
Seamus Brown
加入於 Jul 26, 2016
Seamus Brown
業餘作者 讀者 書評人
來自 Australia 出生 8th Jun 1999
Seamus Brown
5 年前 1

Jane Glass - That makes me kind of sad, but I guess I can understand why.. Sometimes I'm tempted to remove my mine too. and as you pointed out this place is prettyyy dead.
5 年前
Seamus Brown
5 年前 1

Seamus Brown
6 年前 1

Jane Glass - YAY!
6 年前
Seamus Brown - @Jane Glass, NO I WANT SNAPPER 
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat,Well goodness. Do you think I just have that laying around? Eat your tuna, picky kitty.
6 年前
Seamus Brown - @Jane Glass, i prefer BBQ snaper 
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat,tuna good or are you picky?
6 年前
Seamus Brown - @Jane Glass, now give me fish 
6 年前
Jane Glass - The stray cat returns!
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 1

Seamus Brown
6 年前 0

Seamus Brown
6 年前 2

ShadowBobcat10 - ditto. 
6 年前
Jane Glass - That sounds super frustrating.
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 2

JamaiexAlready - What job you need? :)
6 年前
JamaiexAlready - @The Hybrid Cat, Alright. Goodluck then. :)
6 年前
Seamus Brown - One that pays money and is consider legal by the Australian government 
6 年前
Jane Glass - good luck with that.
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat,Np. :P
6 年前
Seamus Brown - Thanks
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 1

Xoul Ryders - :O Congrats on graduating Year 12! The real world will be grateful to have you living in it.
6 年前
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 2

ShadowBobcat10 - With your permission, I'd like to use that in my joke book. It's kind of unique (or maybe I just don't get out enough), and sneakily funny. 
6 年前
Seamus Brown - GO AHEAD MY FRIEND 
6 年前
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat,lol yeah.
6 年前
Seamus Brown - @Jane Glass, It's a mix most likely 
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat, I'm guessing they're either not thinking hard enough about the sentences, or I'm just dirty. XD
6 年前
Seamus Brown - @Jane Glass, Good Good so many people don't get it 
6 年前
Jane Glass - @The Hybrid Cat,I think I got it. XD That's, um, a lot of kids *COUGH*
6 年前
Seamus Brown - So I'm going to assume you got it
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 2

Seamus Brown - And 15 minutes later I get beaten, good job to @MarsianWarrior you have bested me this day
6 年前
MarsianWarrior - @The Hybrid Cat
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前 0

Seamus Brown
6 年前 0

Seamus Brown
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前
Seamus Brown
6 年前