotten.
"Archery and fencing."
"Archery and fencing, huh?" Sid said before nodding at Pierre with grin, "Interesting. I sure hope you'll make the right decision."
They had gone over with him about the clubs and sports that seemed beneficial to participate in. So far, Pierre had enrolled into some of the clubs but the sports department. According to them, it was super essential to get involved into these things because it makes the process faster in securing into universities or colleges. Of course, grades were equally important in playing the part.
It wasn't that Pierre didn't know all of these because that seemed to be the usual main quota for every school, but he was surprised nonetheless to see them taking this seriously. Still, he went along with it.
Pierre was left feeling pressured because he wasn't any good at those things at all. When they had told him the clubs that were still open for recruitment, he had been indecisive because they didn't seem engaging to him. He would have chosen football but Caleb had told him once that the club had already been full in the beginning of the year. Now that two options presented itself before him, he thought that while archery seemed interesting, so did fencing. He'd never considered about these remaining sports before, but now that he thought about it, the options presented didn't seem that unappealing.
After accessing the pros and cons about the sports, he knew then which one he could at least try to muster some interest into. After all, if he were to take up one more sport, he figured this one would suit him better.
"Uh, I think I'm going to go with..." he paused for a bit before nodding to himself as he confirmed, "…archery."
'Bows and arrows seemed pretty harmless,' he thought to himself as he remembered a bad memory involving his cousins when he tried to fence with them once. 'I don't think I'd survive fencing.'
The guys cheered and patted him on the back and welcomed him to the club, even Caleb who was in the football team.
"Not gonna lie, I was hoping you'd choose our team." Sid laughed.
"You made a wise choice, my friend. Now, let's go tell the president and get ready for a meeting 'cause we're gonna introduce you to the lot of them." Jethro said in satisfaction.
Pierre was taken by surprise. "Already?"
Caleb snickered, swinging an arm each around both Jethro and Pierre's shoulder, "So dramatic."
Pierre grinned at them. A month ago, he didn't think he would be here enjoying the company of the friends he'd made.
Then again, a month ago, he didn't expect to come to Black Bridge Academy at all.
December couldn't believe how idiotic she had been to just walked up to him and say those ridiculous things. These days, she couldn't even comprehend her own actions anymore.
After fleeing from the scene, she decided to spend the afternoon away by a lake behind the school. Although Black Bridge Academy seemed to appear with only a couple of buildings with a nice interior and exterior, December had been surprised to find that there was more than meets the eye.
So far, she had discovered a polished marbled fountain in front of a small pond with stones covering a waterfall rushing down to the tier, a white painted gazebo a little farther from the building, a wide beautiful garden archway that had intricate designs of a tree in gold paint and some cherry blossom flowers decorating the tree in silver. December had peeked through one day, and was delighted to see the garden was full of exotic and nonnative flowers. She always had an appreciation of such beauty.
Having stumbled upon the garden, when she first saw it, she felt like a trespasser then. The whole thing felt surreal to her, to unearth something as prepossessing as that. December was afraid if she had gone back again, that it would all be a dream.
Still, she was grateful to have found certain spots that she never knew were there since she came to the academy. Now, December was certain there was more to unveil and that thought both made her excited and curious at the same time.
Sighing in bliss, she sat down on a bench and looked over to the lake. The stillness of the water and the tranquil surrounding did helped her ease her discomfort over her own actions, but it wasn't enough to block the images of her making a complete fool out of herself in front of him.
'Breathe…you're better than this. You're not supposed to be bothered by things like this, remember? He's just a guy…and sure, you made a big mistake today but that doesn't mean you have to dwell on it.' December reasoned with herself silently before adding with vehemence, 'Just. Let. It. Goooooo...'
"Ugh! I can't!" she groaned and covered her face with both hands.
"You can't what?" a soft masculine voice asked.
December shrieked.
Immediately, she turned around to the source but saw no one.
'W-what? I thought I heard a voice…" she mumbled to herself, eyes wide as she was both terrified and puzzled.
The place was a bit further from the school view and with no one else around her, realization began sinking in and she started to panic. 'Damn it! I shouldn't have wandered around. What if something happens? No one would know where to find me!'1078Please respect copyright.PENANAtDpWdK5phj
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She was broken out of her frantic thoughts when a sudden figure landed in front of her from…the tree?
She watched as he brushed himself off from dry leaves and dusts before looking at her. His pale complexion and blue eyes stared at her with concern.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a soft but accented voice.
December was rooted to her spot, her eyes silently appraising the male figure as she stood still like a statue.
He looked like one of those high class models with his prominent facial features and cool bearing that she'd seen a lot in Brooke's fashion magazines.
Her avocation in watching action movies with foreign people and languages, made her guessed that he had to be Russian. 'I've never seen him around campus before…a new student, maybe?' she thought before adding silently, 'Or a trespasser?' At that last thought, her guard went up.
"Who are you and what were you doing up there?" She questioned before glancing up at the tall oak tree. 'How did he get up there?' she thought, baffled as she assessed the tree growth to be at least 20 meters high.
The pale boy looked at her with a gentle smile as he answered, "Oh, well–"
A sudden tune rang out in the air, cutting him mid-sentence. She watched as he fished out the phone from his pocket and answered it with a single click.
The stranger waited before replying to the other receiver in a fluent but foreign language. "Da, I'm sorry. I'll be there in a bit, cousin."
Although she didn't know what he was saying to the other person, December was certain now that her first guess was correct.
With a perplexed look, she watched as he smiled and said, "Sorry, but I must go. Maybe I'll see you soon." With a smile, he gave a salute of two fingers up and walked away leaving her behind feeling dumbfounded.
December arched an eyebrow. She was caught off guard and wanted to halt him in his steps, asking him more questions in doing so. Where did he come from? What was he doing here, especially at her spot? What was his name?
She stopped and refrained the urge to do so, lest she feels like a weird and crazy obsessed, stalker. December shuddered at that thought.
"I guess?" She mumbled to herself, watching as he disappeared into the small forest. She shrugged then and turned towards the view, sitting down on the bench. She wanted to at least enjoy the solitude.
Today was boring and dull because her friends had different classes than hers, and all had their own unavoidable schedules. Raven had to tutor, Brooke had a drama club meeting and Weston as well as Serena, December thought undoubtedly, were dutifully attending to their librarian posts. She hadn't seen Jethro much today but figured he was doing something else. The only time where they could meet was during lunch and that had been a quick one, seeing how both Weston and Serena had to continue their tasks. It was times like these, with having nothing to do at all, that she felt completely alone and awkward. Evidently, the only eventful but unfortunate thing that happened today was when she'd made a fool out of herself in front of Pierre….which now reminded her about the scene earlier.
'Real smart there, December,' she thought sarcastically.
She shook her head, determining to clear off her mind from such thoughts and scene. "This is not doing me any good." She muttered to herself before deciding to head back to school.
As she was walking on the trail where pebbled stones became her guide to the campus, her phone buzzed. Fishing it out of her blazer pocket, she checked the caller and realized it was Raven. December answered it immediately.
"Hey, Raven."
'Where are you? I've just been informed that we have an archery club meeting. Didn't you received a text?' December noted that there seemed to be a lot of noises and bustling behind in the background.
"Club meeting? I should have received it…" December checked her phone, in case there was a message symbol which she didn't notice earlier but saw none.
"Nope." She responded to Raven before adding, "I guess it didn't get through."
She heard Raven chuckled on the other line, "Well, good thing now that I'm telling you, right? Anyways, we'll be starting in ten minutes. I've saved you a seat, too."
She looked towards and spotted the building in view. Their clubroom meeting was in the left wing, which would only take a few minutes if she brisk walk to reach the building that was nearing. Grinning, she quickened her pace and said, "Thank you! I'll make it in four minutes. Why are we having a meeting? Didn't we just had one a week ago?"
As busy and eventful their club was most of the times, they never had to call for a meeting twice, unless it was for a competition or any emergencies. The junior batch had just finished their mini competition against the seniors so that couldn't be it. And December didn't think there was any urgent matters that need to be attended, since she was one of the people who had to be informed, as was her post as one of the board committees. Puzzled, she decided to keep up her pace and discard the thought since she'll find out why in a bit anyway.
'I wasn't told and neither were the other committees. Brooke's here but I don't see Jethro…oh wait, she said he's on his way.'
Reaching the building, she took a quick turn to the stairs and stopped at the second floor.
"Okay, I'm already in the left wing so I'll see you there," December heard Raven's reply before she hung up.
The Archery Society's clubroom wasn't tremendous but spacious enough to place at least forty committee members in the room and fit in other commodities. Two long but packed shelves were occupied on one end of the walls, lined with a few tomes and publications of the club. They were filled with details from the history of the sport and those who played it to the past champions and guidelines of practicing it. On the cream coloured wall that wasn't embedded with books, were decorated with a couple of paintings of famous archers from the ancient times.
December had thought then that the club definitely lived up and represented the essence of the sport.
As soon as she arrived, Raven had spotted and pulled her aside to a small podium where the board committees were sitting at, facing the other club members. She scanned over the room and saw Brooke talking to a couple of girls in the small crowd. Wondering if their club president were already there, she glanced around until her gaze landed onto Zach while he talked to their treasurer, Cory. Her cheeks flushed a little at the sight of him and December chastised herself for not having self-control. As she tore her gaze away from the object of her affection, she noticed Jethro and Sid making their way towards the podium, greeting and slapping some of their friends' backs.
What she failed to notice, however, was a certain tall and bespectacled someone trailing behind the two of them.
December sat in the front line of the seats, between Brooke and Raven. While everyone was taking their seats, some of those who are still filling into the room, she decided to turn her attention to her two close friends.
Remembering about the odd guy whom she encountered by the lake, she decided to impose her thoughts. "Do you guys know anything about a new transfer coming here?"
Brooke arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Transfer? Not…that I know of." Then, her hazel eyes shone with excitement. "Why, did you see any? Where on earth did you go just now?" She added the last in a demanding but playful manner.
She laughed. "I was by the lake," before she added with an affirmative nod, "Only one, but he's definitely someone whom I haven't seen around."
"Maybe he's a regular here but from a different grade than us?" Raven asked before adding, "What were you doing there anyway?"
December looked pensive. "Thinking."
"That far?" Brooke teased before switching to her boy-crazed mode. "It's a he, you say? Now, this is interesting. Explain, sugar." She demanded.
To Brooke, she sighed. "You and your infatuation with -"
"It's not my fault that the guys here are yummy looking. And besides, I'm appreciating the goods that they have," she quipped.
Raven shook her head. "You're like the guy version of Jethro sometimes."
December rubbed her chin before nodding thoughtfully, "More like Caleb."
Brooke pursed her lips at the two of them before scoffing, rolling her eyes as she did so, "Puh-lease! I'm not the least bit like them. Have you forgotten the fact that I hate them both?"
December answered without a beat. "You tolerate Jethro –"
"- but hate Caleb." Raven finished.
Brooke raised an eyebrow at them. "That's creepy and irrelevant," before waving her hand offhandedly, "They're not important right now."
Just then, Zach approached them with contrite.
"Sorry for springing this out right now. I didn't have time to properly announce this." He said sheepishly.
They waved the matter off with an easy going smile as December, ignoring the erratic heart beating especially when he had that expression on, said, "Don't worry about it. What's going on, anyway?"
Zach continued with his usual grin, "Well, you know how we have been looking for another member since the last one had transferred?"
They nodded.
It was true that their club have been spreading word about needing a new member but that was a few days ago. She knew most people wouldn't choose archery as their first choice since it seemed like a tough thing to do, and there was the possibility that they could get a serious injury as well.
Unless they liked the sport or was a new student in the middle of the year, then that would be the reason why they joined. At the thought of a new student, she quizzed the possibility mentally, 'Could it be the guy that I saw earlier?'
Zach's voice pulled her out of her thought. "I've just been informed about our current status and wanted to introduce the member right away."
They nodded in unison. So now they knew the reason why and it made December curious as to who the person might be.
"This is definitely different from all our meetings." December said.
"Only because it's the first time we've had a new member joined in when it's almost towards the end of the year." Raven said.
Brooke sighed irritably, "For an awesome sport, we're not much popular among the people's choices, huh."
Zach chuckled. "Maybe so, but I wouldn't dwell on that much. We've gained 40 members in a month and a half early this year, right? Now, that's popularity, if you ask me."
She thought of that for a moment and nodded to herself as she laughed. "So it seems."
After chatting a little bit with them all, Zach excused himself from the trio and walked towards the others beside the podium.
Brooke laughed. "Good job in choosing our president as your crush, D. He's a great pick among the rest, alright."
December's eyes widened as she swatted the giggling girl's arm. "Brooke!" she hissed, looking around wildly. She really didn't want anyone to know about her crush on Zach. Brooke and the others knew about it but sometimes they just loved to tease her mercilessly.
The hazel eyed girl sobered. "Relax! I wasn't loud."
"Yeah, but you almost gave me a damn start there." December muttered in displeasure.
Raven glanced at them and gave a short laugh before her eyes scanned over the already crowded room. "I'm wondering who the new addition for our club is…"
'I wonder that as well,' December thought, feeling partially thrilled and curious.
A few minutes later, they watched as Zach walked up to the small podium and tested the microphone lightly before saying, "Alright, may I have your attention, everyone? The meeting is about to start now."
Some people who were still filling in the spaces took their seats quickly and December noted then that everyone was present.
With eight people sitting around the front podium and thirty-two familiar faces blinking at them, December thought that the fortieth member could be among the crowd. She started to scan over but found no unfamiliar face to be in it, or rather the one whom she met by the lake earlier. Hating how impatient and ridiculous she felt since she was about to find out about it, December waited and listened to Zach's speech.
Sitting in between Brooke and Raven along with several other people in the front lines, she was oblivious to the possibility of the new member sitting among her in the third line at the back.
Pierre thought that the process of introducing people to new things or whatsoever was a bothersome. 'This reminds me back on my first day here,' he thought with an irritated sigh.
He remembered being angry at his father for sending him here and wanted to rebel against his old man by doing anything he want. Still, his resolve began to waver when he found out that things were not that bad here. And then, there was also the thought of a certain annoying, sky-blue eyed girl…
He had noticed that she was in the room, the moment he entered and trailed behind Sid and Jethro, watching as she laughed with her friends. He was surprised to see her in the same club because he imagined her to be in…well, in other clubs rather than this one. He had even contemplated backing out but knew that since he was already here, it was too late for that. Judging from their earlier episode, he didn't think she'd want to face him again after that.
Perhaps that was the reason why he opted to stay hidden from her view when his friends offered for him to sit at the front.
He didn't want to spoil the surprise yet, he thought with a wicked grin.
He sat in the very back, aware of his somewhat nemesis sitting in the front, oblivious of his presence. Pierre didn't understand why he always seemed to enjoy making her frustrated and angry but he just did. It gave him a sense of enjoyment that she was affected by him which felt odd, but he didn't bother thinking anything of it.
Both of them snapped their attention to Zach as he said, "…so now, let's all welcome the new addition to our club, Pierre Lachlan!"
December's eyes were wide as she processed that. 'Did…did he just said Pierre?'
The sound of people clapping around her were deafening as she followed the gaze of her peers' looking over her head. As everyone around her started to glance behind them, she followed suit and felt her face drained of colour.
Standing up as his normally stony faced breaking into a small grin, December watched as he stood from his position – he was in the third row, sitting at the end towards her left and she frowned at him. Pierre gave a small wave to everyone and almost immediately, most of the girls in there squealed in delight while some guys whooped in as well. As if there was a magnet pull, he glanced at her and his grin turned into an arrogant smirk. December rolled her eyes in irritation.
Beside her, Brooke, oblivious to her friend's predicament muttered amusedly, "I never thought he'd be our new addition."
"Exactly my thoughts." She said bitterly. 'Why did he have to be in this club? As if it wasn't enough that I made a fool of myself in front of him, he just had to be in the archery club too?' she thought with disdain before adding in a dark mutter, "This has got to be a cruel trick from the universe."
Raven and Brooke both noticed her change of demeanor and were puzzled by that. Ever since the guy came to the academy, they noticed somehow that their friend was either distant or frowning whenever there was a mention of him. It had been amusing at first, especially when December told them of her incident with Pierre a month ago, but now they were really curious about the two of them. After all, the girl rarely ever dwell on things too much, or so they thought.
After a few speeches and introducing the crowd, including the board members, December was relieved that the ordeal had been over. She couldn't bear facing him after what happened and so, with determination in her mind to avoid any contact with him, she started for the exit.
She walked alongside Raven and Brooke, trying to keep her animosity at the thought of him at bay as they walked towards the right wing.
"You know, D…what is the issue with you and Pierre?" Brooke wondered. They came to a stop, a wide view of the school's garden compound spread before them.
December's eyes widened as she didn't think she was a person whose expression was obvious. Apparently, she wore her heart on her sleeve.
She tried to be nonchalant but stuttered, "W-whatever do you mean?"
Both Raven and Brooke gave her a look which clearly said they didn't buy that façade.
She looked at them for a little while before the intensity of her friends' stare broke her composure.
"Ugh, okay! I just…just… you know what? Didn't you have to meet some people for your event?" She laughed nervously and then addressed Raven, "And you have a tutoring session now, right? I guess I'll see you guys later!" Trying to make a dash for the exit, she was clearly outnumbered since both her friends anticipated her action and therefore had already blocked her way.
Brooke said apathetically, "You know we both had that done and over with," before sharing a look of concern with Raven and sighed, "Honestly D, you do know that you can count on us, right?"
She bit her lip in tense.
"Look," Raven started, "We were just worried that's all. I mean, you've been having this glaze and distracted look whenever he's mentioned. That, or you'd frowned and get angry."
"And as your friends, we care. So, either you spill or we're going to have an intervention." Brooke said smugly.
December stared at them.
It was true that she considered them both some of her closest friends but does she want to confide in them about Pierre? Especially since she herself couldn't understand why she was so agitated with him, for even the slightest thing? Sure, he pissed her off immensely and she never knew she had a limit to her patience. Still, it didn't make sense to her why she was letting him have an effect on her.
It was ridiculous to think that of course, because her friends had always been there for her, even when she was bullied by Karen Joyce. Touched by their concern and feeling guilty for holding back, December laughed a little as she shook her head.
With a sheepish grin, she said, "Sorry for making you worry. And thanks guys."