Just a place where I put some of my poetry. My poems are generally about the world we live in and the world we dream about, about the rage and pain and love and hope that makes up the human experience.
This is just a place where I keep some of the poetry I’ve written over the years. Some of it is about me, some of it is about my friends, family, and loved ones. Some of it is about people I’ve never met. Some of it is about stories I’ve heard over the course of my life. There are many themes throughout, but the tying theme is universal equality and true liberation.
This is a letter I wrote to the Canadian Government for Have a Heart Day 2024. I am asking the government to stop discriminating against First Nations children, to stop giving them inadequate services, education, and support, to stop treating them unequally compared to non-Indigenous children, and to stop taking them away from their loving families. I really hope that you read my letter and that you either copy paste it or write your own, and email the Canadian government yourself.
This is the letter I wrote to the government of Canada, asking them to stop discriminating against First Nations children and families on reserves, and asking them to stop taking First Nations children from their loving families. All the research is from the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, whose website is here: https://fncaringsociety.com
You can read the following letter and please, please, even if you don’t live in Canada send a letter of your own, either using this letter as a template or in your own words:
Power, Corruption & Lies: "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc". The priori; with the bad moon rising at the horizon, beyond the heavy and mysterious sea of Mist, no blood is thicker than the ink belonging to a collection of stories, tails, vignettes, thoughts, reckonings, short poems of a world who revolves around the tip of the spear, gray alike the clouds that lightened and obscured of their own history.
Laughing Stock: "If faith is what driven us together in search of ourselves, then we must try to do it on a leap". The posteriori; from the idyll to the youth to the decay of substance, life goes on and on in this real life fantasy, alike the path taken by the Crescent and her ancestors, who once shared of same blood ingrained on that red coat. While her youth dreams are kept alive, only the fear, the failure and the spea can block the way to achieve a purpose in a life under the rain.
(Current) Index
Power, Corruption & Lies (First Half):
Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi2LnK5cla-Pt5__QAm9j0CjgkxSchK_2
Laughing Stock (Second Half):
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi2LnK5cla-OqVuuxMfJKFbTfBIwciysc
Thanks: Myushu for Practice Medicine and Prince of Thieves, Meriko for Duty and Honor, Ayrith for Sum Of Memories, Guardian1 for Thirteen Ways To Say Goodbye, and JotaTe for The Last Cherry Blossom, among many other authors and their stories who had influenced me over the time.
There is no use to keep exhuming what is meant to come assunder. Nothing seems to last forever, except the memories and experiences brought by those who lay. Yet, a Dragoon Knight has the task and a desire to rebuild everything as it was once before, including the revenant who is tied to her by a lack of what was once his identity (Based on Katharine Frost's Persistence of Memory).
Did you know that Indigenous children in Canada are being separated from their families just because they are poor? Did you know that Indigenous children are being denied healthcare, disability support, and more? Do you know that education is underfunded for Indigenous children? That all social services are underfunded? What can you do about this? You can participate in Have a Heart Day, and send the Canadian government a letter and card, and make a snow bear, and educate yourself and spread the word!
I cannot feel the overwhelming horror that coils deep in the darkness of my soul. I do not know how to move past the way my feet stay frozen in the ground.