
  • 作者
    A newbie writer with a sum of stories looking for a place to call home :))

    I never really like making bios of myself because it makes me feel awkward for some reason eheh— like what am I supposed to say??
    I like this and that and oh wait— I take that back!

    Like, I just don’t know. I’m the type of person that shares my interest only when having a one on one or one on no more than 4 because... I mean... if there’s more than 4 people there, chances are there’s someone more interesting than me to learn about so hahAhahahHhh—

    *cough* ehem... anyways.
    I’ll just jot down the classics I guEss

    shING— some rando dude pushing up his glasses—“Mr. Ate, do you, or do you not like writing?”

    “Hahah yes I do but uh actually it’s Mrs. not Mr... wait I’m not married *cough* So uhm... would it be Miss then? Cuz I mean— I have heard people use Mrs with non-marri—“

    sLAM! Rando Dude—“Order in the court Miss! Order In the court. Seriously this is no time to ramble on like your held at gun-point.”


    anyways, do you or do you play an instrument, AND IF SO— which instrument do you play?”

    “Ah yes the only thing I’m averagely good at. I play violin, I am pretty good but hey, it’s the confidence that counts. Am I right? or am I right? *wiggle eyebrows*”

    RandoDude—“*judgemental stare* Moving on... What kind music do you appreciate?”

    “I love everything. Yah picky?? Not me. If I like it, I like it, If i don’t, I don’t, simple livin’ right there. Now I will say that I do have my favorites like uh— Classical stuff, electro is cool. Oh! And rock is always a vibe but I gotta say, indie! Now that’s... that’s good stuff like *chefs kiss* But you gotta hand it over to them reggae people’s, they really know how to just groove through life.”

    RandoDude—“Can’t argue there. nope nope. *shakes head* Anyways we’re out of time!”

    “T-there’s a time limit..?”

    RandoDude—“Not really, but no one cares that much about you, so we’re gonna end it here.”

    See more
Memories Dreamnt

      Prologue | Beginning of the End

    It's a rainy afternoon. The garden flowers glisten, as raindrops decorate their closed petals. A young man, whom people seek out with the name, Ren; fixates his blue eyes on the gentle few sun rays— that peak their way through the clouds. Silence prevails his lonely room. Ren then exhales a burdened sigh. Shifting here and there in his bed trying to find comfort, he soon gives up, and begins to stare again, straight through the light that livens his eyes; making their shallow depths deep like the unknown waters.

IMPORTANT! + signs indicate the character thinking to themselves +
* signs indicate action *

Ren—"+Maybe it's just because i'm older now. But i never felt more relieved than when it rains. Especially on days like these... where i find it difficult to cry+"

Ren gets up from his bed, grabbing his cane. He begins to walk slowly down the narrow hallways of a simply decorated townhouse. Aimlessly he walks, as his feet seem to carry him to the floors of a wet patio; he follows suit to the drenched surroundings, and steps into the pouring drops. Sighing, he lifts his head up towards the rain, closing his blue eyes. He speaks in a quiet, gentle voice.

Ren—"Mom.. my times up now huh? Is this how you felt? Did you feel as helpless as I do right now?"

Rens grandma, Chiko, passes by the patio. She stops as she sees Ren standing in the rain; running over as quickly as her tiny feet can scurry.

Chiko—"Ren darling! What're you doing out here? You'll catch a cold!"

Ren—"*he turns around looking at his grandma with his blue eyes* Grandma.. I'm going to miss you."

Chiko—"Ren..? What do you mean, no ones going anywhere."

Ren—"Dont make me say it aloud please... *he says with a solemn expression* It's already too hard for me. *smiles slightly*"

Chiko—"I'm sorry dear... I'm... *she chokes up as tears begin to fall*"

Ren—"+Dont cry please... don't make me feel so..+"

Chiko staggers into a rickety chair set underneath the patio roof, Ren kneels before her with a sad smile, wiping away her tears. The twisting of a knob opens the door, welcoming Rens younger brother, Rin.

Rin—"I'm finally homee! I smell food, but why don't i see anyone? Helloo~? *he looks around then sees Ren, he walks over* There you are!.. Man it's pouring out here. Why're you two— *he pauses as he sees Chiko crying* ..W-whats wrong?"

Chiko—"I... I'll leave you two alone."

Ren—"Grandma.. don't—"

Chiko—"Shh... *kisses Rens cheek* Don't worry darling."

Chiko says with slight regret, leaving the two brothers alone.

Rin—"Ren... what's going on?"

Rins older brother just stands there smiling without reason, furrowing his brows slightly. Clenching his fist Rin raises his voice, staring at his brother with his black eyes.

Rin—"Could you stop smiling for a second and tell me why the heck grandma was crying!?"

Ren—"*he looks down* i'm sorry I.. *he looks back up at Rin* I just don't want your last image of me to be a gloomy face."

Rin—"Ren! *he shouts* Just stop. Just... for once could you stop pretending? I don't even know you anymore...because all you do is keep smiling, acting like nothings wrong! You don't tell me anything, what happened? You don't think i can handle it!? I'm tired of it Ren..."

Rin chokes up as he grits his teeth. Soon letting go of his grip, his body becomes weak as he dangles his head downward; letting his tears flow. And in a weary voice—

Rin—"I'm tired of you not letting me love you the same way you love me."

Ren drops his cane grabbing onto Rin quickly. The two of them embracing in the pressure of an ongoing pour of rain drops, and tears.

Ren—"Rin... I'm sorry, I was just trying... *holds back tears* ..to keep you happy."

Rin—"You think i was happy knowing that every time you smiled it wasn't real? Ren please... in these last moments, could you just let me make up for all that you've done for me? *he looks at Ren* D-Don't leave the same way mother did."

The two brothers get lost in each other's eyes. Each having a fearful expression; their brows furrowed inwards, quivering lips, with a hiccup from their crying. Rin looks at his older brother with his black eyes that are curtained with a veil of tears. Making Ren loses himself, bursting into a shivering sorrow, not even the amounts of rain can hide the flow of tears falling down his pale gray cheeks.

Ren—"Why do i have to go too Rin..? I don't... I really don't want to.. *he leans his head against Rins shoulder* It doesn't feel fair at all."

Rin—"*holds Ren* I know brother... but one day we'll be together again. Well that's what they say, but we'll believe it okay!? And till then, i'll always be talking to you, everyday. And i know you'll hear every word... you won't be alone okay?"

Ren speaks in whispering tones, seeming to be gasping with his every word said.

Ren—"I don't know if i can believe it Rin... everything that i was so sure of, just seems to feel so wrong now.."

Ren grips tighter onto his brother, trembling in his arms; as puts Rin puts his hands on Rend cheeks, trying to see his face. They look at each other once again.

Rin—"You can Ren, because i promise... I'll believe enough for the both of us, I promise Ren! Because

Ren—"—Love you."

Ren falls. As he lets out his last breath before dying. Rin yells, and begins to laugh in disbelief— calling his brothers name over and over, before falling down to the floor. Embracing his brother in his arms. Chiko hears Rin's desperate cries, as she falls to the ground at the miserable sight. 

Itsuki, Ren/Rins father, comes home from work. He sighs while taking off his scruffed shoes, placing down a suitcase. Walking around he hears the echoes of his family, beginning to think to himself... "no.. no—"


Itsuki—"No... it can't be.. Ren! *he falls to the ground crying*"

Suddenly a ghost appears with the appearance of a man. Unable to be seen by Itsuki and his family. The ghost speaks to himself in a bored tone.

Ghost—"About time... Goodness, so emotional! *sighs* It's times like these where I almost have a heart again. But I don't!"

The ghost reaches his hand into the heart of Ren, taking out a glowing seed; examining it, he seems amused. As he smiles from ear to ear, with menacing eyes.

Ghost—"What a beautiful heart, Mmm... such a shame~"

The Ghost disappears. Leaving the family alone on the patio, crying over the death of a son, grandson, and brother. The rain begins to slowly subside, and the flowers begin to open their petals; with gentle rays showing themselves through the opening of the fading to white clouds.

Benjiros Journal
Entry #1
"Sometimes life shatters. And often times, we don't know why. The picture we were so familiar with, no longer makes sense. Making us go insane, cry, then try to rummage any reason to answer that taunting question... "Why?"

Most of the time we can't find an answer. Forcing us to live with a picture, that is almost impossible to accept. But of course time moves on, and so we somehow learn to function with our hearts missing pieces. Because time doesn't heal, time forgets. And it's either we forget along with it, or choose to suffer... suffer to find those missing pieces. Till our tears are shed... for something beautiful.

Please don't give up, my dear son.
End of Entry#1—Benjiros Journal


Itsuki—"Ren...not you too... why couldn't I save you!?"

Rin—"*leans his head against Rens*"

Chiko—"Son please..."
Itsuki's expression shifts from that of sadness, to one of a confused angry man. As he stands up— charging away into the house, dreading to look back.

Itsuki—"No..! +this is all wrong, it's... all wrong. Please someone help me... I don't know what to do anymore+"
End of EP#1
Beginning of the end

Author— a.t.e

Written -- 3/8/2021

Hello! Its me a.t.e :))

I just wanted to give a lil'story on the discovery of Memories Dreamnt~

I remember having a strange dream where everything was at peace. There were two boys walking down along a pathway decorated with falling cherry blossoms; chatting gleefully. And like the usual dream everything suddenly transpired into some sort of picture wall of many different, what it seemed to be, memories of the two boys. For some reason these memories started disappearing one by one. Making one of the boys worry immensely as his friend was somehow going to die along with these memories. So his friend, decided to suffer the disappearance of the memories by sacrificing himself in their stead; inevitably dying for the sake of his friend surviving. The last picture I saw was the boy, now a ghost, looking at his friend who sits in the classroom at the desk they once shared. And smiling, with gloomy gray eyes. 

This is where my dream had ended. Upon waking up I had a river of thoughts rushing through my mind! Thus starting the beginning of my writing journey :))

Memories Dreamnt was originally meant to be a comic, but sadly I'm not all that great at drawing yet so haah-- ;; It might be written a lil'odd in the beginning because of that. Dialogue may seem like a script-log, and such. But I'm trying my best to make it more of a book-style type of ware! 

Anyways-- I hope whoever made it this far, enjoys my story and finds an intriguing world blooming inside their mind~

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