A Fanfic about Rocket Raccoon and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Rocket, after reliving the horrors of his past, comes face to face with a cage of baby raccoons on a rescue mission.
Instead of releasing them back on Earth, Rocket raises them in secrecy and tries to understand the difference in thier lives, which leads to one of his biggest decisions.
Contains references and parts from the new Guardians of the Galaxy 3 movie.
This is the way it has been for my people, for as long as anyone could remember. Each new life brought with it the threat that the creature posed. Each new life could be snatched away from us too early, too harshly, and far too cruelly.
Malina-Deprassi was a world of extremes. The Big People had more than they ever could need. The Small People struggled to get by. Events occur which cannot be explained. Prophecies are told which gain widespread attention. Children are born into the world.———
This work is in the public domain and anyone can do whatever they want with it.
A young mother knows that the people who control her land will take her baby from her.
This is what happens to children sometimes. The rich and powerful need a new slave that they can bend and mold to their will sometimes, one they can keep in the intimate confines of their mansions. And it's so easy to break a child if you raise said child.
She knows that her baby will grow up not knowing the stories and songs and anger and laughter of the people in the fields and factories and mines.
Before she has to say goodbye forever though, she can give the child something important.
A piece of her history, a bit of strength.———
This work is in the public domain and anyone can do whatever they want with it.