
Lily Whiskers
加入於 Apr 4, 2015
Lily Whiskers
業餘作者 讀者
來自 United Kingdom 出生 21st Feb 1999 高中
Lily Whiskers
在《Those Three Words》的第9章中留言。
9 年前
Lily Whiskers
喜歡了《》的第1章 - Lovers, Assemble!
9 年前
Lily Whiskers
9 年前
Lily Whiskers
9 年前
Lily Whiskers
9 年前 0

Muncher - Yeah me and phiston have contact IRL and. I have been trying to entourage her to keep writing as i think it will help but there is not i can do

Have been away on holiday for a while so could not reply   
9 年前
Phishton - I Already said i`d try, but i cant stop her from not coming on
Also @Muncher only created his account for that one comment
9 年前
shnuffeluv - I'm with @Ramen Noodles on this one. Sadly I do not know her irl, but judging by the way she wrote her experiences, I'm fairly certain that what you said is true, as I suffer from all of those things as well, except none of them are minor in my case, and I could relate to everything she was saying. @PoisonPurple, if you're reading this, know we love hearing from you, and if you don't want to come back yet it's okay, but we all want to make sure you're safe and happy.
9 年前
Ramen Noodles - I am afraid I was too late in doing something as well. I was unaware of her blog post until I saw her status. I do not know her personally, and I simply tend to follow the people who follow me. I only realized how severe it was far too late, and I considered giving her help- but it would not work too well without first having spoken to her. If she truly does as she says then she will be back in a few weeks and we can all try to help her then, but if she does see this then I would like for her to know we all care for you @PoisonPurple, and we want to help you through whatever tough times you are going through in your life. 
9 年前