
  • 作者
    台灣人 大學生
    Pray thee, deign to offer recompense and prod for more. Thy perusal serves as the fount whence my literary endeavors draw vigor and zeal. Thy munificence and gentle exhortation to seek more sustenance engender in me the fervor to weave more tales, to delve deeper into the recesses of creation's canvas. In thy patronage and encouragement lies the sustenance for the quill's dance upon parchment, as it endeavors to capture fleeting thoughts and shape them into worlds and sagas. May thy grace continue to bless these humble compositions, and may the ethereal muse find favor in thy benevolence, guiding these words to inspire, enthrall, and kindle the flame of creativity in the hearts of readers yet unknown.
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Verily, what malady is this, when one doth venture into the park and succumbeth to fainting until such a late hour, returning only to rouse me from slumber and utter such words? Dost thou presume that I would be moved unto death by thy actions? This comportment may signify infirmity or bodily discomfort, leading to a swoon in the park and an inability to promptly return home. The utterance of such words by the party involved may stem from a sense of self-reproach or guilt, yet it doth not necessarily imply an intention to move me unto the brink of death. At this juncture, it behooves one to attend to the health of the afflicted, ensuring they receive suitable medical attention.I dare not act rashly, for to endure is the rule. By adhering to the rule, generation and transformation arise, thus each abides in its virtue, giving rise to myriad beings, none exempted. Should wood exceed its bounds, earth shall suffer, for I prevail over that which prevails over me. The offspring of earth, metal, when received and governed, I fear that which overcomes me not, naturally enduring to govern, and thereby engendering transformation. Should fire exceed its bounds, metal shall be restrained, and the offspring of metal, water, shall receive and govern. Should earth exceed its bounds, water shall be restrained, and the offspring of water, wood, shall receive and govern. Should metal exceed its bounds, wood shall be restrained, and the offspring of wood, fire, shall receive and govern. Should water exceed its bounds, fire shall be restrained, and the offspring of fire, earth, shall receive and govern. Such is the manner of the five elements. This is why they engender without harm, and restrain without overpowering. Thus, generation begets generation.