This story follows Mizuha’s daily life at her new high school, including her friendships and the challenges she faces. It also features the stories of her friends, exploring their backgrounds and past experiences.
George and Rupert are your fantasy gay couple who does everything because one secretly has a lot of money and experience in magic that he is practically immortal, while the other is the opposite who is pitiful and baby-needy. Follow their daily life after they had celebrated their 18th birthday and have fun reading!
A -sometimes- uplifting sequel about growing up, conquering generational trauma and learning to love yourself, even if you don't know who you are yet. Things are looking up for Luna- a new girlfriend, a supportive new family and a job she kind-of tolerates. But when a childhood friend's wedding brings Luna back to her home town of Sanford, Luna has to deconstruct her trauma while dodging the advances of her well-meaning but problematic former church friends.