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I feel her lick my neck, I know she licked my neck because that's just how Ziryah is. 

"Okay, Ziryah," I said grabbing her hands and cupping them in mine,  "If  you  want to do this right now then we have to take a ride to the drive-thru."  

Her face pouts. "I want to do it now." she urged.


I exhale a sigh. As I sat up, I placed a delicate finger on her bottom lip. "When we do," I say, "we need to be protected." She really doesn't handle that the way I'd want her to. 

"You know Emrick!... I don't think I want to anymore,"  "I don't think we'll ever be able to do this again."

She says this while slipping away from my grasp. She offers us both a thumbs up. We're passing it back and forth until we just stop. 

"Oh Ziryah, I thought we agreed that we only have each other until school starts back up," "But see. . .we still expect we'll have control over each other even though we're a temporary thing."

She shrugs.

"I know that... It's just-"  She cuts off and lowers her head, grabbing hold of her elbow. " I don't know." She admits dropping on the bed beside me. 

"But that doesn't mean We're over," Her head lifts, "Right,"  "I mean there's always next year's summer?" 

I shake my head, meaning it only to be to myself but allow it to show. 

"What!" Ziryah demands. "what's got you shaking your head?" 

"I-" I couldn't finish; Wouldnt allow myself to finish. I saw this before and can't live with myself if I let it happen again. So I get up and look down at her.

". . .what," She says shyly. doing everything to keep her eyes from connecting with mine.

"Ziryah," "Look at me." I lift her chin to look at me. But her eyes only look to the sides. I smile. hunching to her and placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. Then whisper, '' I love you."
