
加入於 Apr 14, 2023
業餘作者 讀者 編輯
來自 United States 出生 22nd Oct 2004 高中
開始撰寫一個新的故事 Shorts w/Helluva Boss OCs
10 個月前 0
11 個月前 3

Another~Monster - Bro I thought she was like dead or somthin
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, remind me later please, unless its short
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw3dg-Kb4io funnie
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, wtf??
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, my one eyelid, top right, is sore, i poked @ it and its the same as the topleft, but topright is sore, makes no sense
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, true.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, i offered tylenol, and tums. and im most likely sick, and its ok enuf i think its allergies, bc both u and bee r sick, i spend my days w/yall, soooooo most likely lmao
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, my head's hurting again, and my gut feels weird. so it's not terrible, i'm was just meant i hope you didn't get sick.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, what happened GREY
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, hope you are doing better than I am rn
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, heh.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, j recently finished my exam and i am pooped
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, i'm getting high on ghost again.
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, np
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, tyyyyy
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug,ye
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, if theres smth we both like, u take what u want from it, i take the rest like dinner last night?
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, i might only eat a bite.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, yeah, now i want lunch
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, noice
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, i moved seats :33
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, alrty.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, eng teach is on a conference call, i might move seats bc the guy who sits behind me likes putting his feet on the basket under my desk. i wouldnt mind if i wasnt HERE FOR IT
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, yea
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, thats good
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, feeling less sick, so alr.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, hungry bc i didnt finish breakfast, wbu
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, so, hru?
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, she doesnt do shit then wonder why the schools goin 2 shit
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, fr.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, i hope she implodes
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, mhm.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - she could b lmfao
11 個月前
11 個月前 1

11 個月前 1

11 個月前 2

Another~Monster - Watch, he's gonna go attack someone again to make it seem like he's better.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, eh, j ignore it, and could u collect screenies? in case
11 個月前
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, him being an amoeba is literally an insult to the amoebas
11 個月前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, He wants to be an amoeba so he can "eat" my brain, so don't call him that, he's a speck of dust.
11 個月前
DildoSlug - hes literally a fucking amoeba its ok
11 個月前
DildoSlug - If you wanna cause pain, do it in more subtle ways, just saying.
11 個月前
11 個月前 2

Ashy_Haze - omg you saw the newest Helluva Boss episode, too????
11 個月前
Ashy_Haze - @DildoSlug, yes
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @ Ashy_Haze, yeah!! i thought that was really neat
11 個月前
Ashy_Haze - @DildoSlug, also there was a plague doctor at the end so that made me happy
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @ Ashy_Haze, NOOOO BAHHAHAH
11 個月前
Ashy_Haze - @DildoSlug, srsly my friend didn't even notice it at first, then I told him to look at it closer
11 個月前
DildoSlug - @ Ashy_Haze, the statue of striker had me cackling SO BAD
11 個月前
Ashy_Haze - @DildoSlug, it was amazing
11 個月前
DildoSlug - Saw it almost as soon as it came out!! aboslutely loved it

11 個月前
11 個月前 2

DildoSlug - probably will be back sometime august if i remember this place
11 個月前
1 年前 1

1 年前 1

1 年前 3

1 年前 1

1 年前 1

♡geni♡ - Bruh you lucky 😭
I would be kicked out by now if I wasn’t so good at hiding my sexuality 
1 年前
DildoSlug - @♡_kiiki_♡, yeah course
1 年前
♡geni♡ - @DildoSlug, ty 🥲
1 年前
DildoSlug - give me 3 years and i can legally adopt you/hj
1 年前
Another~Monster - bish how?
1 年前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, as funny as some of the typos are they arent on purpose (minus gjost, that one is purposeful)
1 年前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, oh, ok.
1 年前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, the typos are only worse now bc im tired as all hell
1 年前
Another~Monster - @DildoSlug, my fuck...
1 年前
DildoSlug - @JohnDoe, like how i miss h and hit j instead, like a lot of the time on pa i say "wjat" instead of "what" because my fingers r j fuckin lazy
1 年前
Another~Monster - HOW DO YO HIT c INSTEAD OF g@DildoSlug,
1 年前
DildoSlug - how what
1 年前
1 年前 2

1 年前 2

1 年前 2

Ashy_Haze - oh i love that song
1 年前
DildoSlug - its a good song def
1 年前
1 年前 3