
NaNoWriMo Prep
NaNoWriMo Prep
會員 (94)
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The Month-Long "Write In"
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
A lot of places (bookstores, libraries) that get involved in NaNoWriMo host "write ins," or days when NaNo's get together at a time and location to write together in person. Well, considering the diversity of our community, I would like to dedicate this space to one big "write in" for the duration of November! The concept is simple: when you get on your computer to write for NaNo, hop on this thread and check in. If anyone else is on, everyone can strike up a little pow-wow and have a virtual write-in! Any and all discussions are welcome, and feedback/idea swapping is all but mandatory!
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
Love this idea Andrew! :) I am currently in chilling writing the next chapter of my NaNo right now. :) Writing like a mad fiend so I can relax for a few days. :p
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
I'm writing right now too... I saw an old friend on Halloween night so I didn't have a chance to begin 'til now. I'm curious to see how much I can write this year... My job itself affords me 60 boring hours every week where I can just write the whole time to keep myself occupied!
Coen Wonder
Coen Wonder8 年前
Proof-reading some paragraphs that I have written:)
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
the word "proof-reading" does not exist for me during NaNo..otherwise I would never get to 50,000 words lol
Coen Wonder
Coen Wonder8 年前
@Stefani Michelle, ha-ha. That's quite true! But sometimes it just happens!XD
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
@Coen Wonder, I have to literally force myself not to reopen previous chapters so I don't edit or proof-read. lol One year I had my sister lock the documents so I couldn't go back in. The struggle is real.
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
@Stefani Michelle, I try to proof-read while I write, or I get crazy bogged-down (as could be expected) if I ever try to go back and revise the mess that is a NaNo project!
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
Do you guys write here on the site, or use a word-processing program and shift it over here when you're ready? I'm curious...
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
I love using Scrivener, then I just shift it over whenever I think I am at a good stopping point for the chapter. :)
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
Huh, that's a really cool program! I had never heard of it before and just looked it up, it looks like it's worth a try!
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
@Andrew Knight, Yeah I actually found it my 1st year doing NaNo, I've used it ever since. I really really enjoy it for my larger stories. Hope you enjoy it as much! I think you get a 30 day trial free because of NaNoWriMo so you can try it out before purchasing it.
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
Oh, very cool! I'll try it on my home computer for sure, I like the way you can set up some side-by-sides for notes and such.
shnuffeluv8 年前
I use Google Drive...I did last year, too, and it's a good thing, since my main USB busted in August...I have quite a few things I would like to recover, but it's upward of $100. ='( So now I prefer to rely on a cloud that can't malfunction as easily.
sar-low8 年前
Sitting at school lunch writing a novel. Not exactly how I pictured my november. good luck to everyone.
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
Same. I write during my spare at school
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
I am writing while I am at work! :D Probably shouldn't be but meh. :) It's slow today.
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
@Stefani Michelle, At least it'll past the time!
sar-low8 年前
@Stefani Michelle,  I pretty much skipped my first class to write. If my debate teacher found out i would be in mild trouble. I am going to skip my comp class to write. we are starting a new project so i can fake that i am working.
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
@sar-low, That's some serious dedication
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
@sar-low, don't skip class! just stay up late :p
shnuffeluv8 年前
@sar-low, I would never have the guts to do that. Luckily I've had a day off school today, so I'm trying to get as ahead as possible. I'll be starving myself on and off, I can tell.
sar-low8 年前
@shnuffeluv,  @nicole armas @stefani michelle the teacher loves me. she offred for me to skip class today to practice my interp peice . and my debate teacher is super loose about his rules. Not that i try but i may be a bit of a teachers pet. I think it is because I am polite.
Frances8 年前
Someone bully me into this next chapter, I am draaaaaaagging. And I can't do coffee because I need sleep because toddler. heeeeeeeelp.
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
You can do it! I have faith in you!
Bobby8 年前
We're in this together right now! I have a grand total of 31 words counting my 3 word title... It's grind time
Sophia Laney
Sophia Laney8 年前
You can do it! Take it word by word. letter by letter.
HoldenKern8 年前
You need a pep talk? A pep talk is what you get. Now, I guess the regular approach would be to say "Woo-Hoo! You've got in you!!" or "There's no question you can do it!", but I prefer something like "JUST GET YOUR FREAKING FINGERS MOVING!!". Did that help? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Frances8 年前
@HoldenKern, bahaha!!! honestly that last one is what i really needed, for reals dude *double thumbs up*
HoldenKern8 年前
@Frances, Always happy to virtually scream at people.
Frances8 年前
okidokie, finally got down to it. 1544 words tonight so far and I haven't finished the chapter yet. Now we're cooking with gas.
HoldenKern8 年前
@Frances, 643 words and that's not even a fraction of the chapter. But good job to you, though! Me, on the other hand...
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
After I make dinner I'll get to the grind with you guys... I only have 1800 or so words, need to pick it up!!
HoldenKern8 年前
May I join by any chance? I have the impressive total of 286 words. Hip Hip! *Hooray*
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
@HoldenKern, jump right on in! Are you working on your NaNo project?
HoldenKern8 年前
@Andrew Knight, Sorta kinda maybe. I'm probably gonna just try the 50,000 words without joining the contest itself. It's kinda to short notice (since I just found out about it yesterday).
Sophia Laney
Sophia Laney8 年前
I  have about 1,700 and something words. Okay I need to quiet my editor part of my brain!
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