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Hello All My Loyal Readers!

My name is Austin Elliott, and I am an independent writer (fictional & non-fictional) and audio entertainer. I've had a knack for writing ever since I thirteen and a knack for audio since I was eighteen. 

My experience in both audio and writing really got kicked up a notch in 2016, right around when I started working with audio. I became an independent content creator while attending junior high, a deep passion I continue to juggle along with my everyday life to this day. 

My best efforts go towards two things...

1) An audio series I have on NewGrounds called Thrilling Villains, where I analyze the origin stories of memorable villains in fiction. I've been doing this series for two years now and have two series dedicated to it. After repeatedly switching on and off with this series, I have returned to work on the series and the third season full-time in the month of August of 2020.  

If you wanna check out my audio projects (and hear what my beautiful voice sounds like) you can click the link below where you'll be sent to my NewGrounds account, offering HOURS of professional audio content. 


2) After years of trying to master my craft in story writing, I have decided to throw in the towel in fictional story telling and verting to better talent of my own; Song writing. I LIVE FOR MUSIC, and I can NEVER EVER picture a life without it. I've never actually made a song before, just write lyrics to a tune in my head. I dabbled with it a little bit when I was little, but, I recently revisited the hobby and found my wordsmanship and expressions are easier, professionally, and more rivetingly fun in the form of lyrics. After going through an emotional rollercoaster in recent times, writing my feelings down in song is riveting. Some of it sentimental, some of it is angry, some of it is violent. My point in all of my music is to show that above all, I'm human, I have emotions, and it's ok to express them, good or bad--It only makes us human. 

After discovering Penana, I felt EXCITED to express my writing once again, by posting my lyrics, and, after arriving at the website, I'm hoping I could find a way to express myself through non-fiction articles (I hope there's a community on here looking for article writers) 

If you gotten this far, I'd like to thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read this and get to know me. If you see me in the community or read one of my projects, say hi, and let me know what you think. I love the idea of collaborating with other writers, and I'll be sure to make you as happy as I can working along aside you and YOUR anticipated goal. Above all, I am a very fun, outgoing, energetic guy.

And now a proud member of penana.com :)

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