
Cha Cha Montgomery
加入於 Mar 6, 2023
Cha Cha Montgomery
出生 29th Jan 1930
Cha Cha Montgomery
3 天前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery
3 天前 0

Rfrog27 - A coquette is a flirt, a girl or woman who knows how to flatter and manipulate men with her charms in order to get what she wants. Coquette sounds French, and it is, borrowed into English from French in the mid-17th century.
3 天前
Panzer - What does that even mean.
3 天前
Rfrog27 - I wonder too
3 天前
Cha Cha Montgomery
4 天前 1

Cha Cha Montgomery
4 天前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery
4 天前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery
4 天前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery
喜歡了《Amnesia》的第6章 - Daughter
4 天前
Cha Cha Montgomery
4 天前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery - SO COQUETTE 🎀🎀🎀💖💖💗💗💕💕💓💓✨✨
4 天前
Cha Cha Montgomery
2 星期前 2

Panzer - Doubt it, makes for some entertaining drama though, lol.
2 星期前
4 天前
Rfrog27 - Me too
2 星期前
4 天前
Cha Cha Montgomery
2 個月前 0

Cha Cha Montgomery
2 個月前 0

Rfrog27 - Stop mewing
2 個月前
Thelongspoon - @Cha Cha Montgomery, She's a young girl 
2 星期前
Rfrog27 - Wtf@Cha Cha Montgomery,
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - I just dont want a jawline like urs
Like bro I can barely see the line
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
2 個月前 1

Cha Cha Montgomery
2 個月前 1

2ignature Sm1ley-Face - Really grosses me out
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - honestly tho
2 個月前
Panzer - It’s not just autism sadly, people also like to fake tourettes and DID.
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - now they're faking cancer too
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
3 個月前 0

Friday_ - Help I'm confused- How Can Elle Fanning be in My Neighbor Totoro but also have only been born in 1998(For context Totoro came out in 1988)
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - @Friday_, loll
2 個月前
Friday_ - @Cha Cha Montgomery, I was so lost for a minute TvT
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - @Friday_, ohh ok
2 個月前
Friday_ - @Cha Cha Montgomery, ACTUALLY I FIGURED IT OUT- She was in the dub, which came out later
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - @Friday_, i feel like it was just a typo or smth
2 個月前
Friday_ - @Cha Cha Montgomery, I know right
2 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - @Friday_, witchcraft
2 個月前
Friday_ - @Cha Cha Montgomery, Yeah
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - shes in my neighbour tororo? 
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
3 個月前 0

Panzer - Welcome to the club.
3 個月前
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
3 個月前 1

Mira - I got five-
3 個月前
Panzer - Somehow got 6
3 個月前
Rfrog27 - Got 3
3 個月前
3 個月前
Rfrog27 - I am I just have bad memory @Cha Cha Montgomery,
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery - i really thought u were my friend-
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
喜歡了《Shadows Never Vanish》的簡介及另外1個章節。
3 個月前
Cha Cha Montgomery
3 個月前 3

Friday_ - Yes(taylor's version)
3 個月前
bunnybear - yep
3 個月前
Panzer - Yeah, that's a Swiftie. 
3 個月前