
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Ohayo guys!
    I'm A human, I like to write stories in free time and I also draw. Don’t judge me I’m just a kid, lol. @v@
    Profile credit: Peachberryrose on insta(that’s me☘️)
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 MarkTwain2.0挑戰者 Aubrey挑戰者 Sunyi挑戰者 Clovers挑戰者 Zuleihat挑戰者 ItzKpop_1挑戰者 a.t.e挑戰者 MarieKen挑戰者 Joey999挑戰者 Mira挑戰者 linwee挑戰者 Mini scribbles 挑戰者 yaraa25挑戰者 Katty 挑戰者 Aserilla1挑戰者 geeky_greeky_nerd挑戰者 RampantStrawberry挑戰者 ⁱᵗˢ.... ᵉᶜʰᵒ挑戰者 藍海之雪挑戰者 Divinerites挑戰者 @jorge213挑戰者 Willy Wonka
  • 剩餘時間
30 word story challenge

Here's another challenge, 

Write a short story, meme that does not exceed beyond 30 words. You can make it funny/adventurous/other genre, whatever you like.

**Edit: You can go beyond 30, but your story should be short**

The one that explains more in less words win.

Oh and those who win can have their story in comic form. 


last time I could only make drawing for one of the entry but this time Imma gonna make many drawing(if we have many entries that is)....

Here's another challenge, 

Write a short story, meme that does not exceed beyond 30 words. You can make it funny/adventurous/other genre, whatever you like.

**Edit: You can go beyond 30, but your story should be short**

The one that explains more in less words win.

Oh and those who win can have their story in comic form. 


last time I could only make drawing for one of the entry but this time Imma gonna make many drawing(if we have many entries that is)....

Closing Remarks - By Blue_daisy
7 喜歡
226 閱讀
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Soldier to babysitter - By Aserilla1
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A Lover's Quarrel - By MarieKen
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I was a businessman... doing business - By Joey999
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A simple man, in simple times. - By a.t.e
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