
  • 作者
    Conflagration Blitz
    Conflagration Blitz
    [Formerly Jess Rufus!]

    If you listen to the void for long enough, you can sometimes hear me yeeting myself out of oblivion to write something substantial.

    The query "uploading schedule" returned an error 404, though.

    I have a plot sometimes. Mostly, I'm planning and designing characters for no apparent reason other than "ooo look at these cool personality traiiiiits".

    I'm a hobbyist writer and (digital) artist! I've also coded three short games, somehow. I like to consider myself a jack of as many trades as possible, but I'll master something eventually. Other pasttimes include trying to become fluent in another three languages (Thai, Japanese, Latin) whilst also trying to remember my mother tongue, UK-English.

    A note for those looking through my portfolio: I've been on Penana for a long time, so please check the date of publication! Don't fall into the illusion that something from three years ago still accurately represents my writing skills nowadays. I like to think I've improved a little.
    See more
3 Warrior Princes
PG-13 計劃中

3 princes, as happy as can be, are struck by a terrible disaster.

They lose everything. Except each other.

They embark on a journey, to find the one who destroyed their kingdom, learning valuable lessons along the way.

Edward may not be as weak as his brothers perceive him to be; and John may not be as selfish as he seems.

And Harold, the eldest, may not be all he appears to be, for he hides the darkest secret of all...

I do not own the image, I merely took inspiration from it. It's fanart of the Arclight brothers from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL. Depicted above are III/Trey, IV/Quattro and V/Quinton.